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What does a Marauder offer over a Jugg in PVP?


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I am really torn between these two classes for serious PVP.


I like the look of having two light sabers better but on paper its seems the jugg may be the better choice due to better survivability and similar DPS (atleast in the rage tree).


So what can a Marauder offer in PVP that a DPS specced Jugg cant do better?

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A skirt.


This. Actually you know what else they offer? Glitched abilities (choke/ravage), mountain of input delay, less armour, less hp and tons of frustration. I beg you, go Jugg, if you dont like it, level him up to 45 and message me and you can have my Marauder, I kid you not.


PS it may say attacks with both lightsabers but that is rarely the case and if it does, be ready for that lightsaber to do all of 100 damage, saaaawwweeeeet.

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As rage? absolutely nothing at all.


The juggernaut has more utility(guard/leap/a knockback), defence(better version of saber ward, heavy armor, 30% more health on demand), damage(30% more smash damage.), mobility(leap to a friendly target and in 1.1 2 back to back force charge), HP

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I am really torn between these two classes for serious PVP.


I like the look of having two light sabers better but on paper its seems the jugg may be the better choice due to better survivability and similar DPS (atleast in the rage tree).


So what can a Marauder offer in PVP that a DPS specced Jugg cant do better?


Talented Predation + Undying Rage + Capping on nubs who think sorcs are the best ball runners.

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AoE knockback + roots the entire team trying to kill you, bubble and 150% sprint allowing you to completely jump over a fire if you're one one floor above it.


I have an aoe incapacitate. I win. 150% for 2 seconds, you lose. Undying Rage = 99% damage reduction, I beat your bubble and raise you a served son.

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AoE knockback + roots the entire team trying to kill you, bubble and 150% sprint allowing you to completely jump over a fire if you're one one floor above it.


With that logic you would take sins over sorcs. Force Shroud/Saber ward > bubble.

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Predation, Bloodthirst, Deadly Throw, Obfuscate, Undying Rage.


1. Only effects people standing on top of you.

2. Healers lol at -20% and heal right through it

3. Sweet! You made one guys auto attack not work.

4. An extra 4 seconds before you die.

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1. Only effects people standing on top of you.

2. Healers lol at -20% and heal right through it

3. Sweet! You made one guys auto attack not work.

4. An extra 4 seconds before you die.


Pretty much this. Although undying rage sometimes helps if both you and your target have low HP but overall I do not find this skill that awesome. It also has it's relative use in huttball so you can run through flames. About obfuscate I am not sure, but I find I don't use it at all.


Overall many of the marauder abilities seem like too little bang for the buck.


PS: yeah, healers don't really care about the 20% debuff as I have figured.

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I have an aoe incapacitate. I win. 150% for 2 seconds, you lose. Undying Rage = 99% damage reduction, I beat your bubble and raise you a served son.


You're dramatically over valuing/interpreting the abilities you're talking about.

Edited by getdownsb
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