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I just can't do it.


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I thought Hoth was too far spaced. The I got to Belsavus. Anytime I have to travel 10 min to get to a quest area (on a speeder) do a quest for 1 min, then another 10 min ride back to turn in, only to be sent right back. Holocoms should be used on every quest.


I've shut the game down for the same reason dozens of times, Once I get to tattoine on a toon, I just fricken' stop playing it cause I hate the travel. I have 7 toons lvl 25..only 1 at 41. I tried.


The game is beautiful, but I'm done. Good Gaming all.

Edited by Guenaveer
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Sometimes, the quest layouts are a bit rough, if you don't know where to find all of the quests, but in my 1-50 I found that, in general, side quests are laid out to be nearby to your class quest too - So if you collect all the quests, run around and do them, then go turn in.. it shouldn't be nearly as much back and forth? Yet I've heard this complaint a lot, so maybe I somehow missed a bunch of quests, or just picked them all up properly, idk.


Sucks you got so frustrated, have fun with whatever you do in the future!

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I thought Hoth was too far spaced. The I got to Belsavus. Anytime I have to travel 10 min to get to a quest area (on a speeder) do a quest for 1 min, then another 10 min ride back to turn in, only to be sent right back. Holocoms should be used on every quest.


I've shut the game down for the same reason dozens of times, Once I get to tattoine on a toon, I just fricken' stop playing it cause I hate the travel. I have 7 toons lvl 25..only 1 at 41. I tried.


The game is beautiful, but I'm done. Good Gaming all.

It sounds like MMO's aren't for you.

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I thought Hoth was too far spaced. The I got to Belsavus. Anytime I have to travel 10 min to get to a quest area (on a speeder) do a quest for 1 min, then another 10 min ride back to turn in, only to be sent right back. Holocoms should be used on every quest.


I've shut the game down for the same reason dozens of times, Once I get to tattoine on a toon, I just fricken' stop playing it cause I hate the travel. I have 7 toons lvl 25..only 1 at 41. I tried.


The game is beautiful, but I'm done. Good Gaming all.


Sorry one of the issues finally broke the camel's back for you. Have fun and good luck!

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I thought Hoth was too far spaced. The I got to Belsavus. Anytime I have to travel 10 min to get to a quest area (on a speeder) do a quest for 1 min, then another 10 min ride back to turn in, only to be sent right back. Holocoms should be used on every quest.


I've shut the game down for the same reason dozens of times, Once I get to tattoine on a toon, I just fricken' stop playing it cause I hate the travel. I have 7 toons lvl 25..only 1 at 41. I tried.


The game is beautiful, but I'm done. Good Gaming all.


Just go back to WoW. The whole "never leaving the main city to level from 15-85" thing seems more your speed. No exploration needed - just queue for your dungeon and turn off your brain.

Edited by McVade
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The only three places I like are tatooine, hoth and alderman. I love open spaces, it's the linear maze like planets I hate, which is about 90% of them:mad:







Edited by Jaick
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do what I do and gather up all the quests you can. Most areas have several quests relatively close to one another. I gather all the quests, complete all the quests, then turn them all in once i get back to 'town'. occasionally you'll have that odd way out of the way quest, but for the most part, this works really well and saves tons of travel time. I usually don't even go buy my new ability upgrades until I'm at a stopping point in my quests so I don't have to do extra traveling.
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Just go back to WoW.

Where function trumps aesthetics.


Just wait until you spend 5 minutes traveling, spend 10 minutes killing into a cave to get to the guys you need to kill, spend 10 to kill the guys you need, then 10 minutes killing your way out again, then 5 minutes traveling to the turn-in point.


40 min elapsed time. All for a SINGLE DAILY.


While this is certainly not the norm, and is something I would expect from a company new to the MMO genre (and thus doesn't bother me all that much), it can get very tiresome, very quickly.


Don't get so dismissive of legitimate gripes. And lose the overdramatic hyperbole, it's unbecoming.

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Wow... LOLOL @ this! So you're unhappy because the game is too big? LOOOOOL!!! If the game is too big for you then just go quest in your back yard. In my oppinion, I love the long travels. Not only do I love them but I also love the scenery. It makes everything worthit! I could just gaze at the canyons on Hoth for hours - the game is just so beutiful! Still though, xD. Edited by reaperkeepet
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"Waaaah! The game is too small!! it's a linear themepark!!"


"Wahhh! the game is too big!! I have to travel to get places!"



Further proof that Bioware should just ignore the whiners on these forums, since people are impossible to please.


Just seems like one of those things where the dev's are screwed either way.

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OP - your pain, I feel it.


All my characters jump off the balcony in House Organa instead of walking back down all those confounded stairs. What, Alderaan is too cheap to afford elevators? I bet they don't even have indoor plumbing! Stupid Alderaanians. Alderaanites? Alderaanicans?

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I was JUST thinking that last night... even logged out without even getting to a resting area because it was a little irritating. The travel time to action ratio is horrific, atleast on Tattooine.


BUT, I still love the game...


...so far.

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Totally agree, this is a cheap and lazy design when it comes to timesinks. I'm getting more and more fed up with bugs and bad design-decisions in this game. Really a shame though, I really wanted this game to work out. <3 Star Wars.

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I just was typing an email to a friend explaining the planet to planet travel. as Im typing, I realized alot..here it is.


"I mean when you go from planet to planet, here's a snapshot.


1 - run to spaceport

2 - run through big spaceport to your shuttle bay

3 click on bay

4 loading screen

5 loads bay.

6 run through big bay to ship

7 click on ship door.

8 loading screen

9 plays ship launch cinematic (20 sec clip) can be spacebarred through.

10 loading screen

11 you are now inside your ship

12 runn to the bridge

13 click on navigation computer

14 navigate the computer to space section

15 find planet and click on it.

16 hit travel to planet

17 loading screen

18 ship going into hyper-space cinematic.

19 ship stops

20 run to ship exit

21 click on door

22 loading screen

23 cinematic of ship flying down to planet.sometimes long

24 loading screen

25 now in air lock, run through airlock

26 click on hanger bay door

27 loading screen sometimes

28 run through hanger bay to space port elevator

29 click on elevator

30 navigate to lower level

31 loading screen

32 now in space port. run through huge spaceport

33 now try and remember why you came to the planet."


Don't get me wrong..the game is lovely..


But i just wanted to play a game..not live there. Thanks for the replies.

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Just go back to WoW. The whole "never leaving the main city to level from 15-85" thing seems more your speed. No exploration needed - just queue for your dungeon and turn off your brain.


WoW is actually a better game so im not getting the insult here.

And how does riding for 10 minutes just to get to a point=intelligence?

I was just wondering because thats what you're suggesting.


You belong in this game with the rest of the sub-par disney kids.

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