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People who ninja for their companions


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I think rolling for your companion should be greed. always. when you hit 50 your companion is practically useless. you have raids, heroics and world bosses. at what point do you use your companions in there?


Its hard to believe people dont understand that yet.

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I don't understand, support or respect needing for your companion unless you have already asked and your group is OK with it (by the way, THAT is how it should be done if you want gear for your companion). Sorry, but when I see someone do that, I consider it selfish and greedy, and I won't group with that person again.


As someone already pointed out, your character is in the instance, your companion is not (well, usually!). Player characters are obviously more important than companions.


There's another problem. It's obvious with the amount of different companions we get that people can need on almost any gear if we account for companions. This renders the whole need/greed system meaningless in itself, but it gets worse. You can't even know when someone rolls need whether they really need it for their companion or if they are just pretending and go and sell the item afterwards. For example, I use maybe one or two of my companions and just leave the rest. What's to stop me from needing on something for the others and then selling the gear? I bet a lot of people are already abusing the system like this.


I confronted one person who was needing on everything. You know what he told me? He knew he didn't need it. But everybody else is needing on everything. He's probably right too, people have most likely been ninjaing his gear like crazy before that run.


PS: The whole problem would be a lot smaller if you could "need for companion" (but that would probably make the greed option almost unused), or if you could just trade items for a while like you can in WoW.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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I don't understand, support or respect needing for your companion unless you have already asked and your group is OK with it (by the way, THAT is how it should be done if you want gear for your companion). Sorry, but when I see someone do that, I consider it selfish and greedy, and I won't group with that person again.


As someone already pointed out, your character is in the instance, your companion is not (well, usually!). Player characters are obviously more important than companions.


There's another problem. It's obvious with the amount of different companions we get that people can need on almost any gear if we account for companions. This renders the whole need/greed system meaningless in itself, but it gets worse. You can't even know when someone rolls need whether they really need it for their companion or if they are just pretending and go and sell the item afterwards. For example, I use maybe one or two of my companions and just leave the rest. What's to stop me from needing on something for the others and then selling the gear? I bet a lot of people are already abusing the system like this.


I confronted one person who was needing on everything. You know what he told me? He knew he didn't need it. But everybody else is needing on everything. He's probably right too, people have most likely been ninjaing his gear like crazy before that run.


PS: The whole problem would be a lot smaller if you could "need for companion" (but that would probably make the greed option almost unused), or if you could just trade items for a while like you can in WoW.


When you break it down, it has nothing to do with companions.


If I help I am entitled to roll how I please. The rest is none of your business, you get a chance to roll to at which time you can roll however you please.

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I think rolling for your companion should be greed. always. when you hit 50 your companion is practically useless. you have raids, heroics and world bosses. at what point do you use your companions in there?


Its hard to believe people dont understand that yet.


What you think does not equate to fact. The *fact* is I am entitled to roll and you have no business interfering with that entitlement.

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I don't have to tell you anything before or during the group about my roll habits. Frankly, it is none of your business.



Because then you would lose the element of surprise? Of coarse its my business. I'm keeping you alive, or tanking, or helping you kill things for similar goals, or what is imagined to be similar goals. If you operate under that context and then swipe everything you see for yourself, its hardly honest play.


The rest of what you said just sounded off like typical selfish prattle, and isn't really worth going over. But that statement had to be the funniest part. Really shows how you view your fellow gamers. A real product of the group finder button.

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When you break it down, it has nothing to do with companions.


If I help I am entitled to roll how I please. The rest is none of your business, you get a chance to roll to at which time you can roll however you please.


It has been a long time since I've disagreed so much with anything.

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Because then you would lose the element of surprise? Of coarse its my business. I'm keeping you alive, or tanking, or helping you kill things for similar goals, or what is imagined to be similar goals.


Likewise I am helping *you*. Don't forget that bit.

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When you break it down, it has nothing to do with companions.


If I help I am entitled to roll how I please. The rest is none of your business, you get a chance to roll to at which time you can roll however you please.


That is a very egocentric and egoistical view of grouping and loot distribution. Following your logic it is ok for me to roll need on an item I cannot use, just cos I feel like it.


Remind me to never group with you..


In my world it's about team play. If I group up with others and we work together to down a world boss, I'm happy for loot to go the the person who will make the most use of it. And that will always be a player characters. Cos let's be honest, while gearing up, you prioritize your main character over your companions. So player characters always have more use for upgrades than companions.

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Easy fix for this would be to add a loot option called class only, that only lets you roll need on things for your class.


The easiest option is to remove the 'Need' button. People seem to think it entitles them to further benefits, which it does not.

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


My companions can, as a group, use darn near any piece of gear that drops. Your theory renders the need/ greed distinction irrelevant.


It will also render you a pariah on your server.

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On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.





the problem is ninjas will come up with justification, in their eyes, for their rolls every time. Just look at some of their reasons in this thread

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That is a very egocentric and egoistical view of grouping and loot distribution.

That's your opinion, but hardly fact or relevant.


Following your logic it is ok for me to roll need on an item I cannot use, just cos I feel like it.


That is correct. That you decide to do otherwise is your prerogative and none of my business.


Remind me to never group with you..


More irrelevance to the issue.


In my world it's about team play. If I group up with others and we work together to down a world boss, I'm happy for loot to go the the person who will make the most use of it. And that will always be a player characters. Cos let's be honest, while gearing up, you prioritize your main character over your companions. So player characters always have more use for upgrades than companions.


Like I said previously, how you play or what you do with loot is your choice and none of my business.

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


Are you serious ???? PLAYERS NEEDS HAVE PRIORITY OVER COMPANION NEEDS. How can someone take something away from a person who did his part in a group venture just to give it to his *********** companion is beyond my grasp.


And you know what? With this attitude of yours you won't last long on your server without a xrealm LFG tool. Good luck finding groups in a month ar two.

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Likewise I am helping *you*. Don't forget that bit.


Not if I knew what you were like ahead of time you wouldn't be. Thats my point. You say its none of my business how you roll. But I am suspicious that is largely because you know that it will get you booted. Otherwise why not tell people ahead of time? Sounds like if you lose that element of surprise you might not get the opportunity to snag all that stuff your grubby little digits desire.

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It's not a ninja if he can use it including the companion. Companions are part of the game so you might want to just get used to that fact. I know I won't hesitate even for a second to need on a item for my companions.


Then enjoy not doing hardmodes. Cause I know if you take gear a Character can use for your companion, people will hate you.


If no one actually needs it, sure.

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Are you serious ???? PLAYERS NEEDS HAVE PRIORITY OVER COMPANION NEEDS. How can someone take something away from a person who did his part in a group venture just to give it to his *********** companion is beyond my grasp.


And you know what? With this attitude of yours you won't last long on your server without a xrealm LFG tool. Good luck finding groups in a month ar two.


Actually he will. Ninjas on trask ulgo goes free and if you ever tell anyone on global chat they are ninjas you only get put on ignore.

So you can ninja all you want and it is more likely the ones on your server complaining that does not get to group in the future.

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It will also render you a pariah on your server.


See that's the part that scares me. I'm not entirely certain about this. I was in one group where a guy needed for everything. I complained about this, and the others just didn't care. They were using the system correctly, but they didn't care at all.


It would render you a pariah in another MMO for sure. But I'm not sure about SWTOR. Just look at this thread for example. Post something like this in another MMO and you'll be flamed to death. Here there is actually a bit of disagreement.

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Then enjoy not doing hardmodes. Cause I know if you take gear a Character can use for your companion, people will hate you.


If no one actually needs it, sure.


In this you are correct, mostly.. Most people will hate me because in their eyes I scammed them out of something they could have won, had I rolled using their perceived wishes which enhance their chances of gaining something by others not using their entitled right to roll 'need'.

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They were using the system correctly, but they didn't care at all.


Explain correctly? Is there some rule book that dictates that because you think it so, I have to agree? The question is do I 'need' the item. If I feel I do, I roll 'need'. Why or what I do with it is none of your concern.

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