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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf sorcs already


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Sorcs really need to be looked at. Comapred with other classes sorcs get way too much utility.


They can bubble for 10k health repeatedly which makes them invincible, their light armor has the stats of heavy armor, they can leap to enemy, leap to ally, friendly pull, enemy pull, have 7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round, they can cross guard each other, they can vanish, stealth their entire group, and basically can 1v8 whole warzones. Top that off? They can *********** HEAL which is ridiculous because it allows them to replace the health after I damage them.


Please look at this Bioware or I'm cancelling.

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Sorcs really need to be looked at. Comapred with other classes sorcs get way too much utility.


They can bubble for 10k health repeatedly which makes them invincible, their light armor has the stats of heavy armor, they can leap to enemy, leap to ally, friendly pull, enemy pull, have 7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round, they can cross guard each other, they can vanish, stealth their entire group, and basically can 1v8 whole warzones. Top that off? They can *********** HEAL which is ridiculous because it allows them to replace the health after I damage them.


Please look at this Bioware or I'm cancelling.


you forgot the purple lightning!!!! OMG THE PURPLE LIGHTNING all over my body and its slowing me down!!!! NERF!

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Sorcs really need to be looked at. Comapred with other classes sorcs get way too much utility.


They can bubble for 10k health repeatedly which makes them invincible, their light armor has the stats of heavy armor, they can leap to enemy, leap to ally, friendly pull, enemy pull, have 7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round, they can cross guard each other, they can vanish, stealth their entire group, and basically can 1v8 whole warzones. Top that off? They can *********** HEAL which is ridiculous because it allows them to replace the health after I damage them.


Please look at this Bioware or I'm cancelling.


Aren't you describing some crazy nonexistent SI with Dual AC abilities? For example I don't think Sorcerers get Guard. I think you're seeing SI's and you think they're all Sorcerers.


I agree that especially in Huttball many of the Sorcerer abilities are OP but stop mixing up SI AC's and attributing all the skills of both to one super class.

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Sorcs really need to be looked at. Comapred with other classes sorcs get way too much utility.


They can bubble for 10k health repeatedly which makes them invincible, their light armor has the stats of heavy armor, they can leap to enemy, leap to ally, friendly pull, enemy pull, have 7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round, they can cross guard each other, they can vanish, stealth their entire group, and basically can 1v8 whole warzones. Top that off? They can *********** HEAL which is ridiculous because it allows them to replace the health after I damage them.


Please look at this Bioware or I'm cancelling.


Id rather you cancel then support the nerf merry-go-round.


Adapt, stop pvping or cancel.

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Aren't you describing some crazy nonexistent SI with Dual AC abilities? For example I don't think Sorcerers get Guard. I think you're seeing SI's and you think they're all Sorcerers.


I agree that especially in Huttball many of the Sorcerer abilities are OP but stop mixing up SI AC's and attributing all the skills of both to one super class.


I'm highly knowledgeable of all things related to SWTOR and through countless hours of highly level PVP play I have observed all of the things that I posted are valid and true.


I'm currently Valor 92, Expertise 1050 (still waiting on BM weap), Legacy rank 25.


Bump again for quick dev response!

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If there was an AC that had "7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round..." you have a discussion that is worth having. As of right now there is a bunch of hyperbole or a lack of understanding of AC's and your surroundings in a WZ.
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I'm highly knowledgeable of all things related to SWTOR and through countless hours of highly level PVP play I have observed all of the things that I posted are valid and true.


I'm currently Valor 92, Expertise 1050 (still waiting on BM weap), Legacy rank 25.


Bump again for quick dev response!


LOL then explain how you saw two Sorcerers swapping Guard when it's an Assassin only skill.


Who cares what you observed, your level or how much valor you have if you keep mixing up AC's.

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You do realize that the first class to get nerfed if any is the OPS right?


Their damage is more game breaking than anything else.


But listen, they said they aren't going to be nerfing anyone right now and buffing jugs.


So you have to deal with it or cancel because pvp is life :) Roll a Sith Sorcerer then.


What is that saying? If you can't beat them join them :)

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LOL then explain how you saw two Sorcerers swapping Guard when it's an Assassin only skill.


Who cares what you observed, your level or how much valor you have if you keep mixing up AC's.


Then please explain to me why I wasn't able to get either sorc down below 95% health no matter how much I hit them?

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Then please explain to me why I wasn't able to get either sorc down below 95% health no matter how much I hit them?


Its skill based. The first thing I think of if you can't get a LIGHT ARMOR USER under 95% health, is the lack of skill or you just try to auto-attack (HA) people to death.

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I'm highly knowledgeable of all things related to SWTOR and through countless hours of highly level PVP play I have observed all of the things that I posted are valid and true.


I'm currently Valor 92, Expertise 1050 (still waiting on BM weap), Legacy rank 25.


Bump again for quick dev response!



Please god, tell me ur joking right? What one previous stated ur mixing up everything. First of all every sorcerer cant grip someone if they arent Corruption (healing) specced. And they cant stealth cuz thats assasin. And leap? I have no idea what ur talking about. Just cancel ur subscription because you have no clue on what ur talking about. Geez.


Now go away troll.

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LOL then explain how you saw two Sorcerers swapping Guard when it's an Assassin only skill.


Who cares what you observed, your level or how much valor you have if you keep mixing up AC's.


Yea ive seen healer specced sorcs do over 1m damage with 400k+ heals at least 100 times how, also, they have at least 10 knockbacks not 7

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Then please explain to me why I wasn't able to get either sorc down below 95% health no matter how much I hit them?


Solution: Face the Sorc/Sage and start attacking, tends to help out 100% more then looking in the other direction.

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Sorcs really need to be looked at. Comapred with other classes sorcs get way too much utility.


They can bubble for 10k health repeatedly which makes them invincible, their light armor has the stats of heavy armor, they can leap to enemy, leap to ally, friendly pull, enemy pull, have 7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round, they can cross guard each other, they can vanish, stealth their entire group, and basically can 1v8 whole warzones. Top that off? They can *********** HEAL which is ridiculous because it allows them to replace the health after I damage them.


Please look at this Bioware or I'm cancelling.


Just to kill this thread fast.


1.The Bubble specced is for around 3.2k


2.We have the same stats, not the same armor value as heavy armor.


3.We cant leap to enemy, we cant leap to friendly, Sorcerors are capable of pulling a friendly target to them. 30sek or 1 min cd cant remember.


4.One knockback, One baseline stun and another if specced(this will also spike a persons resolve to full if used right after eachother.


5.One 3 second Aoe mezz if specced high ito Lightning the worst current PvP specc.


6.We can heal? we can dps?


7.Asassins can vanish.


8.We do not have group stealth, thats Imperial Agents Operative specced.

Edited by Qishari
rude commetns
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I'm highly knowledgeable of all things related to SWTOR and through countless hours of highly level PVP play I have observed all of the things that I posted are valid and true.


I'm currently Valor 92, Expertise 1050 (still waiting on BM weap), Legacy rank 25.


Bump again for quick dev response!


I knew you were credible right from the beginning by how you classily downplayed their super OPness. I have ten videos of them 8 v 1ing full warzones just spam casting lightning strike. I cant post them of course cause I am having formatting issues right now with them, but o trust me they are there.

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