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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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That's like playing a rogue to 20 in WoW and telling blizzard, "you know... I'd much rather be a druid. let me respec to a new class"


No it is not. The AC's are barely different, so one set gets a healing, and the other a tank. BIG WHOOP a few different abilities. The STORY is the SAME, choosing light or dark doesn't matter, oh you might kill one guy here, or spare this one but the quests are the SAME


The fanboys will be the death of this game, you vehemently oppose ANYTHING anyone suggests. This community is seriously one of the worsts I have ever experienced.


Enjoy the fall.

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A decision that doesn't affect anyone who says no, yet they still say no.


I really see who truly believes in the word freedom.If it doesn't affect you WHY do you CARE?


Keep your nose out of others business, a 1 time AC change wouldn't be an issue, nor would a 100k per change.


Mind your own business, it doesn't affect you, stop saying "no" as if your thoughts on the matter even matter to those who make the decision.


First, simply saying that it doesn't affect others does in no way make it automatically "good". I know, I know...you guys looooooove to say this as it appears in almost every "I want X" thread, but its irrelevant.


Second, the guys who make the decisions don't agree with you.

Edited by SlickDevlan
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I hope they never add this stupid idea. Why even bother with ACs if you can just swap em like a spec? And what about the people who do lvl both ACs? tell em "too bad you wasted all that time because you wanted to play both?"


The day they dumb this game down to the point you don't even have to lvl a class to play it at max is the day I cancel my sub and go play something that requires you put in effort to reap rewards.

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A decision that doesn't affect anyone who says no, yet they still say no.


I really see who truly believes in the word freedom.If it doesn't affect you WHY do you CARE?


Keep your nose out of others business, a 1 time AC change wouldn't be an issue, nor would a 100k per change.


Mind your own business, it doesn't affect you, stop saying "no" as if your thoughts on the matter even matter to those who make the decision.


This will affect me. I dont want someone leveling as a sage, flipping to assassin, not knowing their skills/talents/etc and suddenly wanting to tank for my groups. Just level the class you want to play. It dosnt take that long, people were 50 within a week.

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I support an AC respec. When people make this choice, unless they're an alt or already experienced SWTOR player, they usually don't know anything about how this class will feel later on. And SWTOR is definitely a game where many classes only come into their own at later levels. Considering that either AC receives the same exact class storyline, that would remain unaffected by an AC change.


I see no downsides to this, only the upside that if a person has played their AC to a high enough level for them to realize they probably should've chosen the other AC and regrets that decision, it would make a customer happier to be able to switch. Instead of making them replay all those levels, doing the exact same story over again. In many cases, this would entirely turn a player away from doing so.


I believe a responsible method to implementing this to prevent fears of "FOTM" would be to have a per-character AC respec timer. As in, this character can only be AC-respecced once a month, or longer, with a warning popup before you click to confirm your choice.


This lets people who are serious about changing do so, but prevents any on-the-fly changing that might cause any perceived population imbalances and such.

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Forget it, I am sick of arguing with people who only know console FPS games and have no clue about MMOs, I am going to go play before I get banned because all you are doing is annoying me with how little you know.


And yet you repeatedly ignore at least three of us who have provided you with the EXACT example of how this system mirrors that of Dark Age of Camelot:


Base Class - Advanced Class - skills


Viking - Thane - Stormcalling is NOT even remotely the same as Viking - Skald - Battlesongs but both belong to the SAME base class and even have some of the same BASE skills. The way they play from level five onwards within their specialisation is utterly different.

SW:tOR is absolutely the same as this.

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It's EA we are talking about guys... I would be surprised if we don't get things like paid legacy name change or advanced class respec very soon.


Speaking of which, I think that advanced class respec should be possible... for insane amounts of credits for example. Lets say 1 million credits for the first one and steadily growing?


What if someone chose the wrong AC in the start and now is stuck with it?

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


NO, if you want to play another advanced class than make a new character.

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Worked perfectly well in DAoC and SW:tOR uses exactly the same class mechanics for its system.


nothing worked "perfectly well" in DAOC, the entire game was game mechanic failure after another. Hell i even remember when the devs "accidently" removed charisma from all items in game stateing "no class used it" of course after about a day they rolled back the patch.

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In one word, no.


You are directed to pick between two options and then given three options within your choice to fiddle with.


Have two characters from each choice, makes the game fun and interesting as you level two and see how they come to differ.


Play the game, don't nitpick it.


**** grandpa, you dont get to tell people what to do, just because they spoke their mind. its people like you who destroy gaming communities.


And yes, AC change is needed and it will be allowed soon, mark my words (may be they'll even make you pay for it, now how well does that bode for all of you who are against AC respec?). Not allowing AC change is just a way to exploit people to play more of this game and to hide the fact that game has only 4 classes for each side or to make some extra cash by introducing paid AC respec.


My first character was Smuggler - Gunslinger, I wanted to experience Smuggler - Sawbone healing but I could not, which was extremely frustrating, so I rolled another Smuggler with Sawbone spec and started levelling but my second play through as sawbone was extremely boring because i was going through the same quest lines and doing everything pretty much the same as i did with my gunslinger.


It seemed excessively redundant and utterly stupid ...... made no sense at all to go through same story line and quests to experience a few different talents.


If AC change was allowed, i could have avoided all that pain to level another smuggler. Now I have two smugglers of same level, i dont know how much sense this makes to anyone because it seems total nonsense to me

Edited by Greywinter
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You people are beyond lazy and stupid...seriously... Advanced Class is your main class... Asking for a AC respec is literally like asking to go from a rogue to a priest... You picked your class, its no different from any other MMO, and if you don't like the damn class then reroll into something else.
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Sigh, hasn't this been beaten to death? It takes like one day to get to level 10 tops, more like 2-4 hours. The advanced classes are starkly different from one another, so you shouldn't be able to just switch classes on a whim.
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You people are beyond lazy and stupid...seriously... Advanced Class is your main class... Asking for a AC respec is literally like asking to go from a rogue to a priest... You picked your class, its no different from any other MMO, and if you don't like the damn class then reroll into something else.


You have no idea what you are talking about and its not like going from rogue to priest, its like going from Holy to Shadow, if you have played a priest in WoW then you know what I am talking about.


BTW, get ready for Paid AC Respec option, coming soon. If you want to pay for something that you should have gotten for free, its your business.

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Advanced Class is basically just your class. It's almost like asking to respec from a mage to a warlock.


No its not. Its just a ******** idea that's being sold to us. I am not buying this. There is more to it as i mentioned in one of my previous posts.

Edited by Greywinter
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BTW, get ready for Paid AC Respec option, coming soon. If you want to pay for something that you should have gotten for free, its your business.


This will never happen, you are delusional if you think paid AC switch will become an option at any point.

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And yes, AC change is needed and it will be allowed soon, mark my words (may be they'll even make you pay for it, now how well does that bode for all of you who are against AC respec?). Not allowing AC change is just a way to exploit people to play more of this game and to hide the fact that game has only 4 classes for each side or to make some extra cash by introducing paid AC respec.


BioWare will not allow it any time soon, as in, any time before the first expansion. Guaranteed. If then.


As a matter of fact, as I stated before - doing that would be the TOR equivalent of the NGE - a massive exodus would ensue and everyone would look back and say "what if we didn't..."



My first character was Smuggler - Gunslinger, I wanted to experience Smuggler - Sawbone healing but I could not, which was extremely frustrating


In your example above, Smuggler - Gunslinger and Smuggler - Sawbones is false. You conveniently left out the Smuggler - Scoundrel part - because Scoundrel is actually your class, and that would make your request look pretty silly.


When you rolled a Hunter in WoW, did you ask to be a Priest just to "check it out?" No, because it's ridiculous.


In TOR, advanced classes ARE the combat classes. You don't switch them.

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No its not. Its just a ******** idea that's being sold to us. I am not buying this. There is more to it as i mentioned in one of my previous posts.


Too late. It's true, and you bought it.




Classes = stories.


Advanced classes = combat classes.


Once you understand and accept this, it's much easier to understand the correct decision for no AC switching. Because everyone realizes you don't switch classes in an MMO.

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I'm not going to say no, or that Bioware will never do this. I will say that, imho, I don't like the idea of changing AC's. Many of the classes play very differently once you select the AC. We are given an opportunity to read about the class before we select our AC and even look at the talent tree for each. They aren't restricting you anymore than Warcraft did by not letting you change your Class. How fair would it be for everybody to roll a Frost Mage, level to cap faster than most other classes can, then pay for a change to Rogue or Paladin? Not only that, but then people have to learn how to play their class all over again because they didn't have the spells introduced to them gradually which means the rest of us have to syffer while the people who changed AC go into WZ's to get accustomed to an entirely new rotation and spell set.


Allowing people to change their AC is a horrible idea in my mind. Rerolling in order to play a brand new AC may not seem fair to you, but is fair for the rest of us.

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