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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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why would u want to change your class ?


you can reroll anytime you want. You can't do that in wow. You just can't click one button to change your mage into warrior. Well unless Blizzard decides to get more money from your pocket because Kotick wants to buy new pair of yatch.


First 10level is actually a guide. So no you won't get a chance to respec your entire class by simply clicking one button. Once you get to your fleet thats when you actually decide your class. So if you don't like your just say Imperial Agent gameplay just reroll. It is that simple. It won't take too long to start a new character. If you don't like your new character reroll again untill you decide which one you want to play. And at the end if you still don't like your current class, that means this game is just not for you. So unsubscribe and remove the game from your harddrive.

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I have to respectfully say no to this. You can already respec, but Advanced Classes are entirely different classes with a few basic abilities shared. It's not that hard to level to 50, just roll a character of the other Advanced Class you want. Skip all the class quest dialogue if you want to, or better yet...make different decisions.



Actually they are NOT entirely new classes all they did was take 1 class and gave them their own talent trees for each spec, if they were entirely new classes they would have their own selection from the character creation screen and have their own story.


That is like saying a Marksman Hunter in WoW is it's own class, it is not.

Edited by Gunryu
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So you want people to be miserable leveling the same class with the same story just because they found at level 30 the AC they picked sucked? I am going on a hunch and going to say you don't own a business, because in business the name of the game is keep customers happy not miserable.


That's like asking WOW dev to change your class from Warrior to Druid because you don't want to reroll.

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So you want people to be miserable leveling the same class with the same story just because they found at level 30 the AC they picked sucked? I am going on a hunch and going to say you don't own a business, because in business the name of the game is keep customers happy not miserable.


Miserable? No.. But they ought to re-roll if they want to change their class anyway.

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And for those who picked a advanced class they didn't like then what? I would hate to rerole and spend all of that time getting back to the point I was at. For example I chose Assassin think it would be fun, it wasn't. I fully understand how to use it but I hate it so much. But I am a lvl 20 and I don't want to rerole becuase unlike some people I don't have that much time.


Anyway there are no cons to respecing your advanced class so /signed.


Yes because at level 20, 12 hours is so much time to get back to level 20.

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Actually they are NOT entirely new classes all they did was take 1 class and gave them their own talent tree, if they were entirely new classes they would have their own selection from the character creation screen and have their own story.


That is like saying a Marksman Hunter in WoW is it's own class, it is not.


You could just say your only expeience is with WoW, and you don't know how this system in EQ2 works and how they are indeed different classes with the same baseline.


Markesmen is a spec within the talents, you can respec those. You are asking to change from a hunter to a druid.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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This whole reasoning of "No, just remake your character from scratch" is utterly stupid. The story is the absolute same regardless of your AC and frankly why care if people can respec? If you want a restriction, fine, let it be for 50's only. Otherwise saying "Nope, that's the way it is!" is not a valid reason for this. Or at least, give Tank/Heal AC's a viable DPS tree that you can level with.
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Miserable? No.. But they ought to re-roll if they want to change their class anyway.


It's not changing a class! All they did was give each subclass 3 different talent trees instead of ONE! A class is something you pick at level 1, what type of that class you pick is at level 10! Again that's like saying a Marksman Hunter in WoW is a class, it's NOT.


They don't give a different story for ACs, they don't give different companions..........it is the same class just a different subclass.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?




+1 I have no issue with this. It just keeps people from rerolling and helps Bioware keep better metrics on which classes are under preforming.


If you do not have a lot of time and level to 50 on a toon. Even if that toon sucks you may continue to play it, so you can play with your friends that are 50. If you could changed advanced classes to a class that doesn't suck then population metrics would show that no one is playing one AC over the other, and Bioware can more easily tell, as they do with spec trees which ones are being used more often. If no one spec's it or chooses it then there is a problem it is not desirable or viable and needs a change.


It also gives more flexibility for the players, which is a good thing. I know people will say that these are different classes but they are not. The look of the class is exactly the same, the leveling is nearly exactly the same, the same ship, same companions, the same gear, 30-40% of the same abilities, a shared spec tree. Even if they allowed advance class respec'ing people would still roll alts and level up different main classes.


The feel and class options of a Smuggler are vastly different from a Jedi it's a non issue.


I cannot think of any good reason to restrict advanced class respec'ing. It only forces the leveling of alts and grinding of content. You'll spend just as much time exploring all the spec options of the two advanced classes without a needless grind, as you would grinding up another class to 50.

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You could just say your only expeience is with WoW, and you don't know how this system in EQ2 works and how they are indeed different classes with the same baseline.


Markesmen is a spec within the talents, you can respec those. You are asking to change from a hunter to a druid.


Actually I have been playing MMOs since UO wiseass.

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That's like asking WOW dev to change your class from Warrior to Druid because you don't want to reroll.


Again, your "druid" to "warrior" analogy is absolutely stupid. Druid's inherently can be whatever they want. Learn to use proper analogies!

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It takes like one hour to get to lvl 10 and choose a new advanced class, roll a new character and star enjoying it, learning it. Advanced classes are SWTOR's way of naming classes like we know them in other games, and you don't ask for class change in those games don't you?


Well some people are allways asking for such things because they want the game to be everything they dream/ask for, and that's not possible.


The game has 8 different classes, deal with it, you want a new class in any other game, you roll that new class...it's the same here but with a different and more subtle name.

Edited by BanzaiChigau
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This whole reasoning of "No, just remake your character from scratch" is utterly stupid. The story is the absolute same regardless of your AC and frankly why care if people can respec? If you want a restriction, fine, let it be for 50's only. Otherwise saying "Nope, that's the way it is!" is not a valid reason for this. Or at least, give Tank/Heal AC's a viable DPS tree that you can level with.


The story is absolutely the same regardless of what game you're playing. Regardless of whose story it is, it's repetitive. There are only two games I can think of that allow you to change your class, and they were both designed to be that way from their inception. This game does not have the capability of supporting a class change, nor should it try.

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It takes like one hour to get to lvl 10 and choose a new advanced class, roll a new character and star enjoying it, learning it. Advanced classes are SWTOR's way of naming classes like we know them in other games, and you don't ask for class change in those games don't you?


Well some people are allways asking for such things because they want the game to be everything they dream/ask for, and that's not possible.


The game has 8 different classes, deal with it, you want a new class in any other game, you roll that new class...it's the same here but with a different and more subtle name.


No they have 4 classes and the rest are subclasses.

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This whole reasoning of "No, just remake your character from scratch" is utterly stupid. The story is the absolute same regardless of your AC and frankly why care if people can respec? If you want a restriction, fine, let it be for 50's only. Otherwise saying "Nope, that's the way it is!" is not a valid reason for this. Or at least, give Tank/Heal AC's a viable DPS tree that you can level with.


You are asking to change classes.


Does warcraft let you change from warrior to druid? No and it shoudln't.


Does LOTRO let you change from minstrel to hunter? No and it shouldn't


If i play any other MMO do i have unique story content on my next play through for alts? No but SWTOR gives me more than these other MMO's do.

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This whole reasoning of "No, just remake your character from scratch" is utterly stupid. The story is the absolute same regardless of your AC and frankly why care if people can respec? If you want a restriction, fine, let it be for 50's only. Otherwise saying "Nope, that's the way it is!" is not a valid reason for this. Or at least, give Tank/Heal AC's a viable DPS tree that you can level with.


I don't know if you actually stopped and listened to the story about advanced classes but it says there is no coming back. Besides, in the story you are choosing a singular way of thinking. You can't change what you have been taught, it follows storyline.

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Let me start by saying I am absolutely, 100% against the ability to respec at will between Advanced Classes. Nor would I want to anyway for any of my characters.


Having said that, for people new to the game and experiencing a basic class for the first time that choice of AC can be very daunting, and I am sure there are many who, having made the choice to go with one AC, have regretted it not long after when it hasn#t lived up to what they thought it would be.


With this in mind I don't see any harm in giving - for each character - a "one-off" cross-AC respec to be used at any time between levels 10-25. Knowing that the possibility to change your mind once would ease the pressure of picking which AC to go with at level 10.


For those who still it as an unjustifiably easy way out (even though it would be a one-shot deal) I don't see anything wrong with having associated penalties like a reasonable credit cost, loss of xp or levels, that sort of thing.

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You are asking to change classes.


Does warcraft let you change from warrior to druid? No and it shoudln't.


Does LOTRO let you change from minstrel to hunter? No and it shouldn't


If i play any other MMO do i have unique story content on my next play through for alts? No but SWTOR gives me more than these other MMO's do.



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It takes like one hour to get to lvl 10 and choose a new advanced class, roll a new character and star enjoying it, learning it. Advanced classes are SWTOR's way of naming classes like we know them in other games, and you don't ask for class change in those games don't you?


Well some people are allways asking for such things because they want the game to be everything they dream/ask for, and that's not possible.


The game has 8 different classes, deal with it, you want a new class in any other game, you roll that new class...it's the same here but with a different and more subtle name.


Precisely, this game is just like EQ2 where you began as a "base" class and then branched off to a "Professional Class." Once you chose your "professional" calls you could not respec. For instance you chose cleric as your base, and at level 15 you chose from either Druid, Inquisitor, Templar etc. From there you progressed and you could respec points but not your chosen class.

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