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"PEW PEW PEW" in Alderaan. Is that really necessary?


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the constant noise from the cannons shooting in the air.


Am I the only one that finds it annoying?


I must say, it is also an ugly noise for my ears. The only way to remove it is by muting the sound at the moment?



omg.. hold the press, we've reached a new low in QQ.

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No, I hate it as well, which is why I shut off voice and ambient sounds when I pvp. I would prefer if I could shut it off strictly for pvp, but this is what we have to work with. I hate the announcer in huttball and I wouldn't mind the pew pew too much if it didn't sound like it was broken. As it is right now, it sounds horrible.


A new low in QQ? I think this is a legitimate concern. It may not be the biggest of problems, but it surely is an annoyance to a good amount of people. It's not a big deal, but I find it annoying to keep changing my sound settings depending on what I'm doing.

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Oh for the love of...are you serious???????




"Ya know, I really like the lightsabers but the whiiz zaaap thruuuuum really gets to me after a while, can Bioware add an option to turn it off?"


I swear, if I was a Bioware developer and I didn't have to justify myself to stockholders, I'd respond with a cold, emotionless "bleep...you."

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