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Where would you like the future expansions to go or do?


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Seeing as Bw have almost free rain to develop new canon or to extend old canon where would you like to see them go with it .


Personaly id like them to do a small and i mean very small scale Yuuhzan Vong scouting party encounter its not like it hasnt happened before and be nice to go up against them.


Please no wow sillyness in the topic.

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Free flight in a big space!


Give us the ability to modularly customize ships and with different floorplans and modular exterior 'decorative shapes."


Please...no more WoW type running around in forests on dirt trails! Star Wars should be big and broad in cities and space combat. Bring on the Capital Ships and let us fight inside them.


Three guys standing around waiting to get shot everywhere who don't respond to their buddies getting shot nearby is deflating. Fewer enemies who agg based on Line of Sight would be more realistic and challenging.


The heart of the game should be the urban worlds. Keep adding onto the cities, making them more diverse and interesting. Add fluff places people can hang out and roleplay in!


Emphasize less the endless fighting and more social intrigues.

Edited by Bonedriver
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Emphasize less the endless fighting and more social intrigues.


Gotta agree with this. I was expecting a little bit more emphasis on the socializing part than the overt focus on combat.


I'm really, really hoping for a non-combat class in one of the expansions.

Edited by Ashirae
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This is an EASY one for me. Incorporate two old games into SWTOR: X-Wing and Tie Fighter. Replace space combat with a graphically updated version of those two games. Let me break out the old Thrustmaster and enjoy some real space combat! Don't bother putting the whole thing in, just some missions.


Or, at least change how the current space combat works so that I have total control over the ship, and can use my flight joystick. The maps don't have to be large - the ones in Tie Fighter and X-Wing weren't real big.

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Devs have said they aren't about just 'existing' in the SWU.


That being said, I think there are plenty of folks who'd like to to do just that. A good mix between theme park and open world could eventually be achieved. I'd suggest to give people the tools to do what they want and they'll make it happen on their own.


Something like Second Life for SWTOR....ability to build, place, customize on sandbox worlds.

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Tri-Faction system, x-pac called "Rise of the Revanites" (not to be confused with Rise of the Rakghouls :p )






Revanite (can switch from republic or Imperial to Revanite)

Edited by Khechari
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How about if I state that previous thought:






I would even settle for adding additional seamless zones on the existing planets, with varying climates and topography. And please, for all that's sacred and holy in this world, remove the freaking barriers preventing you from going more than 100 yards in a straight line!


Alot of people are falling for the illusion of bigger planets and worlds because of the artificial barriers set up that force you to wind back and forth endlessly in practically every zone.

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I would very much like to see the worlds having mixed level content and an increased size with less zoning, add ruins, temples, caves and all kinds of stuff for exploration and enjoyment.


Put named characters and unusual quests into these places with long, random spawn times, make them a challenge that actually rewards with unique titles, appearance gear etc..


I know this is not swg but one thing I truly loved about that game was pure exploration, they did the worlds really, really well and they were open and a pleasure to explore fopr many months, and exploration paid off in some cases (I unlocked my FS slot through farming Jedi/Sith and exploring), but just for the sheer hell of it there were some amzing locales to explore.

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Without a doubt, an expansion adding the planet Kashyyyk is #1 on my list. I'm an arborist by trade (read: I climb, trim, and cut down trees for a living)and always enjoy the "forested areas" of an MMo the most. Kashyyyk's "forest on steroids" is the perfect planet for me to get lost in.
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Id love to see a really story driven flash point with a Yuuhzan Vong scouting party that would be sooo sick and lore wise its not out of the question the first Yuuhzan Vong found the galaxy in 3,963 BBY no reason another scout wasn't sent after the first was warded off by the mando's kinda hard to believe they didn't send another scout for over 3900 years. An Id love to see some barabel's Saba Sebatyne is 1 of my all time favorite characters.
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i think they should bring some of the worlds from the other games back. and also try to make it look kinda like it did in the original kotors. (i know its 300 years later, but its not like their gonna tear down anchorhead and start over, they would just build a lot more onto it. achorhead looks nothing like it did in kotor 1.)i think they should make a sector of nar shadda that looks like the city the exile traveled to in kotor 2. Dantooine, witht the completly rebuilt jedi enclave, again basically looking the same as it used to, maybe some additions. (that could create maybe some cool jedi knight and counsular missions to go to dantooine jedi enclave.) they could put onderon in there, and make it ruled by queen talia's decendant,and i think they should ecpecially put malachor V back. make it a lvl 50 all out warfare planet, like illum. or, it would be kind of ironic to actually make malachor V a peacefull safe-haven, social planet for players to just relax and live in roleplay. i want all the places revan ventured to back in the galaxy of the old republic. however i do not think they should put planets like kamino and geonosious and masufaar in the old republic. the old republic has its own special, welcoming vibe to it we should keep it that way,

you know?

Edited by ColinVowell
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