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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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win7 64, i5 2500 @ 5ghz, 8gb ram, gtx570 x 2 sli playing at 1920x1080 everythingon high (tex med) 16AF and 2xAA


FPS drops are huge in some places where they shouldnt exist like warzones (16 players in small zone). I can barely imagine how people with lower end machines play this.

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Time of this report: 1/13/2012, 18:40:04


Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~1.6GHz


Any reason I can't break 10 fps in a warzone and maybe 25-30 in empty instances?


i7-720Q is quadcore with HT (enabling HT can even reduce performance in many applications) and at 1.6GHz its not fastest CPU around, even with 5 years old dualcore 2.6GHz you should perform better.


There is your problem.


I have HD5870 and i7-2600K 3.4GHz CPU and have average 60+ FPS @2560x1600 (100+ indoors)

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Core i7 950 @ 3.07

16 gigs ram

7200 rpm HDD

Sapphire HD 6970 stock clock


I run the game using three 1920x1080 monitors in eyefinity with all settings maxed, nothing turned off.


That's 5760x1080


Game runs great.


I think a lot of you people who are whining have lower end machines and aren't fessing up to it. That or, like I saw a few posts back, you haven't updated the drivers on your GPU in ages.


Another case of vocal minority thinking that they are the majority...

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There's your problem

A LAPTOP cannot run a game half as well as a PC can.

There are a (very) few companies that make professional gaming laptops, but those aren't going to be anything < $2k. Anything else is going to give you minimal performance, which you're seeing.


You want optimal performance? Use a desktop



Not to piss in your cheerios mate, but I've run a laptop my entire time without any issues. To the complete ire of my co-worker who's running a desktop and getting errors like crazy and only lives 30 minutes south of me. If you're about to say "you're running a high end system" that's just not true. I purchased the laptop from ASUS, it's one of their mid range rigs with a geforce 460m, 8 gigs of ram, I Believe it's the 2.3 i7, but don't quote me... and windows 7 64 bit. Albeit, I did wipe the initial software and load Ultimate for my own peace of mind, but that's just me.


I bought the computer while deployed in afghanistan and havn't had a single issue performing any task I've set on this bugger. I've run everything I can at this thing and truth be told, I run at max settings without a single problem. Yes, I've found and put in graphics engine bug reports and quest related bug reports... but nothing in regards to my own rig. My co-worker however is running a desktop that still uses DDR2 ram and a 32 bit OS and can't seem to see the end of his errors.

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I'm having FPS issues. Can You Run It? gave me a score of almost perfect. It's incredibly annoying getting stuck around 10 - 20 FPS only to have to go normal, and back down again. Over and over, especially in combat. Changing settings does nothing, FPS is constant.


Who says majority aren't having issues? You? If they fix it for the people who are, you who apparently aren't would get much better performance yourselves. Don't you want that?


Before the game was released we saw footage of people playing the game at PAX and E3 on Alienware laptops. If they can run it decently which is ironic, because I have an Alienware laptop running the game ******. The problem has to be an issue with the game itself, whether it be the engine or just the optimisation.


My specs are:


Intel Core i7 1.20GHz (currently at 1.5 OC)

8.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 RAM

Nvidia 1GB GeForce GT 335M

488GB Seagate ST9500420AS ATA Device


All drivers are completely up to date. I run my games with Gamebooster. HDD is defragged and cleaned with Ccleaner. I've disabled various unnecessary services to speed up the CPU overall.


Nothing works. Remember, I got an almost perfect score on Can You Run It? I know my rig isn't high end but it's good enough to run the game at at least 35 FPS on Ultra because I certainly could when I used to play Call of Duty.

Edited by Anagnostis
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The problems I've had haven't been with low fps numbers (ctrl+shift+f always gives me an average way over 60) but with intermittent stutter not picked up by the counter.


Getting off of a taxi ride, summoning my companion, entering a new area etc. brings things to a (albeit temporary) slide show.


My PC is pretty well specced:


i5 2500K @ 4ghz

8 Gig RAM

GTX580 - heavily overclocked, but can't remember the settings - at work at the moment ;)



Built it specifically for BF3, which it runs on Ultra with standard and post AA up to max, without slow down) and my internet connection is cable (constant 10mbps)


As experienced by many people, the art design in this game = win, the technical implementation = GIANT FAIL (don't get us on to textures and the lack of AA!)

Edited by Black_bart_blues
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I have 1 year old laptop (bought previous December) with most powerful video card at that moment - having 15-25fps on fleet.


I wouldn't call that "I have no issues" and somehow I doubt more than 50% of SWTOR players have less than a year old computers. Making graphic more complex will force many players - include myslef - to switch to low quality settings. However could be nice to have ability to tweak graphics a bit in low population areas.


Laptops are no good for MMOS (gaming generally) unless you have real top of the range, i dont mean to be rude but it is a fact.


A laptop video chipset will be nowhere as good as a desktop equivalent.

Edited by Urko
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for like the millionth time he never says all the people having performance issues have low end rigs just MOST of them.


ALSO people who do have high end rigs who are having performance rigs are NOT suffering in silcence.


Those people are very vocal as THEY ARE SUPRISED THEY ARE HAVING ISSUES.




what else do you require?


Those guys want EA/BW to send a real computer technician to fix their computer...

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There's your problem

A LAPTOP cannot run a game half as well as a PC can.

There are a (very) few companies that make professional gaming laptops, but those aren't going to be anything < $2k. Anything else is going to give you minimal performance, which you're seeing.


You want optimal performance? Use a desktop


I beg to differ. I am currently running the game on a HP DV6 Intel Core i5 with an ATI Radeon HD 5750 Graphics Card. I run the game with NO problems. I am usually up around 60 FPS most of the time with the exception of a couple of areas that I think are still having performance issues. I paid exactly 900 bucks for the laptop new at Sams Club. This years model has a Core i7 in it with a little better graphics card. So, yes you can run the game on a decently priced laptop that is not a 5k gaming rig.

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My specc is

i5 @ 3.6ghz

GTX560Ti SUPER OC'D edition 1gb ram

8gb 1600 Mhz ram


And even i have fps drops where there should be non in wz's for one i can drop down to 30fps at random, fleet during rush hour i can maybe get 25fps


So spare me the "This is only low end specs" because it aint.

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I have a very powerful system but TOR runs like a dog on it. Without going into boring detail, I have a 3.2GHz quadcore processor, 8GB of RAM and an ATi 6800 graphics card.


I get maybe 11FPS in PvP and not a lot more in Republic Fleet.


And the real kicker? I already have all the graphics settings on LOW!

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My specc is

i5 @ 3.6ghz

GTX560Ti SUPER OC'D edition 1gb ram

8gb 1600 Mhz ram


And even i have fps drops where there should be non in wz's for one i can drop down to 30fps at random, fleet during rush hour i can maybe get 25fps


So spare me the "This is only low end specs" because it aint.


Again a worthless post. You guys do not understand that you need to provide fact? Whatever you're listing to boost your epeen is useless.


TaskManager performance numbers, stuff like nVidia Inspector with GPU/FP usages, etc...


Without it you're just someone that cannot configure your computer properly.


PS: Like that dude with 12GB of RAM, 6GB in Paging and 0MB free wonder why SWTOR is slow loading.

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I have a very powerful system but TOR runs like a dog on it. Without going into boring detail, I have a 3.2GHz quadcore processor, 8GB of RAM and an ATi 6800 graphics card.


I get maybe 11FPS in PvP and not a lot more in Republic Fleet.


And the real kicker? I already have all the graphics settings on LOW!


Without those boring details, you're just complaining for the sack of complaining.


So want help? Give us the boring details.

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especially if you know your computer is high end. If you think your computer is low end then you will accept it as such and not do anything. But if you know you can play BF3 on high settings and you are getting 10fps here you are going to yell and scream


Most people's computers fall somewhere in between though and for those of us not terribly tech savy, we will probably assume it is a problem on our end.


I purchased a new computer a couple of weeks ago, so I am not having any issues but I could easily see myself assuming any problems I have must be on my end.

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Your drivers are a full three versions behind the latest stable release for your GPU, and four behind the latest beta?




Update your drivers, man. This is just the v11 stuff, you have v8. The beta drivers are at v12 and people are reporting great FPS increases for SWTOR with them.


Thanks. I have the exaxt same computer as quoted, the ASUS g73jh. I have major issues at fleet and in pvp. Even tho I lowered my settings to 1280 and low. Ill see if this changes things. THe problem with the asus g73jh is that many of the drivers, the new ones, is totally messed up. Some of the newer drivers isnt compatible with many games and crashes the games all the time. Its a known issue aswell.


Ill try the new drivers and let u know if it works ;)

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Again a worthless post. You guys do not understand that you need to provide fact? Whatever you're listing to boost your epeen is useless.


TaskManager performance numbers, stuff like nVidia Inspector with GPU/FP usages, etc...


Without it you're just someone that cannot configure your computer properly.


PS: Like that dude with 12GB of RAM, 6GB in Paging and 0MB free wonder why SWTOR is slow loading.


The highest GPU usage i have seen in SWTOR (i have MSI Afterburner running) is 35%, CPU usage perhaps 50% at highest loads, that just seems very wrong, **** i can run any other game on ULTRA without dropping below 60 FPS, so clearly there is something wrong here


3x threads that has broken the post limit can't be fiction bro, stop being such a biodrone and open your eyes.

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Umm, yeah BioWare, get your heads out of your asses and stop making excuses.


I have a I7 CPU, Radeon 6990 2gb, 16gb Ram, but guess what, I get 14 fps on the fleet, when everyother game I run max, no problem. And don't pull ******** that it's because there is a lot of people.


Server Lag /=/ FPS issues


Oh, also, I play EVERY single game max.


BioWare is legitemly pulling numbers out there *** and making excuses because they don't wanna fix it.


Also, I don't even run any backround programs in the back and my computer is new so there isn't much things installed on it other then virus protection, a few games and some drivers.

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There's your problem

A LAPTOP cannot run a game half as well as a PC can.

There are a (very) few companies that make professional gaming laptops, but those aren't going to be anything < $2k. Anything else is going to give you minimal performance, which you're seeing.


You want optimal performance? Use a desktop


my 400 dollar laptop runs this game better then my 900 dollar PC. desktops are great!

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The highest GPU usage i have seen in SWTOR (i have MSI Afterburner running) is 35%, CPU usage perhaps 50% at highest loads, that just seems very wrong, **** i can run any other game on ULTRA without dropping below 60 FPS, so clearly there is something wrong here


3x threads that has broken the post limit can't be fiction bro, stop being such a biodrone and open your eyes.


Where is your GPU/FP usage?


Where is your Real Memory, Page file, Free Memory usage?


Stop complaining if you are not willing to provide the information

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I have a decent pc just upgraded for this and I have no issues anywhere except maybe a lil in pvp.




To sit here and say that there really isn't a issue is BS, WE ALL can see that the graphics settings are fubar. Half the time going to low graphics doesn't change a thing. They don't even have all the textures in the game yet.


To be fully honest they don't know if it's just 5% they haven't even turned on the high detail graphics for the game. What will happen now when you allow all the actual higher textures and settings into the game. Right now everyone is running the game on mediumish so I bet it will not be 5% when that is changed.


Still most of these people would prolly not even have a problem if they fixed the settings to actually adjust things properly.

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I have a decent pc just upgraded for this and I have no issues anywhere except maybe a lil in pvp.




To sit here and say that there really isn't a issue is BS, WE ALL can see that the graphics settings are fubar. Half the time going to low graphics doesn't change a thing. They don't even have all the textures in the game yet.


To be fully honest they don't know if it's just 5% they haven't even turned on the high detail graphics for the game. What will happen now when you allow all the actual higher textures and settings into the game. Right now everyone is running the game on mediumish so I bet it will not be 5% when that is changed.


Still most of these people would prolly not even have a problem if they fixed the settings to actually adjust things properly.


There is plenty of in-depth documentation about their .ini format and what is the best setup for Xyz.


Look it up.


Knowledge is power, knowledge is fun.

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Where is your GPU/FP usage?


Where is your Real Memory, Page file, Free Memory usage?


Stop complaining if you are not willing to provide the information


This kind of hateful response sounds so familiar to what we all saw in other poor perfomance MMORPG's like vanguard warhammer ect.


Most people do not want to deal with this garbage , they just want the game to work.

Most People are not going to go drop thousands of dollars to play SWTOR, a game they may or may not end up enjoying.


Company makes game 90% of people cannot play correctly on their computers, then blames everyone else for the problem. We have went down this road before with warhammer vanguard ect, we all know how this is going to end.

Edited by Khoranth
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There is plenty of in-depth documentation about their .ini format and what is the best setup for Xyz.


Look it up.


Knowledge is power, knowledge is fun.


Maybe you should read what I had said, I have no problems. Yes we know you can change your .ini file but that's just absurd to expect over a million players to do that, most of them not computer savvy. If a game can't have it's own graphics settings do as it said it's just ridiculous.


As I said I have no problem but to say there is not a problem and point people toward a hidden file in their computer is dumb.

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I just thought i would post from the other end of the spectrum. I have an older system, around 2-3 years old.




3.25gb of ram because im still on 32 bit winxp


Running on medium to high settings with shadows off. The game runs very satisfactory to me, 50-60 fps constant when I'm out questing and the same goes for warzones as well. my fps drops to 15ish on the imperial fleet but I think thats because I'm on a heavy server and theres always hundreds of people in there standing around. If my old system can run this without problems and people with monster machines cant then the problem is without a doubt on their end.

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Maybe you should read what I had said, I have no problems. Yes we know you can change your .ini file but that's just absurd to expect over a million players to do that, most of them not computer savvy. If a game can't have it's own graphics settings do as it said it's just ridiculous.


As I said I have no problem but to say there is not a problem and point people toward a hidden file in their computer is dumb.


While creating endless complaining thread is the mark of a genius.


You have the information, use it.


Don't, well, keep making complaining threads.

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