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Everything posted by Kalkaii

  1. I enjoy pretty much everything about the game and I'm waiting to see the fixes. I wait patiently.
  2. Umm I don't even know what to say, I said it was no offense and just a joke, so if you're getting butt hurt sorry. Also no it doesn't matter to me cause regardless if they put it in or not I'm not using it. G.I.R.L. = Guy in real life for those who don't know. I was never bashing anyone or spewing hate. Please go be the public defender for someone who needs it.
  3. That's my whole thing, it would be different if the majority thought companions should get gear. It's not though I am going to make something up and say 7/10 disagree and think it's a version of ninja looting. You're the minority why should we have to ask you when you should be asking us.
  4. So that means it's okay to hand it off to your companion who was not even involved in the flashpoint? Who will never be included in anything except for your missions and possibly someone leaving a group quest. Need before Greed starts as soon as you hit a group, not at lvl 50. Doesn't matter we will just have to start putting people on a blacklist and start watching legacy names. Don't blame anyone else when you start getting left out of a group.
  5. Wow amazing point I am gonnah start asking for legacy names to be shown.
  6. Nah it wouldn't ruin it, honestly no one should care what anyone does as long as it doesn't affect them. I do remember in DA people complained about same sex relations, but as I said I don't see how it's their problem.
  7. Yah for real everyone knows none of these servers are actually at max stress level. Go look around town on a low pop and a high pop.
  8. HAHA I think this is funny no offense. If they put in same sex relationships then people will start getting all mad about it, yet you take it away and all the G.I.R.L.S want it back. Either way it's funny but I don't care I hope you get it at some point.
  9. Taking something for your companion over someone who actually need for their main is ninja looting to me.
  10. I would love a arena system, I assume that's what he/she is asking for dueling is nothing compared. I would love to have it I like to pvp a lot but the best thing is small matches where it's not just a gang bang.
  11. Excuse me but what are you doing? By rolling need on companion gear you are there for dictating the loot rules if not bending them to make yourself seem correct. I know it's so hard to ask people to not be let's see whats the word here, INCONSIDERATE and leave gear for peoples MAINS. I mean hell you can have it if he don't need it. As far as I'm concerned companion looting is the new style of ninja looting. I will never play in a party without loot rules up anymore and I will not be amazed when everyone else does the same, if it's not changed.
  12. Umm did you hit a open world yet that allows speeder travel. This is like when people were saying planets were linear at lvl 10.
  13. Maybe you should read what I had said, I have no problems. Yes we know you can change your .ini file but that's just absurd to expect over a million players to do that, most of them not computer savvy. If a game can't have it's own graphics settings do as it said it's just ridiculous. As I said I have no problem but to say there is not a problem and point people toward a hidden file in their computer is dumb.
  14. I have a decent pc just upgraded for this and I have no issues anywhere except maybe a lil in pvp. BUT To sit here and say that there really isn't a issue is BS, WE ALL can see that the graphics settings are fubar. Half the time going to low graphics doesn't change a thing. They don't even have all the textures in the game yet. To be fully honest they don't know if it's just 5% they haven't even turned on the high detail graphics for the game. What will happen now when you allow all the actual higher textures and settings into the game. Right now everyone is running the game on mediumish so I bet it will not be 5% when that is changed. Still most of these people would prolly not even have a problem if they fixed the settings to actually adjust things properly.
  15. You're on a forum on a game that was just released, a MMO at that. If you don't expect this then you must not come to a lot of forums early in a games life. Not trying to be a douche either I'm just saying.
  16. Fo sho Honestly I think it's better then wow except the occasional wait time. I mean hell they allow ANY player to res people on top of that you also get a choice to respawn right where you were. I think that beats WoW, just me though.
  17. I dunno if lazy is the word considering we are all sitting in front of a computer playing a game. It's not completely breaking either, the first speeder you get (stand up speeder) makes sense there. It's like a segway lol. I can understand about the really big speeder though, they do look dumb. Either way it was said best before me this will never change.
  18. I have to say I agree I can't stand a bar having to be on the left. HATE IT. I want more bottom center quick slots or more right side quick slots or both. For a game with so many damn buttons for everyone I dunno how they didn't do this earlier.
  19. They're aimed for the masses man. You can't have the masses with a difficult game. I can go for a harder game no problems, but it would mean cutting out a lot of the player base .
  20. Yes I will keep it and I'm not explaining why I'm not your *****. If you wanna cancel yours go ahead and leave.
  21. Yet here you are complaining.....about complainers. It's funny the things that make the world go round.
  22. It's wrong and you should never take gear from someone unless they didn't need it. All this stuff about "you worked hard and were there and you NEED it for your companion" that's just a a**holes way of thinking. You don't need it your companion does and if someone needed it for their ACTUAL CHARACTER then it should ALWAYS go to them. If no one needs it that's a different thing. You could also try asking first and see how the group feels. I would never expect my companion(which never gets used in a full flashpoint) to get flashpoint gear. I think it's rude and selfish, anyone who thinks it's okay should all be thrown on a server together.
  23. I'm sure it would make this run stupidly awesomely great =] but I will only be putting in 8 gigs. This is on a budget so it's not like I'm just going for top notch.
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