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Orbital Stations


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Part of the story actually...


Quesh as an example... you need to be inoculated before going to the surface.

Hoth, you need stim gear to help offset the cold

The Origin worlds there is no direct spaceport to land at so you have to shuttle to the planet.


Sure some are annoying, but for the most part they are tied into the fact of the under-developed planets, ie planets that don't have large space ports or if planets have special conditions.

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Part of the story actually...


Quesh as an example... you need to be inoculated before going to the surface.

Hoth, you need stim gear to help offset the cold

The Origin worlds there is no direct spaceport to land at so you have to shuttle to the planet.


Sure some are annoying, but for the most part they are tied into the fact of the under-developed planets, ie planets that don't have large space ports or if planets have special conditions.


Yeah, the stim gear that you don't actually have to use at all.

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My only guess as to the purpose of these is to provide a place where they could have class-specific phases for the space ship hangars. These tend to be planets without surface space ports.


I'm not sure why there needs to be phased hangars in the first place, but there you go.

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Future content will be more zones on the same planets. There will be multiple shuttles in the orbital station to signal whether you want to go to the level 10-13 zone or the level 50-53 zone.


The maps will not connect on the planet as they are on 'opposite sides of the world' so the best way to organize traveling is have a central planet hub in space and then from there decide where you want to go.


Otherwise, you would be inflating the level 10-13 zone with high numbers which are actually people spawning in and then leaving to head over to the level 50-53 zone. The level 12 guy is wondering where everyone is although it says there are 50 people in his zone yet the fact is half of that are people popping in and popping out. Best to leave the level 50s completely out of the zone so the shard system can operate correctly.

Edited by Twolow
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Just let us go to the planet, if the cold actually damaged you on Hoth the gear would of been useful. Timesinks, pointless and just makes time between getting to my dailies more and more agonizing than it already should be.
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I suppose it's a lore-thing. You know: plausibility of the game-world and stuff. Your faction doesn't have spaceports on every planet and since your ships need to be properly docked, an orbital station is obviously the best solution.


But it's not very surprising, that people complain about a few minutes walking in a time, where other MMOs let you teleport to any dungeon from any place in the world AND back. For me it's really great to actually have to walk somewehre to get things done. I was really unhappy, when they included the teleport-options in LotRO, because for me it's part of the experience to gather in certain place and then enter the dungeon or quest-area together.


On a sidenote: Todays MMO-player sure get slapped in the face a lot, don't they?

Edited by CaptainHagbard
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