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Giamonti-prime's Merc Pyrotech Guide


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Why not fire the rail shot as soon as possible? The faster you fire it, the faster you can prot it or it to naturally cd.

IM > RS >TD > unload > etc.


That's exactly how I do it, depending on the heat it might even be rapid shots > rail shot etc, but I hit rail shot as soon as possible so that unload/powershot can reset it and make it free.

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So glad I found this thread. I switched to Pyrotech in pvp and it's awesome fun - I feel I'm getting challenged, and have way more survivability in 1 on 1s. So thanks to OP and everyone else who has contributed. The theory and rotations have been a huge help.


Anyway, quick question: does anybody run Energy Rebounder and Automated Defenses in the same build for PvP? To me it seems a great defensive help from AD and a great way to hurl a free fusion or sweeping blasters with ER to help with heat control so the best of both. Something like this perhaps?




Between vent heat and ER it seems that being able to do one free attack (at 33 heat) every 30 or seconds is better than getting an additional 16 heat vented every minute and a half.


Glad u like the spec, learn to master heat management and you will quickly become one nasty firebug....


Good luck

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Thanks, one thing I would like to know is, how do we deal with Arsenal mercs without an interrupt? Kiting doesn't work, and we can't line of sight too well on open ground all the time. if my ccs are on cooldown I get bursted down pretty quick. Edited by Diddley
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Thanks, one thing I would like to know is, how do we deal with Arsenal mercs without an interrupt? Kiting doesn't work, and we can't line of sight too well on open ground all the time. if my ccs are on cooldown I get bursted down pretty quick.


Well Los is the key. If no Los which, is kinda rare tbh, there is always something to Los with. But use ur stuns and get to los. Since we don't have an interrupt our biggest counter to arsenal is Los till we have them in an hp deficit, then blow them up. Once your in champ/BM gear the TM spam isn't as bad. After 1.2 we will own arsenal 1v1.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well Los is the key. If no Los which, is kinda rare tbh, there is always something to Los with. But use ur stuns and get to los. Since we don't have an interrupt our biggest counter to arsenal is Los till we have them in an hp deficit, then blow them up. Once your in champ/BM gear the TM spam isn't as bad. After 1.2 we will own arsenal 1v1.


How so? Arsenal is barely being nerfed (in fact it's getting buffed in some areas), if anything pyro is nerfed harder.

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I have been playing Pyro for the last couple weeks and I will say that I definitely prefer it over Arsenal in PvP any day of the week.


Mind you, I'm not saying one is better than the other.


Pyro works extremely well against Force users, (Sweltering Heat managment will get you a win everytime) and the only real problems I have had killing comes from; surprisingly, Arsenal Mercs, and Troopers.


Arsenal Mercs do a ton of burst damage that I have yet to counter, but that could be a matter of timing my stuns better. This is assuming I am NOT using line of sight.


Troopers take longer for me to kill because of their defenses I am guessing, but if I don't keep the DoT's up non-stop they simply will not die.


Stealthies are cake, melee classes are cake.


In a more logical sense; Pyro can run away while still doing damage, Arsenal cannot, because once they give up their Tracer Missile casts they pretty much have nothing. I can't tell you how many times I've run after players trying to get a Tracer Missile launched because my stuns are on cooldown; and failed.


In conclusion, I personally like Pyro, I HATE spamming Tracer Missile. I think they are equal and what it comes down to is personal preference at the end of the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What I don't understand personally is where the talk of Pyrotech mobility comes from when they need to use Power Shot and Unload to proc their Rail Shots which is the combo for all their burst. The burst goes in the toilet just as bad as Arsenal when you are interrupted or have to move.


I see both as being viable from experience but I see Arsenal as having the better Single Target and Pyro as having the better AoE (Dotting up whole groups of players is hilarious), both having pretty bad mobility to put our real damage and Arsenal taking a slight win for Survivability because that 10% shield is up all the time if you're doing it right.


Oh Pyro also seems very nice for taking out high armor targets where the 55% armor pen isn't quite enough to turn them into paper.


I have to agree with Lightmgl here about the questioning mobility of Pyro Merc, esp. vs a Pyro PT, since the Proc resets that drive the spec are both activated/channeled abilities. Undoubtedly, Pyro is more mobile than Arse b/c your IM is instant while TM isn't.


But the whole argument of which is "better" is nonsense, since it's all about what playstyle you like better or are better at, unless there is a class/mechanic imbalance that makes one better than the other (and then comes the Nerf bat). Basically agreeing with the OPs comments, it's not about which is better, both have pros and cons and its about how you tactically exploit your strengths and others weaknesses with regards to your abilities/playstyle. It's the player, not the game. Any class can kick *** if you know how to play it.


Now I'm not speaking from having a ton of experience, I pretty much only PvP and due to switching from an Assault Vanguard (= Pyro PT) on one server to a Merc on another, I'm sub 50...but I wanted to try out a different playstyle so picked Arsenal to try a ranged class and PvP leveled since 11.


While I agree with Mrs_Murder, Pyro mercs can put up big damage in a match and have some advantages in terms of mobility vs Arsenal, Lightmgl's point is a valid one. But I'm sure that's part of what makes playing a Pyro Merc a little more challenging and fun (how to rotate that channeled Unload and Power shot in there to get the proc reset).


If you like the playstyle Mrs_Murder described, I would recommend trying Pyro PT. Most people don't expect a "tank" AC to do much damage, but if you like being mobile it has the advantage b/c YOUR PROC RESETS are also instant (Rail Shot and the 10m range Flame Burst) and you get even MORE armor penetration from the middle tree. But again it's about playstyle. As a PT, you want to be in 4-10m range to reset your RS, where as a Merc you can reset from range. As a Merc you can self-heal and push back, where as a PT, you grapple em in and stay close to Proc your RS. But you don't ever HAVE to stand still, unless you want to do Death From Above AoE damage.


That being said, I'm focused on trying to become a good Arsenal Merc in PvP b/c I think it will be a challenge, especially coming from the more mobile "melee" PT playstyle. I disagree with all the flame I see on forums about "just being a dumb TM spammer"...i think being a GOOD Arse Merc in PvP will take more thought than that. As an Arse Merc you don't walk up to the middle node of Alderaan and stand there like a PT. You want to hang back and position yourself where you are not too exposed and can break LOS or kite away if you need to. I don't just spam TM but use it as an opener for RS (and will rotate in Heat Seeker when I get it, and go back and forth based on CD). Sure, if they are going to let you stand there and nuke them, do it! That's the STRENGTH of the class! Use unload to proc crits or vent, etc, get in 2 TM's before your HS to max the damage, etc. But you also need to be aware of what you can do on the move and use it accordingly. While I can kill a little quicker as an Arse, I also die quicker not being as mobile (and also attracting more attention as a 'TM Spammer') and not having burst on the run it's tough. But I think it will come more onto it's own once I get to level 40 and have a 31 pt skill and more survivability talents.


In my lowbie PvP experience, I definitly feel Arsenal is better 1v1 burst damage to kill off opponents then Pyro, but sub 20, I ran Pyro b/c at least you have the base weapon snare and could proc RS usually with an Unload. Both trees will need skillful use of stuns and knockbacks to keep a melee off your back and unlike IA, we don't get cover or stealth.

But we get heavy armor and with our Endurance, we can take more damage and stay up. A melee is SUPPOSED to win close range, so if you kite well, get in a heal, stun and get some burst dam, etc and get the upper hand, what I like about Merc is that you can move in for a Rocket Punch and/or Flamethower and finish a melee off, where a squishier can't hold their ground and face tank ftw.


As always, no matter what AC or talent tree BH you run, you always gotta MANAGE THAT HEAT!

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Thanks, one thing I would like to know is, how do we deal with Arsenal mercs without an interrupt? Kiting doesn't work, and we can't line of sight too well on open ground all the time. if my ccs are on cooldown I get bursted down pretty quick.


I have been a pyrotech from valor rank 40-80 (where i am now) and can tell you this fight is pretty easy. The trick is to use line of sight, your stuns and knockbacks effectively. Your basic attack is so much better than theirs (due to the DoT damage) so don't be afraid to use it.


Take advantage of pillars, walls, ramps, and anything else you can get inbetween them and you. pop out, fire your missiles, thermals and rapid shot while they try to tracer you. if you find yourself in melee range with no line of site the best thing to do is to probably pop off a stun. If they break immediately, use your instant cast ability and your concussion missile and just get out of there. Most of the time, You will be able to get to a place where you can Line of Sight them within 4 seconds anyways.


I find the most difficult fight is the tank assassin as their defensive strenghts match up better to our offensive abilities than any other class.


Mauraders can be a pain but the key here is to use your knockback and stuns at the correct times.

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