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SWTOR was an MMORPG regression


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Sorry, but this game has been a complete let-down. In my opinion, it's a regression in MMORPG's. Their focus and effort were put into the wrong places.


For an MMORPG to last, this is where it needs to be strong:

1. Community - Personal sense of belonging

2. Meaningful Game Play - Your actions actually have meaning/importance within the game

3. Good PvP System - Look into gametime statistics. How many hours to people play the following in Single Player and Multiplayer modes (Sports Games, First Person Shooters, Simulators). Long-term playability lies in PvP/modes that have players competing against each other.


I tried hard to love this game.

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For an MMORPG to last, this is where it needs to be strong:

1. Community - Personal sense of belonging

2. Meaningful Game Play - Your actions actually have meaning/importance within the game

3. Good PvP System - Look into gametime statistics. How many hours to people play the following in Single Player and Multiplayer modes (Sports Games, First Person Shooters, Simulators). Long-term playability lies in PvP/modes that have players competing against each other.


I tried hard to love this game.


I have had the opposite experience.


1. I like my server and grouping has been easier for me than it was when I played other MMOs (except maybe Ultima Online). I have even joined groups for Heroics I already did or didn't have the quest for just to help out. So, have other folks for me...


2. I don't know a single MMO that gives this. Single player games, yes. Text based MUDs with very active GMS... yes. But, an MMO? Never seen this.


3. PVP is a fun diversion for me, but I have rarely been interested in this as a sustainability factor. Just kind of a "side quest"


But, I am sure you'll find something to measure up other there somewhere.

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Sorry, but this game has been a complete let-down. In my opinion, it's a regression in MMORPG's. Their focus and effort were put into the wrong places.


For an MMORPG to last, this is where it needs to be strong:

1. Community - Personal sense of belonging

2. Meaningful Game Play - Your actions actually have meaning/importance within the game

3. Good PvP System - Look into gametime statistics. How many hours to people play the following in Single Player and Multiplayer modes (Sports Games, First Person Shooters, Simulators). Long-term playability lies in PvP/modes that have players competing against each other.


I tried hard to love this game.



although i have to say that this game will never do any of these things well

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Which MMO has a feature meeting your #2 requirement? I've played 6 MMOs, can't think of a single one.


Sandbox games like EVE and Darkfall usually do, I remember we had a player run tournament in darkfall and one guy ganked another from one of the guilds, so the guild went on rampage and ended up killing everyone and stopping the tourney. Which ended up being a war with a holy crusade of the whole server coming against that guild and wiping them out and taking all their holdings. Now that was quite a meaning/affect that one 14 y.o. kid's action had on the game.


Can't think of anything other than sandboxes tho.

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Sorry you feel that way, WoW is that-a-way.




(I can only assume you're a WoW fan, if this is not the case, please disregard.)



Seriously tho, I'm not sure where you feel the game has let you down. Of the 3 things you listed, only pvp can be seen as possibly being underdeveloped, imo.


Community is what you make of it.


The storylines in SWTOR by far surpass anything any other MMO has done before, imo.


My only experience with pvp has been world pvp, so you might be right there, I have no idea.

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Sorry, but this game has been a complete let-down. In my opinion, it's a regression in MMORPG's. Their focus and effort were put into the wrong places.


For an MMORPG to last, this is where it needs to be strong:

1. Community - Personal sense of belonging

2. Meaningful Game Play - Your actions actually have meaning/importance within the game

3. Good PvP System - Look into gametime statistics. How many hours to people play the following in Single Player and Multiplayer modes (Sports Games, First Person Shooters, Simulators). Long-term playability lies in PvP/modes that have players competing against each other.


I tried hard to love this game.


1. There is a great community if you dont come to these forums. Join up with a good guild, and there is the best sense of community you can get.

2. It is very meaningful IMO, your choices to matter to the story and you can actually pull more than 1 mob without worrying about dying.

3. The PVP system is pretty good, and it will get better when they release the 50 bracket. This will allow high end PVP to be more competitive and the lower bracket will have more a more relaxed atmosphere. Also some of the changes coming to Ilum show promise.


Hang in there, the game was just released a few weeks ago.

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