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Was SWTOR worth the $60?


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I am giving this game two months of play at lvl 50 then I will better be able to anwer this question. Right now I am hoping for a viable solo endgame of some sort... we shall see.


Space content is ok for beginning, but really, fleet action battle grounds would be cool...


I am playing a JK and feel like I'm constantly healing myself... compared to my Sniper or Bounty Hunter which roll through mobs like crazy... so work yet to be done on that in my opinion.


Have to agree space warzones would be pretty awsome...Visions of something like ace combat comes to mind only in space.


With directives like taking out a space station or defending one

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i probably would have benefited more from buying Skyrim


If you don't care to play with other people, sure.


Skyrim would be an amazing game is you could remove hacks, exploits and add in multi-player. But that isn't going to happen.

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The basic ground game and the storylines are excellent. For that I think it was worth it.


The game does have serious issues though:


Crafting is pointless, the space game is rail shooter garbage, ability lag sucks, pvp lag sucks, etc..


For now I am enjoying the good parts of SWTOR and probably will for a couple of months. If they fix the major issues then I'll stick around longer.

Edited by --Grim--
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Yes for PvE, no for PvP (crap engine isn;t optimized for for, so there is fps lag :( )


The engine isn't crap. I don't get any FPS lag in pvp at all, nor does anyone I know of in our guild.


If it was the engine, everyone would have the same issue.

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Definitely yes plus the monthly sub.


I'm having a blast. Everything from leveling to running flashpoints to working on companions and the class story bring an entire new leveling if engaging play thats not only fun but entertaining. Leaving me wanting more.


PVP is pretty good and I've enjoyed it. It's not my go to option for gaming but it was good.


The space combat is what it is. It's never been hyped as anything else but a side game and it's fun to play when you want to do something else for a little while. It's the fishing of WOW but more exciting.



If I had one grip it would be crafting. I hope that gets looked at soon.



Other than that it's a great game and bring back a fun factor thats been missing for a while in other mmo's.

Edited by Quraswren
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Crafting is pointless, the space game is rail shooter garbage, ability lag sucks, pvp lag sucks, etc..


  • Crafting is nice, and you get some great items from it.
  • A lot of people like the rail shooter, you may think it's garbage, but others don't.
  • They are already creating a new Space Combat system anyway.
  • Ability lag is a pain, but is being worked on.
  • Most pvpers I know don't get 'pvp lag'. I know I don't.

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I got my money's worth, but it is worth $60, not $60 + $15/month.


There aren't enough MMO features to pay that much and my favorite part of the game is the space combat and class quests and they require no other players. I wouldn't mind if they made a 'free' offline mode that just played like a single player game without the monthly subscription. I'm kind of bummed I won't be able to play the space combat missions without subbing.


And it will be a really fun game to come back to ever once in a while. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. There are so many games out there, I don't really want to get nailed down to playing just one like I did for a couple of years back in 2004.


I look forward to additional space games and the continuation of the class quests at some point in the future and THAT will be worth the $15/month.

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This isn't a thread about whether you will subscribe or not subscribe or have already unsubscribed this thread is about what the topic says. Was SWTOR worth the $60 you paid for it to you? Do you feel you got your money's worth? Did you get $60 worth of entertainment from playing SWTOR for a month?


Personally I can honestly say I bought a lot of games in 2011 including but not limited to


Portal 2

L.A. Noire

Gears of War 3

Batman: Arkham City

Forza Mortorsports 4

Uncharted 3

Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

DC Universe Online

Mortal Kombat


There is only one game I bought in 2011 that I have sunk more play hours into than SWTOR and that is Skyrim. Considering that I feel most if not all the games I listed were worth the purchase price of $60 and I actually got less hours of entertainment out of them than I have SWTOR so far I would consider SWTOR worth the $60 to me regardless of whether I subscribe or not. In my opinion I more than that got $60 worth of entertainment hours out of SWTOR so far.


And you?


My difficulty with your post is that you are trying to establish a value proposition for an MMO based on a long list of SPGs (single player game) you bought this year. And you are doing so in the context of did you get your free months worth. It clouds the discussion. We have too many people on the forums treating the game like an SPG now AND then complaining that it's not an MMO. The reality is a lot of these people are at fault for why they don't think it's an MMO, because of their play style with the game.


The value proposition for an MMO (ie: what is it worth to you in terms of dollars for entertainment) should be compared to the value proposition for other MMOs. In that context, YES, very much worth the purchase price AND YES very much worth a continuing subscription of 15.00 a month for me. I have not had as much fun with an MMO since the early days of DAOC and the early days of WoW.

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Beeing a SWG veteran since 2005 I find this game, as it is now, an unpolished and unfinished game, lacking the important points that maintain a dedicated community for the years to come. Seems to be more a marketing manouver to get casual players attracted by the fireworks of fancy graphics and the potential -not fully developed- of the storyline.

Boring and repetitive after 3 weeks playing

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Beeing a SWG veteran since 2005 I find this game, as it is now, an unpolished and unfinished game, lacking the important points that maintain a dedicated community for the years to come.


And you think SWG was polished in comparison when it launched? I was in SWG beta, and played for a few years and I can tell you now this game has far more polish than SWG ever even ended up with.

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I paid for the collectors EDT . In my eyes , I have played many mmo's since day one of EQ 1 . This one is the only game to keep me interested since everquest and happy with it . My guild seems to feel the same way . ( about 15 people ) So the answer would be " Heck yes " I will be here for a LONG time to come . :D
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And you think SWG was polished in comparison when it launched? I was in SWG beta, and played for a few years and I can tell you now this game has far more polish than SWG ever even ended up with.


You can play a terribly buggy and unfinished game, then move onto a new terribly buggy and unfinished game and recognize it's low quality because of how the experience compares to the other one.


I remember WoW's beta. TOR is better than that. But it doesn't make me feel like TOR was remotely near ready to ship in today's market when compared to WoW's readiness to ship in it's market.

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Even if I wasn't going to subscribe, which I am , this game was easily worth the money I paid for it. I haven't enjoyed a game this much for a long time. My only question is whether it continues to be worth a subscription, but having said that I bought a 6 month plan :) Edited by Cordelia
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