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Was SWTOR worth the $60?


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Much to my dismay, no, it really wasn't. I went for the digital deluxe and it wasn't worth it. I love star wars, i loved Kotor, but this game doesn't live up to the hype, broken promises, or potential. I'm not a fan of the WOW style gaming, nor did i like the fact that there is so little player choice. I can't pick powers, i pick how i hold my weapon, i can't even pick the medium armor that i want unless i roll a different character.



The game has a lot of potential but once my sub is up, i might leave it until the expansions start getting press.


Oh god! you purchased the deluxe!!! I would have killed myself if I paid anymore than 59.99!!!

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Honestly, the extra cost to save me the 8k for a speeder is probably a better value than the game as a whole.


Are you serious? WoW... you get 5k credits just from 1 Warzone m8.... cmon.... thats 10-15 minutes per warzone :/ ouch


They sure milk those who can be milked, I feel sorry for you m8, but in all honesty I still love you even though I dont know you. Please dont take this the wrong way. ok?

Edited by chiselyou
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As much as I may critisise the game in terms of it being an mmo, as far as the box price goes I feel I've easily had good value just going from 1-50 with 1 character despite the odd frustration with bugs.


I'm not gonna continue to sub to play a poorer version of a game I quit a year ago, but I may sub for the odd month now and again to go through another story and see if it's improved.

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As much as I may critisise the game in terms of it being an mmo, as far as the box price goes I feel I've easily had good value just going from 1-50 with 1 character despite the odd frustration with bugs.


I'm not gonna continue to sub to play a poorer version of a game I quit a year ago, but I may sub for the odd month now and again to go through another story and see if it's improved.


They have already milked us and made their money, anything else from this point on is a BONUS.... this is why I RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I bought the CE, already subscribed for half a year and I still haven't had the feeling I spent a penny in vain. I know the game has issues, but lukily they don't really affect the enjoyment I get out of the game. So yeah: I'm here to stay. That is until I get bored and move on, but at the moment I can't see that happening.
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Come on for 60 bucks what did u expect? :p When u run SWTOR, the monitor will morph into the M.Falcon, pull you inside and beside a row of sexy twileks in a Cantina? :D

You don't understand, I don't mind paying 360$ plus another 30$ month fee just for a game to be made right.

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Of course. I was in the beta for a year. My biggest complaint is the community thus far though. All I see many of you do is whine and complain. I'm glad I have folks to play the game with so I'm not stuck with you miserable lot.


Come the next billing date, I'll pay that $15 without hesitation.

Edited by ibage
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Come on for 60 bucks what did u expect? :p When u run SWTOR, the monitor will morph into the M.Falcon, pull you inside and beside a row of sexy twileks in a Cantina? :D

Since my main goal is to play through the storyline with my friends, I would have a liked a game that was less linear, so the first hour and a half of each play session wasn't taken up with catching one player up with the rest of the group so we can all do 2 missions together on the next planet before someone has to quit for the night.


I would have liked more robust grouping/friend tools so I could safely log into the game and play instead of tabbing out (with the the 2 minute turn around on that) to steam chat with people since that is consistent and easy to use.


I would give up a dozen light saber battles and 100 cut scenes for a polished UI and more convenient gameplay options.

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They have already milked us and made their money, anything else from this point on is a BONUS.... this is why I RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've played for about 100 hours. I'd played the beta so I knew what the leveling experience was like at least. I was aware if I didn't like the mmo aspect I wouldn't be able to play it again unless I subbed. At 100 hours I've got about 5 times the value of most games even if I never play it again.


No one has 'milked us.' Even if the entirety of the box price went to EA they would have about £120m in sales taking into account the collectors editions and digital deluxe. That's a shortfall of at least £80m and a potential loss of profit on alternative investments for EA. They absolutely need long term subs from a considerable number of players for this to even break even, let alone make profit, and let alone make enough profit to be seen as a good investment.

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