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Exhaustion Zones on PVP Servers


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I think that when attacking or bring attacked by a player 5 levels lower than the other player the lowbie should recieve a buff that increases their damage and hit points by 1000% plus causing a constant AOE dot buff to damage other players within 35meters regardless of faction. Why not give them force lightning too.


Then lowbies can gank 50 zones, oh the irony would be wonderful.


Obviously this would be turned off in warzones.

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I rolled on a PVP server believing I would be engaging in open world pvp as I leveled. I feel misled. What, then, is the distinction between a pve, and pvp server? I haven't come across it.


Going to "designated areas" for open world pvp is not, by definition, open world pvp.


Leveling is boring enough. I go to warzones for some variety...but what I'd really like is some epic world pvp battle, like , say, Tarren Mill/Southshore stuff. 'Memba that?

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Ah I see. BioWare and EA gave you the complete customer-database for TOR and you just made a quick representative survey on that subject, which you then projected on the whole playerbase. You have to be the only person not professionally involved with the game, who has this kind of data. I'm impressed.


I do not believe that my data is to far stretched from reality. I know allot of people request this change. But to ease concerns over the data that i will say it would result in a certain amount of the population from not subscribing to this game in the long term, unless fixed myself included.

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Wrong! Open world pvp is at its worst when it congeals around spawn/hub points and breaks down into camping and ganking - it then ceases to be 'open world.'


Doesn't tend to be as much of a problem in sandbox mmo's with rules like full loot, because people will tend to stay on the move for safety. But in a themepark mmo the open world pvp needs enforced dev structure to keep the pvp fluid and truly open-world.


In an mmo with no hard death penalty there's no mechanism to deter excessive camping, so the pvp system breaks down as gankers take full advantage of carebear protection.


Honestly, why some folks whine for 'hardc0re' pvp in a themepark mmo is laughable - you're playing the wrong game.


I have to disagree, because I have witnessed some of the best and most fun world PVP around spawn/hub points that's actually continued on for hours.


When a conflict starts out at one of these hub areas, it usually sends a ripple through the chats and the end result is usually players at all levels flocking to said area to get in on the action, and if you ask me is an essential part to any MMO that wants to last.

Edited by Blaikie
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As a player on a pvp server it doesn't bother me in the slightest, though I have to laugh at those posing as 'hardc0re' pvp'ers here - if that was the case, you'd be subbing to a sandbox, full-loot mmo.


You're incorrect.


I'm subbing to this game mainly because I hope it'll one day turn in to a more competitive PvP game, while still offering the MMO-feel I'm used to in previous games I've played alongside a solid story line that beforementioned games lack.


The one thing you need to understand before posting in a forum is that your opinion =/= Other peoples opinions.


There are no hardcore pvp'ers in a themepark mmo, so stop being silly.


World of Warcraft was a "Themepark" MMO, it was, and is, in the MLG scene.

It doesn't get more hardcore than that, so either way I guess your point is void.


Or you may define "Hardcore" differently than I do.


Whatever, I second this motion completely.


Separating the factions from eachother in the degree that is done in this game is ruining world pvp. Sharding and Exhaustion zones both contribute to this. As does questlines in different parts of each planet, clearly creating different 'linear' paths for factions to take in order to avoid questing in the same area that the other faction does.

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As a player on a pvp server it doesn't bother me in the slightest, though I have to laugh at those posing as 'hardc0re' pvp'ers here - if that was the case, you'd be subbing to a sandbox, full-loot mmo.


There are no hardcore pvp'ers in a themepark mmo, so stop being silly.


Please read this interview: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-12-bioware-swtor-post-mortem-its-more-innovative-than-an-fps[/url]


This is the director of the game stating that SWTOR was never meant to stray from other successful MMO'S. SWTOR is an MMO period, in the same vain as other MMO's. You have your opinion, and we have ours. Like i have said if you don't like PvP, there is just as many servers that are PvE. This is not something that we want, its something we need. FYI I am not a hardcore PvP but i do enjoy going to the opposite factions base and killing NPC's and players. In addition Tatioone is the first real world in the game that players of both factions actually get to see each other and this adds credence to why its one of the most important places to a full fledged PvP experience.

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However, there are a large amount of players who do like this, and its really quite aggravating when PvE players are catered to on a PvP server.


Exactly, we don't need to be wrapped in cotton wool on a PVP server, thanks but no thanks!

Edited by Blaikie
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Even though some of OPs arguments are a little far fetched, I (as a die-hard PvP-server-avoider) think he has a point. On a PvP-server you should have safe havens, but only a few and those should be the newbie-zones. In the open world, PvP has to be allowed everywhere, even in the other faction's cities. In my opinion even in the other factions capitals, but that'd require some new mechanics in this game.


Of course there should be guards. Heavily armed Lvl. 50 guards, which can't be easily beaten by a random dude, who just happens to wander along the other factions territory, but a well organized raid should be able to do it.


So as a PvE-only-player I can see the problems people on a PvP-sever have with that particular mechanic.

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but what I'd really like is some epic world pvp battle, like , say, Tarren Mill/Southshore stuff. 'Memba that?


Perfect example of endless hours of fun involved with these two towns, large PVP battles arose all the time, fantastic.

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Why has this post moved to PvP, please monitors of this forum understand that this falls under the general discussion forum as much as the PvP. I mean what where asking affects the whole game with exhaustion zones in certain areas being removed. Where not asking for perks, adds, buffs, or balance issues.
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Why has this post moved to PvP, please monitors of this forum understand that this falls under the general discussion forum as much as the PvP. I mean what where asking affects the whole game with exhaustion zones in certain areas being removed. Where not asking for perks, adds, buffs, or balance issues.


I agree that this thread is more suited to 'General Discussion' as it is about World Design.

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Heheh so you must be one of those people who are ganking people eh ? Unless its Ilum just exactly do you think you are getting in game rewards from doing this, As far as I know you do not get points in open world PVP unless its in an arena area, or a designated planet. The guy quoted as far as I am concerned is correct, it is, the lowest of the low.


I've never been much of a griefer myself but s/he makes a good point. Killing (not camping, that's different) some lowbies is a great way to get the higher levels involved in some full-blown World PvP and the mixed levels involved makes for a great deal of fun. There wasn't a guarantee of tangible in-game rewards (a little bit of honor, which didn't always go for much). Just stabbing, burning, slicing and bashing people on the head. Sometimes, it would drag on for hours.


Mind, I'm no big PvPer, but I do remember the early days of WoW (Oh, no! I'm bringing THAT GAME up for comparison! Chill out, people. Let an old woman reminisce.) and having random skirmishes in Southshore (RIP), Arathi, Redridge -- it was just plain. old. fun.


That said, most people level relatively slowly, so there may not be a whole lot of 50s to defend anything. Then again, a lot of folks who started during the holidays should at least be in their 30s and 40s and be able to do a bit of something as a group.


All in all, I'm pretty indifferent about the whole deal, but I do miss seeing the higher levels coming in to help and giving my lowbie a chance to poke at other players, even if it wasn't for a lot. Likewise, I miss being that highbie (is that a word) coming in with my buddies to put up a fight.

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Pve players have been accidentally rolling on pvp servers for years now, it happens in all mmos. They come on the forums crying about high level players ganking them and never think that there is a pve server especially made for them.


It's like me crying on the forums that there is no pvp on the pve servers, it really is.

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Pve players have been accidentally rolling on pvp servers for years now, it happens in all mmos. They come on the forums crying about high level players ganking them and never think that there is a pve server especially made for them.


It's like me crying on the forums that there is no pvp on the pve servers, it really is.


There are two types of pvp-ers:


The ones that feel the thrill of danger & excitement, and want to have a chance to have some epoic fights/duels with the opposite side while questing.l


And the bullies in real life that don't believe in fair fight, only get a sick perverted pleasure from slaughtering the helpless, possibly to compensate for some serious real life issues.


I am in the first category, I do like the thrill of danger and a cutting-edge fight now and then, maybe even some world pvp (those were the days)

But any time you want to do or say something about the despicable second category they come to the forums in droves to protect their right to be douchebags.


Pvp does NOT have to be mindless backstabbing the helpless, and no - highbies will just laugh and ignore pleas for help - if they even hear it, swtor doesn't take place on an easy continent but over many worlds...

Anyone atacking me or others for not being cool with ganking newbies are bullies. period. And I despise bullies.

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Even though some of OPs arguments are a little far fetched, I (as a die-hard PvP-server-avoider) think he has a point. On a PvP-server you should have safe havens, but only a few and those should be the newbie-zones. In the open world, PvP has to be allowed everywhere, even in the other faction's cities. In my opinion even in the other factions capitals, but that'd require some new mechanics in this game.


Of course there should be guards. Heavily armed Lvl. 50 guards, which can't be easily beaten by a random dude, who just happens to wander along the other factions territory, but a well organized raid should be able to do it.


So as a PvE-only-player I can see the problems people on a PvP-sever have with that particular mechanic.


Where do you respawn then? You're going to die over and over again without having even a chance to fight back. There should be some form of safe haven so players can gather together and form some sort of resistance if an enemy with an overwhelming advantage is trying to grief them.

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Where do you respawn then? You're going to die over and over again without having even a chance to fight back. There should be some form of safe haven so players can gather together and form some sort of resistance if an enemy with an overwhelming advantage is trying to grief them.


You can gather up on a PVE server.

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Where do you respawn then? You're going to die over and over again without having even a chance to fight back. There should be some form of safe haven so players can gather together and form some sort of resistance if an enemy with an overwhelming advantage is trying to grief them.


An exhaustion zone surrounding Anchorhead is not a safe zone, its an an invisible wall of death to all those that enter. I have never seen a safer place in the world of an MMO. If you want to feel safe 100% of the time, please read up on what a PvE server is and what it what designed for. PvP servers should always have that feeling of who's around the corner, they exist for that very purpose and Bioware decision to limit that within that server is bad apples.

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An exhaustion zone surrounding Anchorhead is not a safe zone, its an an invisible wall of death to all those that enter. I have never seen a safer place in the world of an MMO. If you want to feel safe 100% of the time, please read up on what a PvE server is and what it what designed for. PvP servers should always have that feeling of who's around the corner, they exist for that very purpose and Bioware decision to limit that within that server is bad apples.


Yeah, and 99% of the planet is fair game. You can go out and hunt down people that are questing and whatnot to your heart's content. Let's be real now, you're not looking for a fight, or going for the thrill of the hunt. You wanna go attack a town because you know that's where you're most likely to find AFKers.

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There are two types of pvp-ers:


The ones that feel the thrill of danger & excitement, and want to have a chance to have some epoic fights/duels with the opposite side while questing.l


And the bullies in real life that don't believe in fair fight, only get a sick perverted pleasure from slaughtering the helpless, possibly to compensate for some serious real life issues.


I am in the first category, I do like the thrill of danger and a cutting-edge fight now and then, maybe even some world pvp (those were the days)

But any time you want to do or say something about the despicable second category they come to the forums in droves to protect their right to be douchebags.


Pvp does NOT have to be mindless backstabbing the helpless, and no - highbies will just laugh and ignore pleas for help - if they even hear it, swtor doesn't take place on an easy continent but over many worlds...

Anyone atacking me or others for not being cool with ganking newbies are bullies. period. And I despise bullies.


I think you have it all wrong, let me kindly remind you that this is a game we play and it does not matter what you are doing in SWTOR, you are just playing a game. I fail to see how anyone who decides to kill players lower than them has any kind of real life issues, no that's just absurd I'm sorry!


And lastly, and I hope I don't need to bring this up again, but if you have a problem with ganking or the chance of running into higher enemy players than you in the open world who will gladly take your head off while passing by, then why roll on a PVP server?


In other words, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

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Yeah, and 99% of the planet is fair game. You can go out and hunt down people that are questing and whatnot to your heart's content. Let's be real now, you're not looking for a fight, or going for the thrill of the hunt. You wanna go attack a town because you know that's where you're most likely to find AFKers.


Actually I think he is just looking for abit of player created fun, which this game seems to lack.

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I don't care about the Exhaustion Zones at the borders of the map, that's fine, I'm talking about the zones which separate your faction town from the main world.


I am fully aware that this was designed to provide a safe haven for each faction and stop any PVP conflicts within the towns while players are questing and using vendors etc.


I just don't understand why they decided to use this method for PVP servers, there is a reason people can choose between PvP and PvE servers, and this is one of them.


A big part of PvP is ganking people much lower than you. It's very fun. Yes I hate it when it happens to me. But that's why I chose a PvP server.


World PVP is in dire need of some serious attention right now, lift the barriers on PVP servers Bioware and give us, the players, some incentive to seek out our enemies and raid opposite faction towns.


Only reasons I can think of is (a) They couldn't be arsed as it would be an extra job for them....

or (b) They thought it through, and because there are no level restrictions; i.e. As a 50 I can e.g. goto the reb starting world and gank them in contested territory with no serious debuff applied to me...then that would kind of kill it.



(regards (b) no that is not the idea of a PvP server!!! Although I agree it can be fun :D )



I support more OPvP opportunity though, just how best to implement it is the issue :p

Edited by Exothermix
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Only reasons I can think of is (a) They couldn't be arsed as it would be an extra job for them....

or (b) They thought it through, and because there are no level restrictions; i.e. As a 50 I can e.g. goto the reb starting world and gank them in contested territory with no serious debuff applied to me...then that would kind of kill it.



(regards (b) no that is not the idea of a PvP server!!! Although I agree it can be fun :D )



I support more OPvP opportunity though, just how best to implement it is the issue :p



We are merely discussing the higher planets from Tatooine onwards as it is currently impossible to even meet the opposition on their capital or starting planet nevermind trying to gank them. So I would safely say that level restrictions have nothing to do with it.


Not being able to invade capital planets is abit of an immersion breaker aswell as it clearly happens in the cinematic. The capital planets cities are barren enough as it is.

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Any of you think Osama or Saddam QQ'd during PvP?


You think they posted on forums about the rules, hoping the US government would update or patch their game?






PvP happens, there are no rules, there is just fighting. That's PVP.


there should NEVER be a discussion about ganking morals or ethics..THERE ARE NONE.


Kill or be killed. Otherwise roll PVE or RP-PVE.. Though I firmly feel that anyone that RPs in an MMO needs a CAT Scan every 3months and a thorough psych eval.

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