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Exhaustion Zones on PVP Servers


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I don't care about the Exhaustion Zones at the borders of the map, that's fine, I'm talking about the zones which separate your faction town from the main world.


I am fully aware that this was designed to provide a safe haven for each faction and stop any PVP conflicts within the towns while players are questing and using vendors etc.


I just don't understand why they decided to use this method for PVP servers, there is a reason people can choose between PvP and PvE servers, and this is one of them.


A big part of PvP is ganking people much lower than you. It's very fun. Yes I hate it when it happens to me. But that's why I chose a PvP server.


World PVP is in dire need of some serious attention right now, lift the barriers on PVP servers Bioware and give us, the players, some incentive to seek out our enemies and raid opposite faction towns.

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Only people who are bad at pvp need to gank lower levels.


QFT to that, I have seen bad players so many times in open world pvp, even using taunts (over chat) against people - which is basically insulting another player on the server. But nothing can be done about that can it ?

Edited by dronepilot
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This. The exhaustion zone isn't to prevent open world pvp, it's to deter griefers. Ganking lowbies is the lowest of the lowest.


I fail to see what that has to do with anything?


Ganking lowbies is a good way to start a bigger fight, people will log on their mains or get help, it's the nature of a pvp server, people who doesnt like it shouldnt roll on one.



Anyone who's up for a "fair fight" can queue for a level 50 only warzone, world pvp will never be fair, someone will always be outnumbered, but that doesnt mean that it can't be fun.

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This. The exhaustion zone isn't to prevent open world pvp, it's to deter griefers. Ganking lowbies is the lowest of the lowest.


You rolled on the wrong server, go back to PVE and I am serious, not trolling, u rolled on the wrong server, you can't grief on a PVP server because it's all consensual.

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I totally agree with this statement heres why. It took me about 20 minutes to decide on whether i was going to join a PvP server or PvE. It took me time because i just wasn't sure if i wanted that extra challenge. Not only have to deal with the environment but players also. Well i decided on the PvP server because i wanted that extra challenge.


I have the same complaints about tatooine and how they have seperated to two biggest cities on that map by exhaustion zones. It defeated the very purpose of joining a PvP server. There are options for those that don't want that challenge its called PvE. I can not think of a reason of why they did this, I mean there is an article that states that Bioware was never looking to innovate this game and that they were looking at the success of other MMO's in the genre for there success.


PvP is the single biggest reason an MMO is successful whether it be warzone or WvW, OR PvP. This is the single biggest issue in this game for me and one i created my very first post on and why i now check the forums. Please fix this, Please!

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I fail to see what that has to do with anything?


Ganking lowbies is a good way to start a bigger fight, people will log on their mains or get help, it's the nature of a pvp server, people who doesnt like it shouldnt roll on one.



Anyone who's up for a "fair fight" can queue for a level 50 only warzone, world pvp will never be fair, someone will always be outnumbered, but that doesnt mean that it can't be fun.


Heheh so you must be one of those people who are ganking people eh ? Unless its Ilum just exactly do you think you are getting in game rewards from doing this, As far as I know you do not get points in open world PVP unless its in an arena area, or a designated planet. The guy quoted as far as I am concerned is correct, it is, the lowest of the low.


Yes PVP is consensual - however there are also still a class quest to get through to. Personally I don't think open world PVP should be allowed, unless its in just the designated area area for that planet. Warzones were designed for that too, Use designated areas.

Edited by dronepilot
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Only people who are bad at pvp need to gank lower levels.


Sure they may be bad, but it's also fun. Forget that ganking was even mentioned though and focus more on the fact of how ridiculous it is when you first head out of town on your mount only to be knocked off and forced back to town, in order to use a taxi to cross a little stretch of land. It would also be nice to see players look for a group in chat to go and raid faction towns.

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Honestly, rolling on a PvP server makes no difference at all compared to a PvE server atm, I've got a level 35 and a level 34 on a pvp server, and I havent seen a single member of the opposing force at any time.


For people who enjoy PvP, doing some world pvp while leveling is fun, I'm aware that some people call it griefing or w/e, but they have a valid option named PvE servers.



Apparently players who enjoy pvp, outside of warzone, does not have any option to do so.

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This. The exhaustion zone isn't to prevent open world pvp, it's to deter griefers. Ganking lowbies is the lowest of the lowest.


Please look at the success of Call Of Duty, this is an everyday occurrence and is one of the reasons it is so successful. Every MMO has two option one for PvE and one for PvP, for this very fact that some people want to be left alone. I really hope you have chosen PvE, because i want to be able to PvP wherever and whenever i want, and no that doesn't mean always ganking lower levels but understanding that will happen.

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Heheh so you must be one of those people who are ganking people eh ? Unless its Ilum just exactly do you think you are getting in game rewards from doing this, As far as I know you do not get points in open world PVP unless its in an arena area, or a designated planet. The guy quoted as far as I am concerned is correct, it is, the lowest of the low.


Rewards? how about fun? I don't enjoy PvP because it gives me rewards, you make it sound like it's a second job.


I played mmo's before there were any warzones or actual pvp zones, that's the way it was done, and I'll take it over warzones any day of the week.


Does thta mean that I'll camp some guy who's 30 levels below me for an hour? no, you're completely missing the point and I fail to see why people on a PvE server would even have an opinion about this.


Why would anyone roll on a PvP server, if it werent for the world PvP, at any level beyond the 2 starting planets?

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Heheh so you must be one of those people who are ganking people eh ? Unless its Ilum just exactly do you think you are getting in game rewards from doing this, As far as I know you do not get points in open world PVP unless its in an arena area, or a designated planet. The guy quoted as far as I am concerned is correct, it is, the lowest of the low.


Yes PVP is consensual - however there are also still a class quest to get through to. Personally I don't think open world PVP should be allowed, unless its in just the designated area area for that planet. Warzones were designed for that too, Use designated areas.


This games success depends on our ability to PvP. Its the difference between 500,000 subscribers without it, and 1 million with it. I cannot state how important this is and how important an option like PvE is for people that don;t like to be ganked.

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A big part of PvP is ganking people much lower than you. It's very fun. Yes I hate it when it happens to me. But that's why I chose a PvP server.



Wrong! Open world pvp is at its worst when it congeals around spawn/hub points and breaks down into camping and ganking - it then ceases to be 'open world.'


Doesn't tend to be as much of a problem in sandbox mmo's with rules like full loot, because people will tend to stay on the move for safety. But in a themepark mmo the open world pvp needs enforced dev structure to keep the pvp fluid and truly open-world.


In an mmo with no hard death penalty there's no mechanism to deter excessive camping, so the pvp system breaks down as gankers take full advantage of carebear protection.


Honestly, why some folks whine for 'hardc0re' pvp in a themepark mmo is laughable - you're playing the wrong game.

Edited by shootist
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This thread is hilarious. Its full of PvE players ragging on PvP servers.


WE GET IT. You don't like open world pvp, you don't like ganking, you don't like the added danger.


And guess what, that's fine. Go play on your PvE server.


However, there are a large amount of players who do like this, and its really quite aggravating when PvE players are catered to on a PvP server.

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This thread is hilarious. Its full of PvE players ragging on PvP servers.


WE GET IT. You don't like open world pvp, you don't like ganking, you don't like the added danger.


And guess what, that's fine. Go play on your PvE server.


However, there are a large amount of players who do like this, and its really quite aggravating when PvE players are catered to on a PvP server.


As a player on a pvp server it doesn't bother me in the slightest, though I have to laugh at those posing as 'hardc0re' pvp'ers here - if that was the case, you'd be subbing to a sandbox, full-loot mmo.


There are no hardcore pvp'ers in a themepark mmo, so stop being silly.

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This. The exhaustion zone isn't to prevent open world pvp, it's to deter griefers. Ganking lowbies is the lowest of the lowest.


Well I'm afraid it does prevent world PVP. There are loads of other more subtle methods to stop ganking and I doubt any one player or few for that matter would be able to hold off the town guards if they were given some more buffs. If the town becomes under attack by a full group(s) of players on the other hand, then how is that the lowest of the low? What more would you want from a game than to be immersed in a fully fledged Star Wars Republic vs Imperial battle in the middle of a faction settlement in Tatooine or wherever.


There are tons of ways to avoid players being disrupted from their quests etc. For exmaple players under 50 could have the option to toggle PVP flag on/off while being within their faction town.

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This games success depends on our ability to PvP. Its the difference between 500,000 subscribers without it, and 1 million with it. I cannot state how important this is and how important an option like PvE is for people that don;t like to be ganked.


Ah I see. BioWare and EA gave you the complete customer-database for TOR and you just made a quick representative survey on that subject, which you then projected on the whole playerbase. You have to be the only person not professionally involved with the game, who has this kind of data. I'm impressed.

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Personally I don't think open world PVP should be allowed, unless its in just the designated area area for that planet. Warzones were designed for that too, Use designated areas.


Are you serious? AGAIN this is exactly the reason why we have different servers.....

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