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SW:TOR Subscriptions Dropping By 4% Every Single Day Since Release? Disturbing News


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I should have taken a screen shot this past weekend of the servers. all EU servers were either full very heavy or heavy past their bed like 9am in the morning. and it continued all fri-sunday. So its hard for me to belive that subs are declining even before the month is up.
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I work with numbers.... big numbers are good when I want more of the things I am am counting. A game needs more logins as more logins mean people are well using the game. less people using teh game means less people will eventually pay for it...


It happened in M59, EQ, SWG, LoTRo, Rift and every other game out there... the only MMO so far that has increased day one logins significantly has been WoW and yes there were bugs, and yes there was a toxic forum community, and yes people still came back...


the different issue is here we have a game that is 7 years too late. its not geared for Hardcore MMo players due to lack of tools and content, and it is not really very ADHD friendly for the facebook generation. Its falleing between the two...


It will have a very loyal following and it will remain profitable. I think every one can now agree it won't be the WoW killer it was hyped to be.


Just face facts... just because people are leaving does not mean teh game will die. It just wont be that successful so what?


I might resub in a few months if they radically improve but hey either way noone died!


Hardcore MMO players who need tools and addons to hold their hand? Carebear much?


What you call Hardcore MMO players I call pansies in tights, seriously.


You want a Hardcore MMO? Go play Darkfall (Admiteddly dying in the build up to DF2) or Eve, or Everquest. Anygame where you actually lose a whole crap load of stuff on death, see how long your "Hardcore" MMO players last. LOL.

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LOL have you started bringing in your 'alts' and answering them? You are bordering schizophrenia....


Alts? Are you telling me that I bought multiple copies of SW:TOR just so that I could ask myself questions on this forum?




LOL not a chance in blue valhalla.

Edited by Xugos
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Yet again I want to post my clarification on graphics;


quick info on this; (as I'm the developer of that tool), the generated charts DOES NOT represent user subscriptions.


Instead the tool reads http://www.swtor.com/server-status and generate charts for server-loads based on given population field on the page.


So basically a total value of 800 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 3.7 = ~ Heavy population in average.


Where as a value of 600 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 2.7 = Standard population.

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full


So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any).


In MMO launches, heavy populations are always expected and over time they normalize - which is already the case for SWTOR -- and those charts actually represent that.


Can anybody with a post in first page of the thread can paste this explanation? So people can get an understanding of the charts before commenting on the OP's erroneous interpretation of them.


Here is an FAQ on the tool as well! http://www.swtorarena.com/topic/210-swtor-statistics-tool-faq/

Edited by Zoggel
Added FAQ link by request
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And I still Play EvE, What? No law says you can't love two games.


Nice try though....




Come on.


Im not bashing any other game nor have I.


Im making fun of an obvious WoW troll in a SWTOR forum.




and yes, the WoW fanbois are in heat over SWTOR.

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Yet again I want to post my clarification on graphics;


quick info on this; (as I'm the developer of that tool), the generated charts DOES NOT represent user subscriptions.


Instead the tool reads http://www.swtor.com/server-status and generate charts for server-loads based on given population field on the page.


So basically a total value of 800 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 3.7 = ~ Heavy population in average.


Where as a value of 600 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 2.7 = Standard population.

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full


So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any).


In MMO launches, heavy populations are always expected and over time they normalize - which is already the case for SWTOR -- and those charts actually represent that.


Can anybody with a post in first page of the thread can paste this explanation? So people can get an understanding of the charts before commenting on the OP's erroneous interpretation of them.


Dang Xugos, you just got told.

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I, too, was once very hyped for this game, but I stop short of calling myself a 'fanboy.'


I wouldn't be foolish enough to get involved with the irrational praising of a game.


Many of us have been around a long time, we can still remember the bashing you were giving the game months and months before release.

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Hardcore MMO players who need tools and addons to hold their hand? Carebear much?


What you call Hardcore MMO players I call pansies in tights, seriously.


You want a Hardcore MMO? Go play Darkfall (Admiteddly dying in the build up to DF2) or Eve, or Everquest. Anygame where you actually lose a whole crap load of stuff on death, see how long your "Hardcore" MMO players last. LOL.


This, 1000 times. What you have here is a bunch of ADD kids that can't play without addons and macros doing the work for them and calling themselves 'hardcore' just because they have almos no social life or obligations and can spend 6-8 hours a day playing (if not more). go play a game that requires REAL skill

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I, too, was once very hyped for this game, but I stop short of calling myself a 'fanboy.'


I wouldn't be foolish enough to get involved with the irrational praising of a game.


Just irrational bashing, then?


I mean... I have problems with this game, some pretty annoying ones, but if I hated the game as much as you clearly do (judging from your posting history) I'd just quit and not look back.


I've quit numerous MMOs now, probably more than I could list off the top of my head, and each time I just leave quietly. If I feel I really must have my say about the game before I do I will send an email directly to the developer because, it's not like the devs will read your rants, mods tend to just lock "I quit" threads.


So take the hint. You already seem to have decided you won't be here when the first billing period begins, be the bigger man and just put the game out of your mind instead of endlessly trolling this forum because there's nothing else to fill your time. Surely getting your guild's raid or PvE progression up on WoW should make you too busy to troll this much.

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Yet again I want to post my clarification on graphics;


quick info on this; (as I'm the developer of that tool), the generated charts DOES NOT represent user subscriptions.


Instead the tool reads http://www.swtor.com/server-status and generate charts for server-loads based on given population field on the page.


So basically a total value of 800 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 3.7 = ~ Heavy population in average.


Where as a value of 600 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 2.7 = Standard population.

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full


So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any).


In MMO launches, heavy populations are always expected and over time they normalize - which is already the case for SWTOR -- and those charts actually represent that.


Can anybody with a post in first page of the thread can paste this explanation? So people can get an understanding of the charts before commenting on the OP's erroneous interpretation of them.


Thanks for the clarification.


So we can conclude that Xugos' claim that the game is losing 4% of it's subscribers every day based on these figures is pure fantasy.

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Getting late; g'night.


Oh man, really?


You're not going to respond to the creator of the charts you've been using as "evidence" who's told you you're wrong?


What a convenient time to drop out.


We'll just assume you admit you're wrong :D:D:D

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Yet again I want to post my clarification on graphics;


quick info on this; (as I'm the developer of that tool), the generated charts DOES NOT represent user subscriptions.


Instead the tool reads http://www.swtor.com/server-status and generate charts for server-loads based on given population field on the page.


So basically a total value of 800 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 3.7 = ~ Heavy population in average.


Where as a value of 600 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 2.7 = Standard population.

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full


So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any).


In MMO launches, heavy populations are always expected and over time they normalize - which is already the case for SWTOR -- and those charts actually represent that.


Can anybody with a post in first page of the thread can paste this explanation? So people can get an understanding of the charts before commenting on the OP's erroneous interpretation of them.


i'd go so far as to say EVERYONE on the first page should copy/past this haha.

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