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Fed up with moaning


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I browse the forums every day in the morning looking for constructive posts and have to say all I see is posts with moaning, trolling and wow comparing.


Yes there are bugs in the game, but no game that I have played at release has ever been free of bugs. The bugs will be fixed in time and are being worked on.


Another thing I have noticed which I find incredible is people constantly comparing this game to wow. It is a completely different game with different mechanics. You have people moaning about aspects of this game, for example how it shouldn't be "I have to kill X of this for quest", this is no different to wow or any other game of this genre.


People seem to find everything and anything to moan about from having to walk in the early levels (shock horror) to space missions which are there primarily as a bit of fun. It is a new game which will receive fixes and new content.


And before anyone says I'm a fanboi, I have never bought a game from Bioware before and am not a Star Wars fan.

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So, you are saying people who bought the game doesn't have the right to critisize it?


To me it sure has that WoW feel you talk about. Except WoW's mechanics and end-game are actually functional and fun.


But if you enjoy it then play it. You will be glad to hear that in less than a week alot will be gone from the forums when their subs run out.

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Another thing I have noticed which I find incredible is people constantly comparing this game to wow. It is a completely different game with different mechanics.


You're blind if you can't see the resemblance. If I was describing this game to a friend, I'd say: "Its WoW with a SW skin on and cutscenes." If you like SW, and WoW, you'll probably like this.


The combat mechanics are similar, hell even some of the abilities are named similarly.

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7 more days. :D


And check the other areas of the forum, they are full of helpful and informative posts. The class forums especially.


General discussion is, as someone has so delightfully put it 'A wretched hive of scum and villany".


This. I honestly hope though that we don't see a giant exodus. I don't believe we will, although if you general has any reflection on the general populace then we are in trouble. The good news is that that doesn't seem to be the case.

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Its like this with all MMO's, People have different opinions.

I do find it sad that people who dont like the game have nothing better to do then troll the forums.


At the ens of the day, these nubs will be gone soon and the community will only get better.

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Its like this with all MMO's, People have different opinions.

I do find it sad that people who dont like the game have nothing better to do then troll the forums.


At the ens of the day, these nubs will be gone soon and the community will only get better.


You're fooling yourself if you think that's the case. Not everyone with a legit beef is automatically a troll.

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I have to say that I am starting to get a conspiracy feeling, in as much as I feel that at least some (by some I mean a large majority) are posts made my complainers who either:


  • Feel that another game may be threatened and have come here to try and discredit SWTOR
  • Are professional, paid discreditors


Before anyone goes off on me about tin hats, hear me out.


Take yesterday for example. For about an hour yesterday around 6pm UK, there were a huge number of new topics raised on an issue that had never been raised before. These posters all basically wrote the same thing, but in slightly different terms.


This action, to a new reader, could make them think that the game had a major issue, when in fact the issue raised was a complete non-issue, non gamebreaking and is already listed as something they want to correct in the future.


This sort of "coordinated" posting makes me suspicious, but anyhoo, I tend to ignore it now, because it is clearly failing.


SWTOR is a runaway success and is clearly growing in numbers at a healthy rate. 2 million units shifted in under a month; not too shabby.

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I browse the forums every day in the morning looking for constructive posts and have to say all I see is posts with moaning, trolling and wow comparing.


Yes there are bugs in the game, but no game that I have played at release has ever been free of bugs. The bugs will be fixed in time and are being worked on.


Another thing I have noticed which I find incredible is people constantly comparing this game to wow. It is a completely different game with different mechanics. You have people moaning about aspects of this game, for example how it shouldn't be "I have to kill X of this for quest", this is no different to wow or any other game of this genre.


People seem to find everything and anything to moan about from having to wUalk in the early levels (shock horror) to space missions which are there primarily as a bit of fun. It is a new game which will receive fixes and new content.


And before anyone says I'm a fanboi, I have never bought a game from Bioware before and am not a Star Wars fan.



So your moaning about being tired about moaning.....good show.

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I have to say that I am starting to get a conspiracy feeling, in as much as I feel that at least some (by some I mean a large majority) are posts made my complainers who either:


  • Feel that another game may be threatened and have come here to try and discredit SWTOR
  • Are professional, paid discreditors


Before anyone goes off on me about tin hats, hear me out.


Take yesterday for example. For about an hour yesterday around 6pm UK, there were a huge number of new topics raised on an issue that had never been raised before. These posters all basically wrote the same thing, but in slightly different terms.


This action, to a new reader, could make them think that the game had a major issue, when in fact the issue raised was a complete non-issue, non gamebreaking and is already listed as something they want to correct in the future.


This sort of "coordinated" posting makes me suspicious, but anyhoo, I tend to ignore it now, because it is clearly failing.


SWTOR is a runaway success and is clearly growing in numbers at a healthy rate. 2 million units shifted in under a month; not too shabby.


Glad you pulled those numbers out of thin air.

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I have to say that I am starting to get a conspiracy feeling, in as much as I feel that at least some (by some I mean a large majority) are posts made my complainers who either:


  • Feel that another game may be threatened and have come here to try and discredit SWTOR
  • Are professional, paid discreditors


Before anyone goes off on me about tin hats, hear me out.


Take yesterday for example. For about an hour yesterday around 6pm UK, there were a huge number of new topics raised on an issue that had never been raised before. These posters all basically wrote the same thing, but in slightly different terms.


This action, to a new reader, could make them think that the game had a major issue, when in fact the issue raised was a complete non-issue, non gamebreaking and is already listed as something they want to correct in the future.


This sort of "coordinated" posting makes me suspicious, but anyhoo, I tend to ignore it now, because it is clearly failing.


SWTOR is a runaway success and is clearly growing in numbers at a healthy rate. 2 million units shifted in under a month; not too shabby.


Your tinfoil's not on tight enough.


Besides, the real indicator with an MMO is subscription retention and churn. Box sales aren't the thing. How many of those "2 million" sales are going to stay after their 30 days are up? How many stay after 60, 90, etc.


Personally, I think the churn on this game is going to be quite bad. They're going to have to work to keep 25% of those 2M subbed. I recall someone threw out a number of "We need 500k subs to remain financially viable" or something to that effect. So, over the long haul, they need to retain 1 in four people that purchase the box(at the moment)... for the forseeable future.


I would think that a lot of people that were going to purchase the game, already have. The MMO market is not what it was in 2008, its a lot more competitive now and you really have to have a superior product with something that's going to make people want to stay subbed for a good long time.


For me, TOR does not have that. Its alright, but there's no meat to it. Its a big bowl of vanilla ice cream, with maybe some chocolate syrup, and perhaps a brownie at the bottom. Tasty for now, but not something you can sink your teeth into.


Perhaps I'm jaded from years of MMO playing. Perhaps I'm being overly cynical. Only time will really tell. IMO, TOR is probably going to be abother niche game with somewhere between 500k and 750k subs after 6 months or so. And that depends on if BW can release compelling end game content on a regular basis AND fix their glaring flaws.


Only time will tell though. I personally have another month or so of game time, and if the game remains as it is... I probably won't see the need to renew that.

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I browse the forums every day in the morning looking for constructive posts and have to say all I see is posts with moaning, trolling and wow comparing.


Yes there are bugs in the game, but no game that I have played at release has ever been free of bugs. The bugs will be fixed in time and are being worked on.


Another thing I have noticed which I find incredible is people constantly comparing this game to wow. It is a completely different game with different mechanics. You have people moaning about aspects of this game, for example how it shouldn't be "I have to kill X of this for quest", this is no different to wow or any other game of this genre.


People seem to find everything and anything to moan about from having to walk in the early levels (shock horror) to space missions which are there primarily as a bit of fun. It is a new game which will receive fixes and new content.


And before anyone says I'm a fanboi, I have never bought a game from Bioware before and am not a Star Wars fan.


Dont bother with the forums, go in the game and enjoy yourself with the rest of us :)


Look, the popular threads here gets like 10k views or somthing...

Why dont you join us ~1 990 000 that are in game and having a great time instead :jawa_wink: We have cookies

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Maybe Bioware shouldn't have used a 2 year old forum system that was cheap as they come. Then people wouldn't be able to hack admin controls from the forum search. Then they wouldn't have had to disable forum search. Then you wouldn't see the 43784798 reposts. Then you wouldn't see half these trolls (they are upset at the over zealous forum mods).


And last but not least, you would be able to come do a quick search for the purpose of your forum visit and wouldn't have to see all the troll threads.

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Your tinfoil's not on tight enough.


Besides, the real indicator with an MMO is subscription retention and churn. Box sales aren't the thing. How many of those "2 million" sales are going to stay after their 30 days are up? How many stay after 60, 90, etc.


Personally, I think the churn on this game is going to be quite bad. They're going to have to work to keep 25% of those 2M subbed. I recall someone threw out a number of "We need 500k subs to remain financially viable" or something to that effect. So, over the long haul, they need to retain 1 in four people that purchase the box(at the moment)... for the forseeable future.


I would think that a lot of people that were going to purchase the game, already have. The MMO market is not what it was in 2008, its a lot more competitive now and you really have to have a superior product with something that's going to make people want to stay subbed for a good long time.


For me, TOR does not have that. Its alright, but there's no meat to it. Its a big bowl of vanilla ice cream, with maybe some chocolate syrup, and perhaps a brownie at the bottom. Tasty for now, but not something you can sink your teeth into.


Perhaps I'm jaded from years of MMO playing. Perhaps I'm being overly cynical. Only time will really tell. IMO, TOR is probably going to be abother niche game with somewhere between 500k and 750k subs after 6 months or so. And that depends on if BW can release compelling end game content on a regular basis AND fix their glaring flaws.


Only time will tell though. I personally have another month or so of game time, and if the game remains as it is... I probably won't see the need to renew that.


Well youre one of the people that said "TOR will have about 500k subs at launch and drop after that" a year back... Even now that the game is a huge sucess and getting more and more subs every day you cant admitt that you were DEAD WRONG. Noone would have even dreamed of 2million sold games at this point.


Sure time will tell us more...but atleast admitt you were all wrong about how popular this game would be at this point.

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Uh huh.


You posted without a quote. That would have given some sort of clue as to what you were replying to.


Clearly you had no idea what he was referring to then spouted off. If you aren't sure, don't say anything.


No where in his post was it even inferred that people who post with actual beef about the game are trolls. So I am not really certain that a quote to the post he was responding too would have helped your reading comprehension.


I see a lot of complaining, some of it valid, some of it not, but 99% is ridiculous over reaction, and debate on subjective opinions being passed off as fact, rendering the whole argument moot.

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Well youre one of the people that said "TOR will have about 500k subs at launch and drop after that" a year back... Even now that the game is a huge sucess and getting more and more subs every day you cant admitt that you were DEAD WRONG. Noone would have even dreamed of 2million sold games at this point.


Sure time will tell us more...but atleast admitt you were all wrong about how popular this game would be at this point.


Where are you getting this 2 million number? Some random dude posted a link to a random website that had a random number of 2 million. We have no idea how many they have sold. We do know they have about 300k concurrent users.


They are NOT getting more and more subs every day. If you look at the server statistics it has dropped like 27% And that is people logging in-we can "assume" if 27% stopped logging in that they decided to unsub-but we don't know for sure.

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I browse the forums every day in the morning looking for constructive posts and have to say all I see is posts with moaning, trolling and wow comparing.



I'm really not trying to be a jerk when I say this, but where there's smoke, there's fire. For instance, we noticed a marked increase in rage and quit posts in various WoW forums months before they began losing subscriptions in much larger numbers than previously.


No, the tone of the forum doesn't speak to every player, but if people are complaining in an amount one wouldn't "normally" see in MMO forums, then something might be wrong. On the other hand, if you think this is a normal level of negative rabble for an MMO forum, then you know better than to come here seeking constructive posts. ;)

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Well youre one of the people that said "TOR will have about 500k subs at launch and drop after that" a year back... Even now that the game is a huge sucess and getting more and more subs every day you cant admitt that you were DEAD WRONG. Noone would have even dreamed of 2million sold games at this point.


Sure time will tell us more...but atleast admitt you were all wrong about how popular this game would be at this point.


I don't believe I was actually here a year ago. So, no. I'm not one of "those people".


2 million box copies is a bunch, sure. But how many of those will turn into customers that will stay for the long haul?


I have no real emotional investment in the game one way or another. I'm not a huge SW fan, personally, I think the IP is a little silly and self contradicting at times, but that's neither here nor there. It *is* the only Science Fantasyish sort of game on the market though. So that's a point in favor. I'm tired of swords and sorcery (which is why Jedi bore me to tears).


If you divorce the IP from the game and look at it objectively, its an awful game. The IP makes it tolerable, even kinda fun at times. For me, its not worth 15 bucks a month kinda fun though.

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