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Fed up with moaning


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You're blind if you can't see the resemblance. If I was describing this game to a friend, I'd say: "Its WoW with a SW skin on and cutscenes." If you like SW, and WoW, you'll probably like this.


The combat mechanics are similar, hell even some of the abilities are named similarly.


In which case WoW was just Everquest with a Warcraft skin on and a dungeon finder. I love how Wowtards have decided that all basic MMO mechanics are somehow WoW mechanics, and any game that isn't an MMOFPS is now a WoW clone on those grounds alone.


Get a grip.

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So, you are saying people who bought the game doesn't have the right to critisize it?


To me it sure has that WoW feel you talk about. Except WoW's mechanics and end-game are actually functional and fun.


But if you enjoy it then play it. You will be glad to hear that in less than a week alot will be gone from the forums when their subs run out.


Personally Im looking forward to that more than the patch.

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Clearly you had no idea what he was referring to then spouted off. If you aren't sure, don't say anything.


No where in his post was it even inferred that people who post with actual beef about the game are trolls. So I am not really certain that a quote to the post he was responding too would have helped your reading comprehension.


I see a lot of complaining, some of it valid, some of it not, but 99% is ridiculous over reaction, and debate on subjective opinions being passed off as fact, rendering the whole argument moot.


If he was responding to something, then most definitely a quote would have helped.


However, one could take the comment as written and reply to it. Which is what I did.

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Dont bother with the forums, go in the game and enjoy yourself with the rest of us :)


Look, the popular threads here gets like 10k views or somthing...

Why dont you join us ~1 990 000 that are in game and having a great time instead :jawa_wink: We have cookies


I see you use "we" freely, like you represent something...

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In which case WoW was just Everquest with a Warcraft skin on and a dungeon finder. I love how Wowtards have decided that all basic MMO mechanics are somehow WoW mechanics, and any game that isn't an MMOFPS is now a WoW clone on those grounds alone.


Get a grip.


Except WoW wasn't an EQ clone. The two games play nothing alike.


WoW took an evolutionary step forward from EQ. I still have my rose colored nostalgia glasses on for EQ as I have some of the best community memories from that game, but I digress.


ToR copied what WoW did, put a SW skin on it, added come cutscenes, and Bob's your uncle.

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that people can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and incite flames. In the future, please create threads that encourage gameplay discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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