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stun stun stun stun stun stun


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Snare =/= Stun


Are you sure you're not getting snared? My bar works fine...


Very sure (greyed out bar), like I said it always tends to occur only on Whirlwind specfically, I could head towards as Sorc with a full bar of resilence to get CC'ed by Whirlwind.


I'm aware it's a cast time CC but that doesn't excuse it from resolve.

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Resolve is useless. Forget you ever heard of it. White thingie around avatars - designer thingies. Not stuning targets - bugged (not a big surprise).


Yes not working. It's crap. Last night i was stuned by a flashbang for the whole duration around 5 seconds while all alont staring at my resolve bar that is 100% full and thinking what a joke....

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Well everyone hates to be stunned or cced but just think for a moment about it to have no CCs at all in a game, what would happen then ?


That game would totally suck, it just would come down to who dmg. who first there would be no skill involved at all or very very little. Even right now I have to say there is a bit to less CC in the game, there are often these situations where you cant do much except doing dmg.


Now I also hated to get stunned in WoW, it was so stupid but now Ive seen the other side ... SWTOR has like nothing on CCs compared to WoW and I have to say with more CC is better. You will see more skill involved than without, its just boring if you have no options at all in a fight.


there is no skill involved in current state either.. just cc spam and dmg nothing else. Where is strategy? Where is reason to pick up some targets first? where is organization of CC and timing? These are the main things that came in mind when you say CC - and i know games that hadnled it properly.. even not perfect but on a playable level which is pretty much important..


Stuns are basically knocdowns from other games - fine.. why not, but after 4 seconds when i have no chance to defend my self - i want reasonable long imunity which is at least 20-30 seconds.. thats it.. nothing more.. pretty easy.


I hate as player not being able to CONTROL MY CHARACTER - thats not game then, im not really playing.. while not able to CONTROL my character

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My problem with stunlock is too many actual stuns bypass the resolve bar.


For example; the Operative knockdown bypasses resolve, doesn't affect resolve, and can't be broken by your stunbreak. Most operative use this, which IIRC snares as well, and the poor noob assumes that their stunbreak will free them. Then they get hit with a real stun, and by the time that wears off, either the op fell asleep at keyboard or the character is dead or under 100 hps. It gives the appearance that the resolve bar isn't working.


If this is fixed, I'd be more okay with it.

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Resolve just needs to be tweaked is all, the CC for all classes is fine. Resolve should trigger after 1 stun and last 6 seconds once the stun is broken and give you immunity, a snare or root should cause the bar to increase half way so if you are snared or rooted twice you get the 6 second immunity again. This keeps CC being effective while preventing over use of it and not giving players a fighting chance back.



Edited by Ikon
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Talks about CC will mostly always result in an internal battle in the thread about who gets hit by them, who uses them and who never experience it because they either are in a premade, know how to play or don’t complain about dying.


Therefor I’ll not comment on the separate CC’s in the game.


However lately I have been questioning the need of so much CC in a PVP environment. Do we really need that much? I mean in almost all PVP games I’ve played there has always been an issue with the CC countdown not working, in swtor read Resolve.


I’ve also noticed that many get frustrated by the excessive amount of CC that can be thrown on them directly after each other. Now do people get frustrated because they died in PVP, or do they get frustrated because it happens so often that the feel of actually doing any PVP before dying is nonexistent?


Personally I think one 5-7 sec CC/character is enough. And maybe throw in a slow as well. My main objective in PVP is the fight I can have. My level of enjoyment comes from how the fight was before I died. If I feel I could contribute enough I can walk away satisfied even if we lost the WZ.


Most people also know that going in a premade will likely give you an upper hand. The group can be lower leveled and have worse gear than the enemy team and still win the WZ based on teamwork and communication. So PUG’s will likely also be a factor of frustration in PVP.


But the question I have still remain unanswered. Do we really need all these CC’s and do we really need to have several CC’s per character?


A big problem I see with the CC is the abuse of it, when you pull someone into the acidpit, when you pull someone going towards an objective or a fight several meters back, when you aoe knock people in to the acidpit or the fire, when you stun or lift someone over the fire, when you perma CC someone to get a kill (mostly in outnumbered groups).


I believe that if you remove most of the CC people will be forced to use tactics more to get a kill. You can no longer make a person incapacitated and unable to join in on the fight. On a second note regarding tactic I’d love to see everyone’s stealth ability timed and stealth being impossible while in combat. It’s way too easy.


Personally I would love to see much of the CC removed (one per character is enough) and stealth changed. I like being challanged and forced to think and use tactics in PVP. And I think the two things mentioned would be a really good step towards making that happen.

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actually what we need for PVP is massive nerfs to sorcs.
It's amazing that many of the Warhammer developers were involved in TOR's PvP, yet they didn't recall the problems that existed in Warhammer's PvP at launch.


-The warzones killed open world PvP in Warhammer. Happening here too.

-Bright Wizards did too much damage and warzones were flooded with them. Here it's Sorcerers.

-The amount of knockbacks made PvP utterly unenjoyable by tier 3 in Warhammer. Here they've given some classes AOE knockbacks on short cooldowns before even level 10.

-Witch Elves had insane burst damage that could pretty much destroy anyone they got the jump on. Here it's Operatives/Scoundrels.


Stunlocking actually seems to be a bigger problem here than what I recall in Warhammer, and the consumables just throw everything completely out of whack.


If I had my way your Resolve bar would use a multiplier that makes it increase whenever you take damage while stunned (not rooted/snared), Expertise would be completely removed from the game, and you would only be allowed to use PvP consumables within warzones.


That would go a hell of a long way in making PvP a lot more enjoyable.

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^ that pretty much sums up the PVP in this game.


this is very fun gameplay. makes me really want to stick around with this game.


worst pvp design i ever seen in this game and bioware says we have best developers


just /lol

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What do you guys expect when Bioware uses Mythic to do their PvP, Mythic destroyed PvP in Warhammer with the insane amount of CC they put in that game and they did the same thing here.


Once upon a time Resolve actually worked in Beta, not sure what Bioware is doing with it now, seems like it only works like 20% of the time...


IMO, Resolve should kick in after the 2nd stun and last at least 10 seconds, also knockbacks and root should count towards Resolve going off... Right now Resolve doesn't go off until after you've been stunned three times and all the other type's off CC don't count towards setting it off either (IE: Knockback, root, slow, etcc)... it's a really bad system.


CC should be used strategically not spammed like it is now...


The Two biggest problems in PvP is CC Spamming and Heal Spamming (whenever you get 3+ healers on one team)

Edited by Monoth
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What do you guys expect when Bioware uses Mythic to do their PvP, Mythic destroyed PvP in Warhammer with the insane amount of CC they put in that game and they did the same thing here.


Once upon a time Resolve actually worked in Beta, not sure what Bioware is doing with it now, seems like it only works like 20% of the time...


IMO, Resolve should kick in after the 2nd stun and last at least 10 seconds, also knockbacks and root should count towards Resolve going off... Right now Resolve doesn't go off until after you've been stunned three times and all the other type's off CC don't count towards setting it off either (IE: Knockback, root, slow, etcc)... it's a really bad system.


CC should be used strategically not spammed like it is now...


The Two biggest problems in PvP is CC Spamming and Heal Spamming (whenever you get 3+ healers on one team)


nice point but what is problem you know


how they don't think that

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What do you guys expect when Bioware uses Mythic to do their PvP, Mythic destroyed PvP in Warhammer with the insane amount of CC they put in that game and they did the same thing here.



I agree. This is pretty much what I expected when I heard that Mythic would be handling the pvp in swtor. Bioware should handle the pvp aswell. People saying that Bioware not having any experience with pvp, neither did Blizzard at first. Bioware did a great job with this game, Mythic did not. They should never have been involved with this game.

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