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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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Sorry, but I can't sympathize with this at all. I show up in an area, I collect all the quests including my class quest and then I load up my map and take a look at where to go. All the quests are normally within the same area and it is easy to figure out a path that I can take to do all the quests and not have to go back on myself. Once I finish off those quests I fast travel back, hand them all in and then get the quests for the next area. The cooldown on the instant travel is 20 minutes and most of those will be used up just handing in / getting new quests. The rest disappear pretty quickly while you are doing the rest of the missions.


I'm level 42 and I don't think I've had to go back to an area once after finishing off a set of quests in an area. In saying that, I don't skip the videos so if you are doing that, then the cooldown will feel a lot longer on it.


I'll agree with one of the earlier posts above, if all you are looking for is a game that goes from action to action to action, then chances are an MMO isn't for you. There's nothing wrong with that if it's what you want, but I don't think it's realistic to expect that kind of gameplay in an MMO.

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Lot of you must be new eh?


I go pick up quest that is on other side of map, as I travel to said place I pick up more quests that are also in that area. When I get to the area there are a few quests for around there. Complete all quests and then return and on my way back turn in each completed quest. Get new quest to new area... rinse and repeat...


I've never had to go back to any area because of a quest, it's pretty straight forward and streamlined so unless your doing one quest at a time you shouldn't be traveling back and forth that much.


As long you have not reached your 25 mission limit (whose idea was that anyway ?), you are right.


But going somewhere even for the first time is boring.

I guess SWTOR still means to spend 80 % of your time running and fighting mobs without any challenge or variation of your behavior.

Compare this to a good RPG, FPS or Demons Souls / Dark Souls that offers a lot of repetition too; but very differently.

Edited by genpion
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I agree that sometimes this game feels like Doom MMO with corridors and sometimes like a GTA without cars. Sometimes the quests feel like boredom when I have to run from place A to B and then back.


And it has nothing to do with laziness, because who wants to look your avatar to running animation for fricking 15 minutes over and over again. It would be different if the world would feel alive, then I could spend much more time adventuring there. But now it's just barren ground filled with some mobs and so on.

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Compare this to a good RPG, FPS or Demons Souls or Dark Souls that offers a lot of grind too; but very differently.


Guess mmo's arent for you then, pls go back to what you like to do and let us keep what we like to do, dont drag our experience down because you dont like it. I am not on your Dark souls forum whining how i dont like an extreme narrow path to walk trough and its 100% hack & slash all the way...

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I hope one day a company make an MMORPG where you can start at level 50 and where only endgame exist.


Only then, these whiny people will be gone. no more running! no more questing! no more boring combat ! just endgame grinding for purple pixels , horay !


now back online to play this game. Forum gets me depressed.

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Guess mmo's arent for you then, pls go back to what you like to do and let us keep what we like to do, dont drag our experience down because you dont like it. I am not on your Dark souls forum whining how i dont like an extreme narrow path to walk trough and its 100% hack & slash all the way...


You are 100 % right in advising me and the OP to play another game.

I have had just hoped better for SWTOR; like no grind to max level or end of story or a generally more intense playtime.

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I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"


LOL if the worlds were small you still would be complaining, i just wish you kids would grow up.

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Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


Funny, in SWG you got a speeder the moment you hit the first planet (Tatooine) and for FREE.

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Maybe you're just really lazy.


Frankly I like it. It gives the worlds a sense of scale because it takes time to traverse, yet with quest objectives that are layed out intelligently enough to keep from making you run back and forth over the same paths too many times (assuming you're not a moron who takes quests one at a time or something).


It's almost like people would rather have tiny planets with quest-givers that teleport you to the objectives or something. The game already makes things pretty damn convenient, complaining that it takes more than 60 seconds to get between quest objective areas is just a lotta whine and cheese if you ask me.


And you also like driving from New York to Boston via San Francisco, or from London to Dover via Edinburgh, because Earth is so big and gives the world a sense of scale, right?

Edited by Embrosil
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What annoys me more is trying to travel off-planet. You have to fly to a planet, watch the 'flying towards it' cutscene, hit a loading screen, run through an airlock, hit another loading screen, run through a spacedock (which nine times out of ten will have NOTHING in it of interest and is just copy/pasted), to then get a shuttle to the actual planet.


It is a blatant timesink and when the novelty wears off you get sick of it.

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People got really spoiled by WoW's increasingly easy traveling. They are so used to fly over everything at 310%+ speed (or more with class specific buffs) that they whine as soon as they have to actually explore a world again instead of speeding over it.


I have never played WoW. And I totaly agree with OP.

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Funny, in SWG you got a speeder the moment you hit the first planet (Tatooine) and for FREE.


Funny, when SWG launched it didnt even have vehicles they were patched in at a later date....nor did it have any 3-4 weeks after launch....

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I was excited when I got my speeder on Nar Shaddaa. I thought Yeah! This'll make the running a little less tedious. After Taris, I'm ready for some hot, speedery action!


Then I hit Tatooine.


And they moved everything further apart. So yeah, I'm going faster... but the travel time remains EXACTLY the same... if not longer!


Speeders make no sense in this game, thats the problem. Yes on Tattooine but most planets you quest on are planets like Nar Shaddaa, Taris, Coruscant which is just roads and walls. Going to the Republic Fleet looks weird as hell cause everyone is driving indoors ..... what was the idea behind that ? :o

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What annoys me more is trying to travel off-planet. You have to fly to a planet, watch the 'flying towards it' cutscene, hit a loading screen, run through an airlock, hit another loading screen, run through a spacedock (which nine times out of ten will have NOTHING in it of interest and is just copy/pasted), to then get a shuttle to the actual planet.


It is a blatant timesink and when the novelty wears off you get sick of it.

I'm gonna partially agree with this.


First, you can entirely skip the "cutscene", just hit space, so that is a non issue.

I also like that some planets have space stations - it adds some diversity, and also makes sense for the planets which have it. Some planets just can't have a fully fledged spaceport, or have a too strong enemy presence to have one.


But I agree they should completely remove airlocks though. They are empty and completely useless, add nothing to the game except a 50 meter jogging. They should change it to that we directly go on the station.

Edited by Korrigan
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Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


Running? Heck I can tell you about running! We didnt get no mounts at 40! You either begged a druid for SoW or carried a bard in your pocket and it still took us over an hour to cross the Karanas. Thats if a wandering giant or griffon that was twice your level didnt decide to put a little hurt on ya.

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I'm only level 29 and the only close approximation of a sandbox planet I've come across is Tatooine. Coruscant and Narshadda are vile when it comes to linear corridors giving the player no way to peacefully bypass mobs, travelling from one sector to another often becomes a time consuming endeavour.
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Running? Heck I can tell you about running! We didnt get no mounts at 40! You either begged a druid for SoW or carried a bard in your pocket and it still took us over an hour to cross the Karanas. Thats if a wandering giant or griffon that was twice your level didnt decide to put a little hurt on ya.


Oh yes, and 100 years ago people were still riding horses so how can the OP dare to ask driving a car toady, right? I really do not understand these people comparing a game from 2004 to a game from 2012 claiming the old one did not have it also. Do not understand at all.

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Learn the taxi pads and you should be set. Personally, I'm enjoying the huge feel to the game, even if it involves quite a bit of running. Yesterday I decided to really focus on doing my class quest to get my legacy done. Alderaan seems huge and I had quite a bit of hoofing around to do. At the end, I had learned a handful of taxis and will go back to eventually do all my side quests plus explore a bit. In this game, I've learned to just be patient and do things in small doses at a time, understanding that there will be a quite of travel.


One thing I would love to see and this is a bit offtopic but collectables like EQ2 and Rift. I loved exploring out of the way places and adding to my collections. People complain that the land is too big and empty. Why not put more interesting things scattered around to explore, acquire, etc. The world is quite lovely. Now make it more interesting.

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An "I win" button. What are you guys like 12? Calling me a child when you sound like a bunch of elitist 12 year olds?


Can you guys honestly, to my e-face, tell me that by level 30 you're not sick of running around? It's nice at first, but once you know every little detail of an environment and know that the only way to get there is to take part in a mini-marathon, you are not in the *least* bit over it? Can you say that to my e-face? Really?


Can you see yourself in the next few playthroughs to level 50 enjoying a 10 minute run to each quest sequence? To my e-face?


Sandbox is fine, but when you are stuck in a 2km maze it's a completely different story.

Edited by Gibmyster
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I'm gonna partially agree with this.


First, you can entirely skip the "cutscene", just hit space, so that is a non issue.

I also like that some planets have space stations - it adds some diversity, and also makes sense for the planets which have it. Some planets just can't have a fully fledged spaceport, or have a too strong enemy presence to have one.


But I agree they should completely remove airlocks though. They are empty and completely useless, add nothing to the game except a 50 meter jogging. They should change it to that we directly go on the station.


Yes, and also to allow us to ride speeder inside starports. Whenever I land I need to convince myself not to turn the game off because I have to run through a HUGE and EMPTY building. And I swear if I ever have to go to the senate buidling again, I quit. I have not seen such a lame level design in ages.

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I play lot of theese games and even i have to agree that the planets are poorly planned.


ill give you example: i think it was in Voss. I arrive to planet. get 3 missions one to minimun security prison.. Oki after listening 10 mins the talks.. (dunno i still listen them mostly, but i think most already skip them cause they are that long and take way too much time).. I jump to speeder (3 mins drive) and go in to the security facility... Kill mobs so i can go talk to the guy.. takes prolly 2 mins + the talk.. then kill all mobs going out (2 mins).. jump to speeder and return the guest (3 mins drive)


.. Upon returning i listen yet again the long talk parts. and suprise suprise.. get a quest that says.. go to the minimun security prison.. ooki.. here we go again..


..Now the "best" part was when i did the second quest.. .. The third quest i got.. was yet again to the f.. minimun security prison.


I dont mind the, but when i have to drive the same journey over and over again.. (and i think its done purpously so that the planet seems even bigger than it really is)


Another thing that i really hate is the datacrons, but thats a completely diffrent story.

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