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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Don't nerf classes, nerf accessible buffs.


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Im absolutely sick of reading these stupid forum threads for nerfing classes..


"Nerf operatives look at this 9k crit"


"Nerf juggernauts they never die and do so much dmg"


"Nerf X because Y damage is too high"


The real problem is buff stacking with: adrenals, relics, marauder buff etc. etc.


They need to make a new system where there is either a cap for your buffs or to limit buffs to certain classes. The amount of buffs that you can receive to do RIDICULOUS damage is insane.


I'm not sure if BW intended it to be like this but when you have full BM gear and you have every buff on you are pretty much like tim tebow running down the field on 4th quarter.


I'm also not saying there isn't any inherent balance issues, but the meat of the problem is the buffs you can have on your character that make you god mode.


Feel free to discuss because to me this seems like the biggest problem with pvp balance.

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I agree buff stacking needs to go, for definate.


If anything we could do with an expertise "soft cap" where it heavily diminishes past a certain point.


As for the hybrid "do it all trees" easily fixed, just move some of the "must haves" further up there respective trees and put some of the "only good if you are serious about speccing this" talents further down.


For instance for Guardian (class I play):


-Move Improved Guardian leap out of Vigilance and into Defence swapping it with force clap (gives Vigil a lesser stun this way too which is one of the biggest problems of this tree that it has no reliable stun)


-Move warding call up, bring blade barrier down (gives hybrids a survivability option, but lesser to warding call)


-Swap Singularity and Improved Saber throw around in the focus tree


-Merge Victory Rush and Improved Sundering strike into one talent, replace the now vacant vigilance slot with a Shien based improvement talent (make it worth using and 3 points due to my next change idea)


-Bring unremitting down, move Swelling winds up.


Those changes would make it possible to hybrid, however less desirable and at the same time allowing those that pure spec to not feel like they are leaving anything neccessary behind by going 31 points.

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Im absolutely sick of reading these stupid forum threads for nerfing classes..


"Nerf operatives look at this 9k crit"


"Nerf juggernauts they never die and do so much dmg"


"Nerf X because Y damage is too high"


The real problem is buff stacking with: adrenals, relics, marauder buff etc. etc.


They need to make a new system where there is either a cap for your buffs or to limit buffs to certain classes. The amount of buffs that you can receive to do RIDICULOUS damage is insane.


I'm not sure if BW intended it to be like this but when you have full BM gear and you have every buff on you are pretty much like tim tebow running down the field on 4th quarter.


I'm also not saying there isn't any inherent balance issues, but the meat of the problem is the buffs you can have on your character that make you god mode.


Feel free to discuss because to me this seems like the biggest problem with pvp balance.


No they don't else tanks n healers become unkillable.


The system is fine atm i dont undertand what everyone is complaining about....

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Not much wrong with buff stacking. You can do it in many MMOs. The ridiculous crits come because of the way the buffs stack. It's percentage based so abilities with high base damage hit even harder.


Rift used to do that too, as well as a number of other MMOs, and it usually gets nerfed to be a flat gain.


Don't nerf "buff stacking" just because people USING abilities and consumables in PVP is OP... just nerf the buffs themselves.


No more +15% damage. Just do +400 Power or similar. Eventually when everyone gets geared, the buffs wouldn't even matter as much. The way they have it setup, the more gear people get, the BETTER the buffs get!




Edited by LordSemaj
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Rift used to do that too, as well as a number of other MMOs, and it usually gets nerfed to be a flat gain.


And im pretty sure the nerfs were why we stopped paying for it.


I logged in one day "Patchnotes... Riftblade nerf... flamespear CD...ALT&F4"

never logged back in...


Tales of a Rizzit, storys to tell again sometimes :D

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As for the hybrid "do it all trees" easily fixed, just move some of the "must haves" further up there respective trees and put some of the "only good if you are serious about speccing this" talents further down.


I get your point, but it they do this, we will end up with only 2-3 builds per class. Now there is more like 4-9 good builds per class. Moving good talent up. Will remove the freedom to play a class your own way. Also it will kill the leveling experience, I know many, think the game starts on level 50, but half of my friends stops playing that character as soon as they hit max level, and start leveling a new character.

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And im pretty sure the nerfs were why we stopped paying for it.


I logged in one day "Patchnotes... Riftblade nerf... flamespear CD...ALT&F4"

never logged back in...


Tales of a Rizzit, storys to tell again sometimes :D


Too bad. You completely missed out on all the buffs that came later. Riftblade turned into a powerhouse melee teleporter when they buffed the 51-pt talent Avatar of the Rift, all the nerf did was remove the ranged dps version. Though I still preferred the Void Knight spec that was made possible BY that patch that essentially allowed us to nearly one-shot any character through buff dancing with Ragestorm.


Hitting a single person with all THREE Riftblade bursts plus Discharge... priceless. 10k+ damage on the first GCD.

Edited by LordSemaj
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