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So I'm somewhat familiar with the pvp in TOR by now (valor 56 on main, with several alts in the 15-30 range), and obviously there is an abundance of issues that you can learn all about in this forum.


But I just wanted to throw my voice into the mix by noting something I find quite intriguing.



Has anyone else noticed....


That the highest DPS classes are all the ones that also have healing/CC/stealth?


Mercs - 1 attack wonders + healing


Sorc/Sage - highest damage I've ever seen comes from these, plus massive CC and heals


Op/Scoundrel - we all know how bad this situation is, but even with a nerf, you still have huge damage, stealth, heals, CC




So why is it, that classes without Stealth/CC/heals, especially classes THAT ARE RESTRICTED TO DAMAGE, do LESS damage than the classes with all the goodies.




And I'm sure this has been brought up a million times by a million people, but frankly I don't care.


Why bother with Gunslinger or sentinel, (or guardian, vanguard if you want to DPS), when you can get MORE damage + MORE CC + stealth/heals from other classes?




In short: Really bioware? Really?




EDIT for trolls: I am a Jedi Guardian, and I destroy in pvp. I have no issue personally. My issue is that the healing/cc advanced class is outdamaging the pure damage advanced class in many cases.


Here is my flame armor:






Edited by -Sithis-
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Are you serious?


If you're talking purely about damage, i've seen snipers pull more than any other class in the game, not to mention they've also got the most CC in the game.


I'm not saying gs / snipers are overpowered, but your rant is ridiculous.

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I wish that assassins fell in that category, but sadly we're the laughing stock of tor. :( GG bioware.


Yes you are, and so is your mirror class Shadow which I play. Attacking any of the classes listed above usually results in "LOL" since your highest hit is easily healed by them while they simply wear you out.


I wish I rolled Scoundrel or something else.

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I agree with you there, there is no reason to select a pure dps class because others classes make more damage. I played a Marauder up to level 50 and did a lot of pvp but I noticed that the Juggernaut is more viable in pvp then I am. He has Heavy Armor and if you go Immortal he is nearly unkillable if you have a healer around. (And gets better looking gear!)


So I decided to play a gunslinger which is currently level 36 and I noticed again that the scoundrel does more damage in some cases and regularly the same amount as I do. The unfair advantage of the scoundrel is he has heals, cc and stealth. So why should anyone play a gunslinger?


The classes need some serious tweaking!

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Were you saying something?


My damage is fine. I simply believe gunslinger should outdamage scoundrel based on principle if nothing else.

Edited by Ellvaan
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I'm not saying gs / snipers are overpowered, but your rant is ridiculous.


You don't have to be shy about it

We are pretty overpowered, especially with a half decent team

The damage we put out, at range, while still having great kiting abilities, CC, and CC counters is crazy

Not to mention that when we are in cover we are uninterruptable

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Mercenary/Commando only has high DPS if your opponents don't play well.


Interupt Grav/Tracer and watch them stand there for 4 seconds. I stand there because there really is nothing else for me to use that wouldn't just be pissing ammo away when I could reposition myself while hammershotting in that time. (assuming sticky nade is on CD).

Edited by Zoggel
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Do keep in mind, if you are topping damage meters as gunslinger/snipers the people you are playing with are just pure ****.


Sages from my guild is up topping the 700k by now, I only topped 500k in a game, I'm not a random newbie like 90% of the noobs on this forum.


But having classes that do instant aoe always crit attacks, and having the ability to heal aswell, is a bit broken.


Sure I got burst damage, I can kill one person slow, but the sages are ****** several people after another, or several on the same time.


A bit qq having no multi-usage. and the 3 dps build I got isn't as good as the hybrid build that sages are using.

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I can say playing a level 50 jugg can also be really hard going up against these classes sometimes. Although our primary role is to defend and tank. Often enough we are always confronted with these classes, that no matter what attacks I use by the time I have used everything up they are at 100% HP again.


I find myself literally walking away from fights like these to go do something else. Let not mention the fact that some of these classes rip through the so called heavy PvP gear...

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Yes you are, and so is your mirror class Shadow which I play. Attacking any of the classes listed above usually results in "LOL" since your highest hit is easily healed by them while they simply wear you out.


I wish I rolled Scoundrel or something else.


What? a geared shadow infil (like 33/8 for ex) with expertise, adrenals, stims (like the operatives use when they open) can crit for project for ~7k, then force breach for another 4-4.5k on people without expertise. Infil shadow, if played correctly, has the most burst (out of stealth) of any class.


@ people saying snipers and GS's top the damage list, I simply have not seen that on my server (Anchorhead). They top the damage when there aren't supported operatives, assassins or mercs in the group. With AoE the latter can especially out DPS then 600k+. Show me screens of 700k sniper/gunslinger and I'll think this claim holds some weight.

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Do keep in mind, if you are topping damage meters as gunslinger/snipers the people you are playing with are just pure ****.


Okay, I'll start queueing as a premade on my heavy PvP server, and i'll come up against other premades with people who know how to play

Except wait. It doesn't work like that, at all! You play against the same people regardless!

The conclusion you have come to must be based of your playing with completely terrible snipers and gunslingers.

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You don't have to be shy about it

We are pretty overpowered, especially with a half decent team

The damage we put out, at range, while still having great kiting abilities, CC, and CC counters is crazy

Not to mention that when we are in cover we are uninterruptable



Eh, the real problem with snipers is LoS, I very rarely lose to snipers unless for some reason I'm fighting one out in the open.


But having classes that do instant aoe always crit attacks, and having the ability to heal aswell, is a bit broken.


Sure I got burst damage, I can kill one person slow, but the sages are ****** several people after another, or several on the same time.


What? I have an instant AoE that always crits? When did this happen?



Sages can top damage charts pretty easily by tossing around as many tab dots as they can, but this is hardly helping out the team. And seeing how easily it's healed through I don't see how this can be considered overpowered by any stretch of the imagination.

Edited by Aidank
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Were you saying something?


My damage is fine. I simply believe gunslinger should outdamage scoundrel based on principle if nothing else.


I have a 50 scoundrel, 50 sorcerer and one of my friends who I premade with all the time plays a 50 gunslinger. He outdps's me 9 times out of 10. Very rarely do i beat him on top damage, except when he is focused hardcore the whole match.


I also have a friend who is a 50 marauder and he is unstoppable beast in pvp. You need to l2p.

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I have a 50 scoundrel, 50 sorcerer and one of my friends who I premade with all the time plays a 50 gunslinger. He outdps's me 9 times out of 10. Very rarely do i beat him on top damage, except when he is focused hardcore the whole match.


I also have a friend who is a 50 marauder and he is unstoppable beast in pvp. You need to l2p.


For one, screens or it didn't happen.

For two, if you are a scoundrel and getting beat by a gunslinger, you should probably l2p.

For three, how can you tell me to l2p when I make no claim of playing any of the classes in discussion. It should be clear from my screens that I know how to play my class well. I've never seen any guardian/jugg with higher damage than me.


And finally, screens or it didn't happen.

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For one, screens or it didn't happen.

For two, if you are a scoundrel and getting beat by a gunslinger, you should probably l2p.

For three, how can you tell me to l2p when I make no claim of playing any of the classes in discussion. It should be clear from my screens that I know how to play my class well. I've never seen any guardian/jugg with higher damage than me.


And finally, screens or it didn't happen.


I always take screenshots of warzone scoreboards so that I can come to forums and whine about who needs buffed and who needs nerfed

Wait, no, no I don't

Gunslinger doesn't need your help, thanks

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I always take screenshots of warzone scoreboards so that I can come to forums and whine about who needs buffed and who needs nerfed

Wait, no, no I don't

Gunslinger doesn't need your help, thanks


Ah, too busy trolling to be doing any of that, now, aren't we!

Thanks for the contribution, good sir!

If you are happy with gunslinger, more power to you.


I personally think that aside from the bugs and ability delays, the game is well balanced. This thread is simply an observation. Perhaps the phenomenon occurs due to ease of use of some classes, or general lack of skill, but it seems to be the case none the less.

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For one, screens or it didn't happen.

For two, if you are a scoundrel and getting beat by a gunslinger, you should probably l2p.

For three, how can you tell me to l2p when I make no claim of playing any of the classes in discussion. It should be clear from my screens that I know how to play my class well. I've never seen any guardian/jugg with higher damage than me.


And finally, screens or it didn't happen.


Actually I don't need to l2p. I go for objectives not just pew pew pew all match. Which by the way I am running at around 80% win ratio for warzones. If you want some screens you will have to wait. As I really don't care about scoreboards I don't screenshot them at all. I will SS some tomorrow so you can see what good players who play their classes well do.

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Hypocrite, or just confused?

You decide!



We all know scoundrel is getting nerfed.

Let me try again. If you are a scoundrel IN ITS CURRENT STATE, and getting outdamaged by a gunslinger, you must l2p. Aside from scoundrel/op being able to 3-5 hit people (without popping all possible buffs like most other classes must in similar gear), this game is pretty balanced in my opinion.


Happy now?

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Actually I don't need to l2p. I go for objectives not just pew pew pew all match. Which by the way I am running at around 80% win ratio for warzones. If you want some screens you will have to wait. As I really don't care about scoreboards I don't screenshot them at all. I will SS some tomorrow so you can see what good players who play their classes well do.


I believe you, and I apologize for being so belligerent. I don't want to get into some flame war.

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