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Cooldown on Fleet pass causing Warzone Abuse


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Due to the long cooldown on the fleet pass, many people are abusing the fact that "deserting" a warzone puts you on your respective Fleet.


This is causing unbalanced warzones, and in some cases, causing the warzones to end early due to too few players.


The cooldown isn't forcing people to exploit the system. They're doing that on their own.


The answer to people looking for instant teleport isn't to give them more of them. A better solution would be to have them kicked back to where they joined.

Edited by imtrick
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Omg I never thought of this LOL!


And since theres no deserter who the hell cares right?


I blame it on the fact that fleet pass is on a retardedly long CD and with no deserter debuff why not just leave a WZ if you dont take an immediate lead (like everyone does anyway) but I can do this to teleport back too!

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If the fleet pass cooldown was lowered to somewhere around 1h, it would happen less. Also, if they fixed their deserter system, it would happen less. It would be nice if they changed something.


You can buy 1 hour cooldown fleet passes from the Security Vendor if you attach a security key to your account. With the low cost of the keychain, and the wild proliferation of smartphones among the target demographic of the game, I'm not sure why anybody -wouldn't- attach one.


Especially not with all the skeevy intarweb browsing and poor electronic decision-making the hoi polloi get up to.

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By the time I queue for a warzone, get the queue, join in, wait for the match to start, and then finally wait for it to kick me out I could have quick travelled to the spaceport, got on my ship and flown back to the fleet.


There is no excuse for this. The people who idle out of warzones should be put right back where they were, and given a debuff that stops them from queueing for any other warzones. Make sure the debuff is long enough as to be annoying!

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The cooldown isn't forcing people to exploit the system. They're doing that on their own.


The answer to people looking for instant teleport isn't to give them more of them. A better solution would be to have them kicked back to where they joined.


I totally agree. Video games should be as un-fun and punishing as possible.


I don't play games to have fun, I play games for tedium and load screens.


They should increase the CD on the fleet pass imo to 7 days.


Please don't turn this game into easy mode BW.

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