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In all honesty , what is there to do ?


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I realy dont get you guys , there are plenty of games who hade allot for max lvl's to do even if you rushed it ( which i did not )

End game makes or breaks the game and what there is now , is not offering me what i hoped for.


But i'm a patient guy and i'm not one of those guys who go off like "ADD THIS OR I UNSUB"

And complain about a lack , i'm simply asking :


What do you guys do to keep you busy in game ?

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Skipping dialogue isn't what causes you to rush through a game, playing for 20 hours a day is.


I too had early game access, but between work, my spouse and just life in general I hardly log 10 hours a week. I am currently level 27 on my first character, and I don't even know where I will begin once I'm level 50.


I am not saying you're doing something wrong, all I am saying is that it is impossible for the developers to cater for players like you, since they can spend a month creating a brand new flashpoint, and people will finish it within 30 minutes and start asking for more.


wrong. they can cater to players like this. Make things harder. The things ive done at 50 are a joke in terms of difficulty. If you never wipe in modes that are called Hardmodes, something is wrong in terms of difficulty/complexity.


And guess what, if they dont find a way to keep the hardcore players, swtor will lose them and then they will be left with a situation like swg had-----lots of problems and not enough money to fix. You need the players to hire the employees, to fix and create content.

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Guys, everything is not as grim as it seems.


Check this out:



At least they are trying albeit they are introducing features that should have been there in the first place (e.g. Guild bank), but at least they are trying.


The thing that saddens me is that they have not said anything about UI customization and the MOD support. At least let us customize this ugly UI, please.



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Unfortunately for the hardcore players, there are less of you than the casuals. Casuals is the reason why the Wii is successful, the reason WoW is adding pandas and the reason Bioware's focus wasn't on the end game.


And thats fine. Because they have done a ton of the legwork now for the casuals, so its only going to get better for the hardcore. The casuals have their 8 storylines and hours of content and from now on each and every update will be geard towards better PvP, Heroics, etc etc. It is not like WoW, which got worse. This is starting 'casual' and will end 'hardcore'.


So give them a chance. Its not that much *********** money for ****s sake but, if you are a poorfag, just unsub and come back in 3 months.

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I realy dont get you guys , there are plenty of games who hade allot for max lvl's to do even if you rushed it ( which i did not )

End game makes or breaks the game and what there is now , is not offering me what i hoped for.


But i'm a patient guy and i'm not one of those guys who go off like "ADD THIS OR I UNSUB"

And complain about a lack , i'm simply asking :


What do you guys do to keep you busy in game ?


You have to remember games that have a lot of content at end game have been in existence for a long while. WoW didn't release with a raid, Molton Core was patched in. Rift only had 1 raid on release. Aion AoC had nothing end game on release. Its just the nature of the beast. Coding new content takes a lot of time, and if they rush it it will invaribly be buggy.


Personally I don't just play one game at a time, but mix it up a bit.

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Unfortunately for the hardcore players, there are less of you than the casuals. Casuals is the reason why the Wii is successful, the reason WoW is adding pandas and the reason Bioware's focus wasn't on the end game.


And thats fine. Because they have done a ton of the legwork now for the casuals, so its only going to get better for the hardcore. The casuals have their 8 storylines and hours of content and from now on each and every update will be geard towards better PvP, Heroics, etc etc. It is not like WoW, which got worse. This is starting 'casual' and will end 'hardcore'.


So give them a chance. Its not that much *********** money for ****s sake but, if you are a poorfag, just unsub and come back in 3 months.




Casual gamers make up the majority. Probably why 50 million people play farmville.

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Its like I tell my kids. You want to enjoy something you have to savor it and you have to pace yourself.



Agree,I bought a fancey cheesburger but I ate it so fast i felt ripped off because I didnt even know what it tasted like when I was done.


So the waitress asked me how I liked my meal and All I could think was , well you need to ask someone who actually chews their food.


I started off agreeing with you, but then I didn't know if you were being sarcastic or not and then I hit the last sentence and I what is this I don't even.

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It's like every other freakin mmo out there. So tired of this topic.


Its northing like any of the other MMO's out there- if you can say that then you haven't played any other MMO out there..


The only real other MMO out there is WoW & Wow Blows this out of the water- WoW is a Huge Book of things to do & things to discover- with a Huge index of Macros and Add-ons..



People Want Add-ons and Macros for this, But why have an Index with a Book with only one page


In 1/2 months Diablo 3 will be released, 30% of the ToR players Move there, End of the year MoP is released- and out of interested another 30% leave just to see whats new


2013 From BioWars " It was our intentions as we created the game -The Free to Play policy was already on the table- And as many game have taken that option and been successful, we have also chosen this option at this time "


56 members in my guild 17 level 50 only 3 ever log on -


But hey Maybe Zombies ( the scourge)may save it Or Flying mounts? Is there Panda's in the Starwars Lore?

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The topic of this thread is discussing activities and content available in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ for endgame and level 50 material. We ask that you please keep your replies constructive and on-topic.


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Dear community,


TLDR = down the buttom


<bopring stuff deleted>




So here i am , wondering : what do you guys do to keep enjoying the game and wait till they add more content ?

I play the game... What did you do to exhaust the content so quickly.


I've been playing an average of 2-3 hours a day since Dec 16th and I feel I've barely scratched the surface of this game.


There is only 1 way to have gotten to your situation; that's to have skipped masses of the game...

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I had early access, I visited my family over Xmas, I have a job I had to attend in the last week before Xmas and have to attend every week day in January. I hit 50 early last week, have tried HM FPs, Ops, and done quite a lot of PVP and I'm far from completing it all.


I would say anyone that far in advance of me seriously rushed the game or put so much time into it early on that they only have themselves to blame if they've run out of content. I've got about 8.5 days /played so far, that's 200 hours, which is about 192 hours longer than a full-price Xbox game usually lasts for unless it's got a strong multiplayer mode.


Any decent MMO will be expanded upon and Bioware have already hinted at several forthcoming ideas they're working on. If you use up the content much much faster than the majority of people do is that really the developer's fault?

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Skipping dialogue isn't what causes you to rush through a game, playing for 20 hours a day is.


I too had early game access, but between work, my spouse and just life in general I hardly log 10 hours a week. I am currently level 27 on my first character, and I don't even know where I will begin once I'm level 50.


I am not saying you're doing something wrong, all I am saying is that it is impossible for the developers to cater for players like you, since they can spend a month creating a brand new flashpoint, and people will finish it within 30 minutes and start asking for more.


The failure to put in "non-grindy" type social aspects makes players like OP feel bored. It has nothing to do with him playing a lot, it's just that everything he has done becomes boring and repetitive because it wasn't designed in a way that would hold players for long periods of time.


There's no excuse for a game that took 6 years to develop with a $130,000,000 budget to fall SO short.

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Its like I tell my kids. You want to enjoy something you have to savor it and you have to pace yourself.


I know you said you "didn't rush", but in order to get to level 50 you HAVE to play at least 40-50 hours which I guarantee you that you have. Now breaking that down, lets say you reached level 50 after 21 days (2 weeks) your average play time was 2.1 hours per day assuming you played every single day.


Now I'm no expert but 2 hours a night, for a gamer, while it may sound like a lot really isn't much. I have a full time job, a wife, 2 kids and a dozen other hobbies and I manage easily to put in 2 hours a day, however after about 8 days of playing the game Im at level 12.


So the question is what are you doing differently from me? I mean we are both likely playing about the same amount of hours on average, so after 9 days shouldn't I be further along?


You see where Im going with this. Its not about "how long it takes you", but what you do in the game.. how you play.


See when I play (or any person that is "not rushing it") is the same way I play a single player game. I'm not trying to "level up"... Im simply exploring the game and I do what I fancy to do. Some nights I don't even leave a Cantina because I get in a conversation with someone, like last night. I spent about an hour of my game time chatting with a chap from England. Some nights I log in and run some scenarios, other days I might do the main quest and on other nights I might look for some group quests. The point is I don't worry about what level I am, what gear I have.. I just play the game. When I come to a new city a spend time walking around, checking it out. Stuff like that.


Im not saying thats the right way to play or anything, but if your at level 50 at this point, you have had some pretty focused game sessions. Focused on advancing as quickly as you can. Which is fine and I agree that if you can play an MMO focused as you have for 3 weeks and reach level 50 there may be an issue with how the game is designed, but I think that SWOTR was probobly designed more with players like me in mind... mellow, not terribly focused rather than the hardened veteran. I can understand WOW players for example breeze through this game because in WOW you have to be very focused to get to the higher levels.. I mean I played WOW for 2 years and my character was level 48 using the same approach I use in this game.


So you might not have "rushed" through the game, but you are running a very focused regiment of gaming else you would definitly not be level 50 at this point.


You're just really slow/bad at leveling. If you're level 12 after 16 hours /played, you're in the minority of BAD players.

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And they've all felt like a drag to me. Every time I stop and see a stupid cut scene for someone telling me to go kill 10 of X, I stop and think to myself "So, that's where they spent all their time and effort?" Between every five to ten of these, I get a little bit of content that is actually unique which choices that still don't matter.


So you bought a game that advertised its big selling point as story and dialogue when you don't care the least bit about it, or what?


That sort of stuff is what actually keeps me interested in the game. My story, and my companions, and meeting all the NPCs is great. The dialogues often make me laugh, or feel like I want to help or hate the people who I talk to. Meeting quirky, unique NPCs makes my day (the Thermodraft-worshipping engineer on Coruscant still makes me laugh when I think of him). It all works for me, I'm loving every minute of it.


The choices DO matter because the STORY matters, and I have an interest in how it turns out. If you don't care about the story at all outside of its effect on your stats or abilities, I think you're missing the point of it all. It's supposed to elicit emotional engagement from the player and make you care about the outcome of quests and storylines because you actually care, and not just because you'll get +1 to something or another, or gain some boon or hindrance for your companion or somesuch.

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It's like every other freakin mmo out there. So tired of this topic.


No, its not.


Relatively speaking, this game seriously lacks content versus any other MMO @ release. And before you hollar at me about the voice overs being that content, let me say that even the ultra carebear casuals are already hitting 50. The whole 'rushed to 50, *******' argument doesn't hold water anymore.


Ridiculous considering the games budget, amirite?

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There's no excuse for a game that took 6 years to develop with a $130,000,000 budget to fall SO short.


LOL. I think a lot of people would disagree with your assessment.


I've been playing this game since early access, probably every other day, for several hours a day, and I have not come anywhere CLOSE to what this game has to offer me. There are huge numbers of people absolutely loving this game right now, including a very large crowd of people like me, who generally find MMOs boring and who are loving it anyway.


These kind of threads remind me why this is the first time I've been to the forums since the game launched. So much whine and cheese from a small group of forum complainers who are convinced that they represent the majority.


Honestly I think the worst part of the game is the General Discussion forum :p

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No, its not.


Relatively speaking, this game seriously lacks content versus any other MMO @ release. And before you hollar at me about the voice overs being that content, let me say that even the ultra carebear casuals are already hitting 50. The whole 'rushed to 50, *******' argument doesn't hold water anymore.


Ridiculous considering the games budget, amirite?


Can't say I agree. I've been playing a lot, and I've had access since the first day of EA, and I've not quite hit 50 yet. Granted I really do take my time, but even when I hit 50 with one character, I've got 7 more to do. And I haven't even done all the flashpoints or heroics or spent much time in PvP. I feel like this game has pretty gigantic amounts of content.


I don't know what significant things you think this game is lacking that other games have -- I certainly never found any activities more compelling in other MMOs I've played, especially not at launch.

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Generally MMOs start with limited endgame content. They focus on the leveling.


Most people don't get to level 50 in the first two weeks.


The people who do get to level 50 so quickly make me wonder. Why do you do it? Right or wrong, this is what will happen.


Now supposedly there are PvP servers where you can battle each other on various planets. You don't have to go to a specific place to do PvP.


But seriously in the first couple of months it is pointless to expect a lot of endgame. And the same is true here. Still, I am not saying there is nothing to do, but it is limited and it's even more limited because there aren't that many level 50s yet. This will take time.


So, I really wonder why people start an MMO and go to level 50 so quickly, either by rushing or having too much play time....

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