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Comparing Tier 11 WoW gear "graphics" to a lvl 11 Inquisitor is not being honest


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are you guys forgetting that SW:TOR is the most expensive video game ever produced, ever?


like, there shouldn't even be a question of if WoW has better graphics. It should completely blow wow out of the water in every department without question.


One hundred











what part about that don't you guys get??

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When you bring gameplay in then indeed it will win :)


Not sure if you mean WoW or SWTOR.


Leveling : SWTOR > WoW (quests are just as grindy, but voice acting helps)


End game: WoW > SWTOR


Graphics: WoW > SWTOR


Combat: WoW > SWTOR


Pvp: WoW > SWTOR


Engine optimization: WoW > SWTOR


Overall character responsiveness: WoW > SWTOR


Professions: WoW > SWTOR


Subscribers: WoW > SWTOR

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And theres not getting away from the fact that you aren't being forced to play swtor, instead of wow, if you dont like the graphics, go play wow and shut up about it.


You OR anyone else don't have the right to tell someone to go back to this or that because just like you they paid for the game too. They didn't get it for free and they would like to express how they feel about it and no place is better than this to post it so devs can read and see what they have done wrong. You people need to understand that you are not the only one who paid for the game or had any kind expectations for that game. Others paid for it too and expected something good if they paid for it. I am just repeating the same thing in different ways so people would get it....

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And theres not getting away from the fact that you aren't being forced to play swtor, instead of wow, if you dont like the graphics, go play wow and shut up about it.


He cant he has the same disorder thats plaguing all the former wow players. They wanted swtor to be the wow replacement but it doesnt live up to their standards. Now they're stuck in the unenviable postion of hating wow AND swtor so they're mmo-homeless and angry about it.

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Not sure if you mean WoW or SWTOR.


Leveling : SWTOR > WoW (quests are just as grindy, but voice acting helps)


End game: WoW > SWTOR


Graphics: WoW > SWTOR


Combat: WoW > SWTOR


Pvp: WoW > SWTOR


Engine optimization: WoW > SWTOR


Overall character responsiveness: WoW > SWTOR


Professions: WoW < SWTOR


Subscribers: WoW > SWTOR


There you go. Rest is good :)


And I was talking about WoW. Right now WoW is a winner if this game doesn't step it up.

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Then by all means go back to wow since you think its so great.


P.S. See sig


I actually did re up WoW yesterday. I missed it a lot.


Anyways, I payed money.. so I have just as much right to voice my opinion as you do. Sorry, but I'm staying for a few more days.

Edited by Papazooki
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Thats a screen shot from 2009.... lol Thats not what Aion looks liek today at all.


I was just saying that it's a better representation than the picture you posted.


It hasn't improved THAT much, even 3.0 doesn't look like your screenshot.

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Then by all means go back to wow since you think its so great.


P.S. See sig




You OR anyone else don't have the right to tell someone to go back to this or that because just like you they paid for the game too. They didn't get it for free and they would like to express how they feel about it and no place is better than this to post it so devs can read and see what they have done wrong. You people need to understand that you are not the only one who paid for the game or had any kind expectations for that game. Others paid for it too and expected something good if they paid for it. I am just repeating the same thing in different ways so people would get it....


Now mind your own business.

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If you feel that you wasted your money on tor, I am sorry that you feel that way and that your are missing out on an amazing game, but that still doesn't change the fact that you aren't being forced to play it. If you aren't enjoying swtor and your so determined to try and say that wow is better, which is being backed up by opinion rather than fact, then go play wow. As simple as that.
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Actually trashing the game is trolling and not looked upon kindly in these forums. Doesnt matter if you paid for the game you are breaking the agreement and rules of this forum.


Do you understand what trolling means? Define trolling for me, please.

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You are pathetic. You don't even have anything creative or effective to say back. You just copy-paste what the trend says. I feel sorry for you.


I feel sorry that you have to use a wow-related race in your name for a star wars game. Why bother with anything creative or effective when the truth suffices just fine.

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I'd advise everyone who keeps bringing up issues such as 'The graphics in X Y Z are better' to watch Extra Credits take on Graphics Vs Aesthetics.




SWTOR hits the mark in terms of aesthetics. The graphics serve their purpose, and they look good. That's not to say some improvements couldn't be made, but remember the developers have recently mentioned that they're looking at getting higher resolution textures in sometime in the future.


We're one month in, changes will come with time and to quote a dev, they won't happen overnight!

Edited by rakujan
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