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Comparing Tier 11 WoW gear "graphics" to a lvl 11 Inquisitor is not being honest


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Posted in another thread.


There's no denying that WoW looks much clearer / crisper than SWTOR does. Not only with textures, but with object layout (everything just fits much better).


You're just going to be a mouth-foaming mess on your pandaren monk arent ya little guy?

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One thing that no one seems to take into account is your comparing a game that has been out for, and has been constantly worked on, almost 8 years, versus TOR which has only been out for a couple weeks. TOR is already doing much better than WOW did in the same amount of time, AND if you would look over at the developer tracker, Bioware has announced that higher res graphics fixes are on the way, they just want to get the game off the ground first. Lets be smart people and not turn these forums into flame wars.


theyre not flame wars, unless you're a frustrated teenager, most of the people who play it dont care. bottom line is most of us refuse to pay for bioware to improve a lacklustre product.


its like buying a tv with cash and then paying $50 a month to Panasonic to make better TVs in the future.


I pay for new content, not bug fixes. Patch 1.1 has little to nothing to offer.

Edited by Tremk
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My opinion in a nutshell:


WoW's graphical saving grace is that it's style has always been very impressive. Despite a low polygon count, it continues to look great because of it's art. It's art has kind of hit its limit in the latest expansion however, as you can only slap on higher resolution textures for so long before people start to complain.


SWTOR has a higher polygon count, but not nearly as much style, and so long as the textures remain in their current mediocre state, aren't as sharp as WoW's either.


So technically speaking, SWTOR has *better* graphics, but WoW has a more impressive style. A lot of work goes into the art style of WoW, with almost the entire game intended to look like some epic painting that's been carefully crafted to be gorgeous from every angle.


SWTOR is going to have some difficulty with this, as it's much more difficult to make things as impressive as a fantasy game in a sci-fi game, due to it not allowing the "magical" factor. WoW can pretty much use any idea it wants due to not really having any restrictions lore-wise as SWTOR does.


Blizzard has stated that they have every intention of upgrading the vanilla race models in their next expansion, which I look forward to seeing. But I'm also looking forward to seeing the high res textures in SWTOR even more : )


So it's just art vs technology. Whatever fits your fancy, but I wouldn't really compare them. Apples and oranges really.

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How so? Why play a worse MMO when you can play the better one? "they'll fix it eventually" is not a valid argument.


Because it doesn't make sense. A better analogy using the same examples would be:


"Buying a crappy TV then paying $15 a month to eventually get the features implemented that should have been with the original purchase"

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One thing WoW has done right is they make their end-game Epic items stand-out when compared to the blues and other low level items. No mmo ever learned that. Rift is a good game but you can never tell if an outfit is an end-game outfit or not because it just looks like every other outfit out there. They need to make it stand out by making the colors vibrant or something idk. Edited by Volksworgen
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I'm sorry, but honestly think this:




Looks better than:




Don't even play the "yes, it's my opinion" card. It's quite obvious which game is better right now in terms of graphics.


Obvious to you because you agree with what you like. Yes it is your opinion and i'll say it 2 million times if i have to. Its like comparing my windows background to yours, who cares?

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I'm sorry, but honestly think this:




Looks better than:




Don't even play the "yes, it's my opinion" card. It's quite obvious which game is better right now in terms of graphics.


How about this: http://i42.tinypic.com/2zdqi6h.jpg




This: http://oi40.tinypic.com/syl5l4.jpg


And that's the problem, it's all relative. Depending on the screenshot, area, gear, ect ect..


People need to realize that liking a game's art style more than the other is just opinion.

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Obvious to you because you agree with what you like. Yes it is your opinion and i'll say it 2 million times if i have to. Its like comparing my windows background to yours, who cares?


You're either :




didn't look at the pictures.



Take your pick.

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I'm sorry, but honestly think this:




Looks better than:




Don't even play the "yes, it's my opinion" card. It's quite obvious which game is better right now in terms of graphics.


Einstein, graphics are not everything in a game. It's the art direction that counts. Through art you can create a good atmosphere without the need to have any high end graphics(WoW proves this). Rift has good graphics but it loses in art style. Only place that does have great graphics AND art style is Aldaren. Feels alive when compared to other zones.

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My opinion in a nutshell:


WoW's graphical saving grace is that it's style has always been very impressive. Despite a low polygon count, it continues to look great because of it's art. It's art has kind of hit its limit in the latest expansion however, as you can only slap on higher resolution textures for so long before people start to complain.


SWTOR has a higher polygon count, but not nearly as much style, and so long as the textures remain in their current mediocre state, aren't as sharp as WoW's either.


So technically speaking, SWTOR has *better* graphics, but WoW has a more impressive style. A lot of work goes into the art style of WoW, with almost the entire game intended to look like some epic painting that's been carefully crafted to be gorgeous from every angle.


SWTOR is going to have some difficulty with this, as it's much more difficult to make things as impressive as a fantasy game in a sci-fi game, due to it not allowing the "magical" factor. WoW can pretty much use any idea it wants due to not really having any restrictions lore-wise as SWTOR does.


Blizzard has stated that they have every intention of upgrading the vanilla race models in their next expansion, which I look forward to seeing. But I'm also looking forward to seeing the high res textures in SWTOR even more : )


So it's just art vs technology. Whatever fits your fancy, but I wouldn't really compare them. Apples and oranges really.

this guy hit the nail on the head

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I'm sorry, but honestly think this:




Looks better than:




Don't even play the "yes, it's my opinion" card. It's quite obvious which game is better right now in terms of graphics.


It is your opinion. Lol.


The detail on that stormtrooper armor is *********** attrocious, no antialiasing at all. The very few details on the armor are distorted and blurry.


The WoW screenshot has a huge amount more detail and that detail is far clearer.


It actually isn't really a matter of opinion, lol. You might like the STYLE of SWTOR better, but as far as graphical quality, it isn't really close.

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Einstein, graphics are not everything in a game. It's the art direction that counts. Through art you can create a good atmosphere without the need to have any high end graphics(WoW proves this). Rift has good graphics but it loses in art style. Only place that does have great graphics AND art style is Aldaren. Feels alive when compared to other zones.


Of course gameplay > graphics.. who said otherwise? ;)

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You're either :




didn't look at the pictures.



Take your pick.


No my friend the troll here is you. When you took it upon yourself to make a thread bashing a game that you clearly hate yet still post on the forums, THAT is a troll. if wow is the be-all end-all of wonderous graphics and gameplay then AGAIN i ask the question, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? Oh thats right you're trolling.

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No my friend the troll here is you. When you took it upon yourself to make a thread bashing a game that you clearly hate yet still post on the forums, THAT is a troll. if wow is the be-all end-all of wonderous graphics and gameplay then AGAIN i ask the question, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? Oh thats right you're trolling.


Nope, not a troll. I did like this game while I was leveling, but end game is terrible as are the graphics and pvp.

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