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Vanguard dps pvp help


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I dont think you will like my answer but.. here goes.



Short and sweet? I wouldnt even try to PvP on the van before 30-35 at minimum. If you do, might be frustrating. Its always frustrating imo, but nowhere near as bad as sub 35ish. At your level the damage you're looking for just isnt there. Dunno, just my opinion.



If you would really like to at least test the waters, dont try to be a damage dealer. Of course defend yourself and others.. dont just stand around and let people pound on you or nothing. But instead put at least the majority of your attention at;


1. Guarding focus targets. Yes, constantly change your guarded target. Soon, you will only have to hit the key once,(next patch!!) however, for right now, you must hit the key once to actually take it off the last player you put it on (which more than likely is out of range, fighting a 1v1 somewhere) and then you hit the key again to put it on the target currently being focused. Of course you will take lots of damage from this and mitigate some, but shield absolutely zero of it *which a few players are lobbying to be fixed atm*




2. Immediately after you guard the target that is currently getting beat on, taunt the highest damage dealer within range targeting that target. If there are more than 2, use your area taunt.


Keep both of those skills on easily accessed hotkeys, permanently. If you are going to commit to the class, regardless of if you tank or dps. Its very important imo.


3. Stockstrike and High Impact Bolt are going to be your main bread and butter. Examine your talent trees (id go SS, even at your level, but up to you)


4. You said you are level 20, so i expect you have full PvP gear before you came looking for help. If not, go to fleet command and equip yourself. It might appear to be daunting at first, but you can completely gear the level 20 stuff in just one evening with a few decent wins provided you can at least earn 75+ per match (come on, not THAT hard)


5. Biochem, and not only for the "super buffs" you're soon going to learn about (which will be nerfed) Regardless, you have little to zero healing as a Vanguard, get it regardless of possible incoming changes.


6. Im running out of advice, i just know i was level 20 as well and absolutely hated the class. Im still not sold on the class, but it gets a lot better than where you're at now.

Edited by Nikodeamas
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  • 2 weeks later...
well, i have all purple and blue armor, better than the pvp armor i can use. I am now lvl 24. I have been hearing rumors of a great pvp vanguard/powertech hybrid build, but i cant seem to find it, do any of you guys know where i could find one?
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i recently rolled a vanguard alt and have been pvping since 15 (currently 27) ... i've been having a blast, don't let anybody tell you it's not enjoyable


currently assault spec -- the main thing to be aware of at these low levels is that you do not have good tools for ammo management and will run out of ammo very quickly if all you do is spam specials ... you must work rifle shot in to your rotation regularly to save ammo (it will also refresh plasma cell's dot)


for level 20 i'd go with this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801ZZfhM0z.1


this will buff your plasma cell's damage and chance to proc, give you a snare proc on plasma cell, a 100% plasma cell proc chance on ion pulse, and incendiary round


as you level past 20, put points into high friction bolts, nightvision scope, and then ionic accelerator ... this will buff your HiB damage and give you a chance to proc a cooldown-reset and no-ammo-cost HiB when you stockstrike or ion pulse


after these, you can either continue up the assault tree getting the damage buffing abilities, or you can instead grab a couple of talents low in the tactics tree (for example brutal impact & demolition) that work well in an assault build


as far as your damage rotation, i usually throw incendiary round and sticky grenade on the target, followed by a HiB to get the cooldown ticking, and then rifle shot to regen ammo .... run into melee range when possible to stockstrike / ion pulse (ammo permitting) and use your free HiB whenever it procs


some melee will try to ride you, this is when it gets fun, since you can snare them with ion pulse and kite them in the 4-10m range while your dots tick and you rifle shot / HiB ... if they catch you, cryo grenade and start over


you don't have the ranged power to go toe-to-toe at 30m against a true ranged class, so you must use LoS effectively to give your dots time, or wait for your ammo to max out, harpoon them into melee range, and commence beatdown with stockstrike / ion pulse / HiB


hope this helps

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Ive been doing WZs on my vanguard since lvl12. Even at that lvl I could compete with ppl 10+ lvls above me. Now thats not to say you have a lot if burst, but you can win. Its more of a "whittle them down".


Many use assault spec but you more or less have to use plasma cell for that and since youre pretty squishy without ion cell at that lvl you have to remain at range if possible.


I prefer a tactics spec running ion cell. You need to be decent at strafing around your target for this but basically I pick a target. Run up or harpoon him then the following


Stock strike > gut > back to 10m while strafing.


@10m use sticky grendae, HiB, and ion pulse. Hammer shot as necessary to maintain ammo.


I only close to melee again when stock strike is up or to refresh gut.


I do use pulse cannon and mortar volley. But only if the enemies are ckumped and I can hit at least 3 of them.


Long story short: melee - 10m strafing. Keep SS abd HiB on cooldown


On my phone so torhead is twitchy but my tactics tree at 20 would look like (skills from left to right)


tier 3: 0 0 1 0

tier 2: 1 2 0 2

tier 1: 2 0 3


Don't put any points in HEC effects since youre running ion cell for survivability

Edited by grandmasterub
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Want to increase damage?


Focus on Aim over Endurance ( though I wouldn't recommend it quite yet)


Take HEC , make sure you take the cell generator talent and learn to spam your Ion pulse , all day , everyday.


Gut and HIB combo when you can a


That's pretty much it unfortunately. You could take incinderary round in Assault and play that way but you won't get as much consistant damage as high energy cell / tactics ( I tested back in the day).


BUT , if you want to WIN pvp right now then stick with your Ion Cell and keep building into the shield tree. It's ok to bypass the armor / absorption talents since they have really weak benefits ( go steely resolve instead). People whine now that Shield Chance is not worth it but I don't completely agree with that. No matter what build you do you need to be thinking of ammo management and every tree except assult offers you some kind of perk for ammo regen ( except the shorter cd on reload) and shield cyclers in SS tree is a sweet source of ammo.


Focus on objectives and protecting rather than pure dps and you'll still get ur medals.


pro tip : Your taunts also count towards protection points ;) So neural jolt / sonic round any dps that is threatening ur healer or dps , in fact it should be your first move.

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I need some help, im having trouble taking down lower lvl players in pvp (im lvl 20), i think my dps sucks, could you guys post your dps vanguard trees using a skill calculator or suggest ways to boost my dps?


I'm level 28 and i'll echo what everyone else said. Espcially the post about tactics. I'm shield Spec and really pumped my Aim and Endurance as well armor rating. Blasters at that level suck something fierce, so until I got a better blaster I focused on guarding.


PVP was incredibly frustrating (still fun though) for me until about LvL 25ish. Got cryo, harpoon, reactive shield, better armor and a bigger blaster and things changed.


Right now cryo is my best friend (don't remember exactly when you get it though).


If you want something really fun to look forward to. In Huttball... harpoon the ball carrier into the acid pit, cryo, HIB = dead ball carrier...

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I dont think you will like my answer but.. here goes.



Short and sweet? I wouldnt even try to PvP on the van before 30-35 at minimum. If you do, might be frustrating. Its always frustrating imo, but nowhere near as bad as sub 35ish. At your level the damage you're looking for just isnt there. Dunno, just my opinion.



If you would really like to at least test the waters, dont try to be a damage dealer. Of course defend yourself and others.. dont just stand around and let people pound on you or nothing. But instead put at least the majority of your attention at;



Don't listen to this advise. I have been PVPing since 10.. I always have the top 3 DPS, I am usually in the top 3 Kill-Death ratio, and always on the top for wz contributions.


I am level 23 on my vanguard...and also rank 23 valor... with a buttload of wz and merc coms saved.


It is all about playing smart....pick your targets (I love to pick healers).... I rotate Sticky, HiB, and Normal fire until close.. then switch to Stock strike HiB and Ion Pulse.... followed by Pulse Canon and Mortar for AE groups.


Usually what happens is the 1st half of the match I go around slaughtering people without dying ... then the second half they start hunting my butt down and I might die a few times.


One match I had 34 kill with no deaths, and 240k damage... all that at level 16...

Edited by Flotsam
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Respec'd from Shield to Tactics last night had a riot, gutting the enemy, as a shield spec'd vanguard you'll need to spend a lota time guarding players and carrying the ball in hutball for example. You wont be doing huge DPS but you'll be a right sod to kill.


The important thing is play to your strengths

Edited by Kaesoron
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I need some help, im having trouble taking down lower lvl players in pvp (im lvl 20), i think my dps sucks, could you guys post your dps vanguard trees using a skill calculator or suggest ways to boost my dps?


It's not your job to take down players and forget about the levels issues - this isnt wow. Low levels players dont really exist in pvp. They are buffed in order to make them competative and it works very well. I'm amazed so many people have not realised this yet and think they should be able to walk through lower level players.

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