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Is there any reason to play as Republic?


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I play mostly Repub and , although I agree that overall Imp stories are better, I like the Repub ones for the most part, except (so far) the Consular.


Official numbers say Imps win 53/47, not 60/40. Even if OP's assertion that Imps on his server win 60/40, statistically that means another server has Repubs winning the majority. There are a couple inexplicable differences in the "mirrors" that favor Imps, and most people figured more PvP oriented players would go Empire, so only a 6% difference in win totals is pretty amazing, IMO.


Adding to the list of why Imps appear to be more popular:


Males that care about the romance options with companions can go Empire and 3 out of the 4 Imp classes get their love interest as their first companion. No Repub classes do, while only one gets theirs second. One Republic class doesn't get theirs until last. IIRC two Imp classes have TWO female companions to romance, while Repubs have no classes that do. Republic females fare a little better, but lets face it...the vast majority of people playing this game are male.


Imperial starships are all way cooler looking than Republic ones..if you care about space combat.


Even some races that are the same on both sides look better as Imps. Imp Zabraks have way better looking tattoo options that Repub ones.

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I am on Republic because too many angsty kids went Empire (don't deny it, you know it to be true. Search your feelings [or /who].)


I love Republic so far so there's a reason. Because I enjoy it. I'd rather play in the massive cityscapes of Coruscant than the dystopian citadels of Dromund Kaas.

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i went imp solely because of BH.


I would have much preferred to play Republic.


i think both sides should have had troopers and BH's should have been both aswell.


so design decision made me go Imp.


now that my bh is 50 though i plan on rolling a smugg and a jedi so there you go.

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And that's different from the Republic DS choices how?


I guess it isn't really. Its just on the Imperial side (especially with the Sith) the DS choices are more 'natural' given the nature of the Empire. The Empire itself is a fascist regime which is dumb in and of itself. When you're LS in the Empire it does improve your toon's character development but you're kind of the odd one out.


Whereas the Republic is a little more rounded, and shaded as a culture.

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I really enjoy playing the republic, but according to my star chart I am a good guy with a capital G ;)


I don't have problems grouping, I don't mind the armor, and I enjoy the storyline so far. But that is my opinion. I have only played one PvP (and we did far better than the Empire side) so I can't speak to issues there. Either way, I will continue to enjoy both sides, even my "good" Sith Assassin

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I rerolled Empire:


1- Better skin and gear;


2- Red lightsaber since the beginning;


3- Slightly advantage in some warzones;


4- Far better storyline;


5- Impossible to republics do dailys in Ilum in the next patch;


6- More options to do flashpoints with a vast majority activity player base;


7- Less issues with skills delay;


8- Some designers just public announced as theirs favorite faction.


No, there isnt any motivitations to roll repulic other than "Let's Play Huttball" 24/7

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I play Republic because that was what the guild chose. I would have prefered Empire and I have many Empire alts.


I enjoy the Republic game but I have to admit the Empire storylines are much more fun.


For Republic, the Smuggler and Trooper storylines are pretty good. The Jedi Knight / Consular storylines are snoozefests (at least in the beginning).


It is pretty obvious the writers failed the Republic storyline quests. Hopefully they'll find some creativity and fix it. Otherwise Republic is DOOMED I tell you... DOOOMED..

Edited by --Grim--
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To assume that people are not still leveling is just plain stupid. Everyone plays games at different rates. While you might be able to put hours upon hours in a night some can only put an hour. Then there are people who like the game to last a while so they take things slow explore more do more random things with no reward incentive like roleplaying.


If you just wait longer than the first month I'm sure the number of 50s will increase greatly.


And now for on topic.

The republic is slower only because (as what I can tell from my knight) they are trying to prevent the war taking slower and more precise steps, where the empire is just barreling into war.


Try the smugglar's story it may seem a bit more intense than the jedi's but I am honestly not sure.

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Where is this 60/40 coming from?


There are servers that I am sure are bad, but I have read post where people think the population is actually very close


Post that blatently label all server have x are just ridiculous honestly


I play on Sith Wyrm levelled my BH to 50 and I remember times where there were less then 10 people in a zone


I am levelling some republic characters now and the 3 worlds that I have been on have been in the 30s


If you play Huttball I often play emp vs emp


However neither of these things tell me who has more people


I play on a pve server so maybe not alot of republic pvp, maybe alot of empire do doesnt mean anytihng


Did they release a metric with the population by side per server?

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Its a classic imbalance issue with a game that has two distinct sides.



They should have had restrictions on what you can make.


But alas they dont so most servers are going to be imp heavy.


I feel for republic players I really do.


from your comments you are imp.



would you have been happy if on the character creation screen the imp option was greyed out for you?



As for where the 60/40 came from, I believe it was the numbers in the Guild assignment system pre-launch.


But I've yet to find a server where there are less than twice as many imperials at their fleet than republic. Anecdotal? sure, but damm consistent.

Edited by Cameirus
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Where is this 60/40 coming from?


There are servers that I am sure are bad, but I have read post where people think the population is actually very close


Post that blatently label all server have x are just ridiculous honestly


I play on Sith Wyrm levelled my BH to 50 and I remember times where there were less then 10 people in a zone


I am levelling some republic characters now and the 3 worlds that I have been on have been in the 30s


If you play Huttball I often play emp vs emp


However neither of these things tell me who has more people


I play on a pve server so maybe not alot of republic pvp, maybe alot of empire do doesnt mean anytihng


Did they release a metric with the population by side per server?

I play on The Fatman..the very first server to have queues..We were supposed to be the Largest Republic server...and yet in my Fleet i get 150 people while on the Imp side is 500+ each night..is not 60/40 its worst...by guild creations alone the Empire on Fatman outnumbers republic 12 to1.

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It's pretty clear that generally the empire stories are better and the armor looks better to the vast majority of people.


That said, I play the underdog.


Hmmm i don't know about that. Trooper and Smuggler are better than anything i've played on Sith for stories. Armor is subjectvive, trooper armor looks pretty damn good to me.


Of course, Republic has more people on the server i'm playing on, just like a lot of pve servers.

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Well the issue keeps coming up amongst the group of friends I am playing with.


Is there any reason to continue paying for a subscription to play as Republic at the moment?


I can't even begin to explain how depressing the game feels as Republic, and before Empire players come in and say it is fine QQ more etc. Please, please, please roll a Republic character up until at least Act 2 and let me know how many players you see or how your storyline compares to the empire side. Let me know how PvP pans out for you when you find out that Empire dominates (Recording 60/40%; yes I got so raged I started recording figures).

42 Pub/27 Imp here. I very much prefer my Pub storyline; also 60/40 is not "dominating" :rolleyes:


So to summarise there are two main aspects of an MMO; PvE and PvP, why play a race that doesn't excel in either?


Race has nothing to do with either of these. A more appropriate "fact" is that Darth Vader is cooler than Luke.

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The Republic are the few, the proud and with the speed at which we get into WZs, the well geared. Also, Republic will have tighter comunities and may eventually develop stronger communication with other faction members, which will make PUGs better.


In WZs (Server: The Ravager) , Im actually surprised that I've won slightly more WZs than Ive lost. ABd I think it will only get better.


THe big, big issue will be any form of World PvP. But then again, as time keeps passing, due to a smaller, tighter community it will possibly be easier to form decent groups for Ilum. Or not :)


Just a note: the Jedi Knight Act I final stages are awesome. Too bad rest of the Acts just lame it up :)

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Well the issue keeps coming up amongst the group of friends I am playing with.


Is there any reason to continue paying for a subscription to play as Republic at the moment?


I have almost-equal level toons on both Republic and Empire. (39 Sage, 37 Sorcerer). I can assure you that my game time on my Sage is a lot more fun for me than my Sorcerer. Both stories are great, but the Sage just feels right for me. (This is odd because SWTOR is the first MMO I've ever chosen to play the "good side.")


I can't even begin to explain how depressing the game feels as Republic, and before Empire players come in and say it is fine QQ more etc. Please, please, please roll a Republic character up until at least Act 2 and let me know how many players you see or how your storyline compares to the empire side. Let me know how PvP pans out for you when you find out that Empire dominates (Recording 60/40%; yes I got so raged I started recording figures).


Both storylines for me are very good, but I'm enjoying the Jedi Consular story more right now. PvP on my server is really good and is pretty equal. We win some, they win some. It's a lot of fun. What's even more fun is the fact that I'm not getting Huttball every other queue as Republic compared to that of Empire.


I had some free time this week so I decided I would give a Sith a go and I am genuinely speechless. The armor looks better, the storylines seem more engaging and I actually see friendlies running around (and multiple instances in fleet???? WOW!).


I couldn't disagree more. The armor for Jedi is 100 times better than that of the Sith for me. It's one of the defining factors as to why I'm playing Jedi Sage as my main over the Sith Sorcerer.


So far I think this game is great but I don't think my group of friends are going to be playing long by the sound of things (balance feels out of control and there has been no response bearing in mind we are closing on the first month renewal) and this game is rather lonely without friends to play with!


You're quitting because of population balance? Maybe MMO gaming isn't your thing. I suggest console gaming instead.


Population at 50 is so bad on my server that I am starting to remember 50s by name and class (don't tell me that people are still leveling, it is incredibly easy to hit level cap while holding down a job and being a university student).


I'm still leveling. I'm having a blast doing so. I have a career, 3 kids, an amazing wife and a plethora of other things I do with my free-time. You speak for yourself, not me. Please keep it that way.


It's not really an ultimatum post because really I will just head to wherever my friends are so it doesn't bother me what happens but I do think it is an issue that at least warrants a response from Bioware.


So to summarise there are two main aspects of an MMO; PvE and PvP, why play a race that doesn't excel in either?


Race has nothing to do with PvE and PvP. You have a very narrow-minded view of everything. If you don't like Republic, then by all means, go Empire. I will enjoy watching you die from the business end of my blue lightsaber. :)

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All I hear is a bunch of whining. If you want easy mode, select Empire. If you want hard mode, select Republic. Everyone who is saying that all Imp stories are better are just simply asserting their opinion. I think that there is plenty of good story on both sides, and if you don't like the story, start making some different decisions on the wheel. My level 50 Shadow has done some pretty evil ******* to get dark side ppints, and the decisions you make affect the storyline (even if it is only minor).


As far as the WZ win/loss, I think that bracketing the 50's will make a big difference. I notice that every time that I get my butt kicked in a WZ it is because of leveling issues (we have 3+ under level 30 when they don't). I rolled Republic, because that is what my guild did. I am fine with the Republic for now, but I reserve the right to change my mind when they change the Ilum daily quests from destroy random objects to open world PvP.


I like a challenge, and the underdog is who I always root for. In the end, it is all what you make of it. This is a game, and the point is to have fun. If you are not having fun on your faction, that is not Bioware's fault - you are the master of your own destiny.

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