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Marauder Change Wishlist


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This is a thread designed for suggested marauder changes. Please try to keep comments positive and helpful to the thread.


First off, I have had a assassin to 34 before rerolling to a marauder. The animation lag on maul made it almost unusable at times and was enough for me to shelf it for the time being. I now love the marauder and will make it my main. I do NOT have trouble with 90% of the encounters but there a few combinations of groups that make me hold my breath. The assassin could take the same group with ease.


We have troubles killing some of the harder mob groups. There are 3 ways that we can improve our ability to deal with the more difficult groups in the game with your companion.




Improve Damage


Improve CC


I have a few suggestions for each problem that may prove useful to helping our class out. We do not need a revamp, but we do need some tweaking.


Survivability - make cloak of shadows a buff until lvl 48. Lower the damage reduction to 9% and lower the damage shield dmg and let it be a buff left up 100% of the time.


This offers greater survivability all the way around with a damage shield that is up

constantly increasing our damage which would probably balance us out pretty well for



This would not affect bolstered pvp as the highest level of cloak of shadows is used

when lowbies get the bolster buff.



Improve Damage - They could bump up the base damage on all abilities until level 45 which would relieve us of having to be so gear dependent while leveling.


The reason that I chose to bump the base damage on abilities is that messing with str

scaling could get messy very fast and effect the end game.


Improve CC - It would be nice to have a few second stun that can be used on silver and gold mobs. Something similar to the assassin.


A stun of that nature turns the tide of any battle and would possibly help with our pvp



// The above suggestions should be implemented separately as if all 3 were added to our class then leveling would be laughable.


Other notes -


Ravage needs to be able to channel while moving.


I am not 40 yet do not have all of my abilities yet, but after going through the initial

single target rotation of Force leap > Rupture > Battering Assault > Ravage > Force

Scream > Vicious Strike...there is still a few second gap of using basic attack and

and vicious strike until Rupture comes off cool down. I know this will probably change

as I gain more abilities, but the abilities are not fluid and have a different synergy.


Even as a 24 facing multiple enemies in PVP, I do not believe that we are at a huge

disadvantage. You have to time your abilities correctly so that you aren't stuck in the

open field to be kited and nuked by the 8 sorcerers on the enemy team. I am not 50

so I don't even try to solo out others for a 1v1 fest. Play with your team and at least

you will die for the objective rather than growing or shrinking your epeen. I am usually

in the top 25% even playing against multiple 50's.


I have not met a tank that can hold aggro off of me. Granted I am lower levels and

tanks have not yet come into their own. I have read in other forum posts that aggro is

troublesome even at higher levels. (can someone verify this?)


These are ideas that I have been tossing around in my head. I try to keep in mind of the end game balance without making the leveling process too easy. These improvements should make the leveling process easier.


P.S. Very slow day at work...my brain has been churning

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* No hoods on pvp gear. I didn't pick a hairstyle just so I can never look at it. I also have never dreamed of being an emo rapper ala Eminem. Frankly, an Appearance Slot, or making the Mod system actually relevant at level 50 (as things stand now, it's completely irrelevant at level 50) would fix this issue as it would allow us to look the way we want to look at level 50. It's strange, to me, how we're able to look the way we want to look (to an extent) as we level up, but upon hitting 50, it is no longer a viable aesthetic option.


* A disclaimer when you make a Marauder that flashes on your screen and asks you if you're really sure you're up to playing a Melee DPS class, and if you aren't, perhaps you should kindly go roll a ranged class that requires far less twitch skills. You should also have to sign an agreement that you aren't allowed to ***** and moan just because you're too slow to play a MDPS class effectively in PvP.


* A personality overhaul for Jaesa so she doesn't come off as the stupidest person in the entire Galaxy. I'm actually not exaggerating here. She is really, really, stupid.


* Make Pierce more gruffy and masculine. We already have Mr. Metrosexual aka Quinn. Pierce may look gruffy, but he's amazingly close to skirting the coming out of the closet line like Quinn is. Not that there's anything wrong with coming out of closets, but some real testosterone would be a nice change in a game filled with Companions who seem a little too in touch with their estrogen. I mean, I know it's a Bioware game, so it's inevitable that even the supposedly gruff characters take estrogen supplements (and I'm sure in a future update, everyone in the galaxy will magically become bisexual), but one can dream.


* Annihilation Rage cost reduced for every stack of the Annihilation buff. Considering we can get other skills that hit as hard or harder than it with comparable cooldowns down to 1 Rage cost, the 5 Rage cost of Annihilation seems a bit...stupid. As I'm well aware that asking for a straight Rage reduction in its cost is unlikely to go over well, I think mimicking its current mechanic of reducing the cooldown everytime you use it and adding a Rage reduction to that mechanic is a nice and realistic compromise.


* A toggle for in combat voice overs. Toggle being the key word, as some people will inevitably hate hearing them. But, I love our female VA's work as a Sith Warrior, and you barely hear any voice work once you're level 50. This would be a nice little way of adding some voice back to the game for 50s, who choose to do so.


* Fix all the geometry issues as they relate to Force Charge. Fix being stuck in a falling state if you were knocked back etc in the process of jumping/charging. Fix the seemingly random disconnects to character selection if you Force Charge anyone on the extended bridges on Voidstar.


* A better 'ending' to our Class story. This isn't really a Marauder issue, as most of the Class stories end very anticlimactically.


* Ability to select a 'job' for our Companions. Make it cost an arm and a leg so I have something to do with my credits that I have nothing to spend on at level 50.


* For god's sake, fix channeled abilities doing their animation but not going off due to server latency/ping.


* Return all the titles you took out of the game in the last two weeks of Beta. I never understood why you did that, btw. What did you possibly gain from removing all of them?


* Introduce the Legacy System already. As you can see from my sig, I'm well under way leveling other characters, and since you've been completely silent about Legacy, I'm starting to think they'll all be level 50 by the time we see anything happen there. Since your in-game tooltip insinuates it will unlock character creation options, which will be completely meaningless to me, I'm hoping that those options can be either retroactively applied, or that there are some other truly cool aesthetic/social options available to people who will have already finished leveling everything by the time you ever get this system out.


* And, my wish that has zero chance of coming true, so would be my guilty pleasure request for this class, give us a way to obtain an aoe snare that doesn't require us to pick up Cybertech and lob grenades around.

Edited by revial
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* A personality overhaul for Jaesa so she doesn't come off as the stupidest person in the entire Galaxy. I'm actually not exaggerating here. She is really, really, stupid.


This, by far best suggestion on the entire world. Jaesa is so bad her voice acting is so bad her character is so bad I mean wow the design was epic an apprentice whom you can make go dark or light. Dark is emo her quotes are so terrabad emo. Light shes a tooth fairy the storyline is so so so gay. I mean seriously wow they sterotype sith too much you can tell that by Jaesa's quotes.

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Being able to channel ravage while moving. Channels that stop you from moving for melee classes that require melee range are bad and wrong.


Once you hit max resolve it actually makes you immune to CC and breaks the one currently on you (I can't tell you how many times I have been punted, rooted and stunned, gotten heals, look down and see my reolve bar is full and completely white only to be stunnned, and then stunned again while the rdps and his buddy I was trying to kill, kill me and probably laugh, and then while I'm dead see the fully white bar start to deplete).


Some kind of root/snare break on a short CD somewhere low in one of the trees so whatever spec you use you can pick it up easy. I personally am thinking combine the rupture snare talent with the extra upfront damage talent in annihilation and then put this in its spot.


The 2 min CD CC break everyone gets to make yo immune to CC for 10 seconds or so. Its stupid that often you burn this only to be CCed again straight after. Not exclusive to maras and should count for everyone.


For some of our defensive CDs to be useable while stuned, and/or a straight up reduction in the amount of CCs there are in the game, and for roots and punts to be included in the resolve system once its made to work properly.


For the "weak or normal" restriction to be taken off force screams stun. The mara's lack of a not channeled stun against anything besides weak and normal mobs is huge weakness of the class.


For Annihilate to be a Hvy hitting Dot lasting 12 seconds so IF you manage to keep it on CD with its current CD reduction mechanic you can stack it 3 times into a true beast. Or Drop the damage to be be slightly better than Viscious slash, drop the CD, drop the rage cost to 3 and make it so all the talents that affect dots in the Anni tree affect this ability and it becomes a replacement for VS. Its not a bad ability as is but it irks me that the 31 point talent of the tree has no real synergy with 90+% of the tree.


The poster above's idea of dropping the rage cost per stack of the Annihilator buff would also be a nice alternative.



More robes with hoods up, hell the hood up/down toggle I have seen suggested a few times would be awesome!


A more sensible CD on grenades from cybertec. fair enough this isn't strictly a mara thing but cmon 5 min sharded CD is fkn rediculous. Damage grens like the pyro tec should be 90-120 seconds, the CC/snare ones should be 3 mins. Seperate and reasonable CDs.


For a small (i think 25% but actual number would obviously require a lot of testing and i pulled it from thin air without knowing how much is needed to gain an xtra % chance to dodge/deflect/parry) portion of our force power to be added to our defense rating. In the movies jedi/sith aren't super resistant to blaster fire or other light sabre weapons but they are nearly imposible to hit due to reflecting with the light sabres and dodging heaps. This would go a long way to adding surviveabilty outside of CDs without it being a straight up and super reliable mitigation buff (mitigation always trumps avoidance due to RNG).


Some way to macro some of our abilities to compress the amount of keys needed to play the class, and for abilities to actually fire reliably when hit. deadly sabre and retaliation seem to be the worst offenders here, they often don't seem to want to trigger if I am not on global CD, and even then sometimes don't want to work.


A moveable rage counter in the UI so i can put it on or near my Toon to make it so I don't have to look down as much to see how much rage I have built.


for some companions other than vette to make comments during space missions.


Bah there are lots more but I can't think of them off hand and its time to actually play.

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Oh, duh.


Disruption locks out all abilities from the "school" being cast for 4 seconds instead of just the ability.


It's completely stupid and under-powering to interrupt a heal only to have them start casting another one.


If I interrupt Benevolence I had better see a Telekinetic Throw next, not Healing Trance.

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Oh, duh.


Disruption locks out all abilities from the "school" being cast for 4 seconds instead of just the ability.


It's completely stupid and under-powering to interrupt a heal only to have them start casting another one.


If I interrupt Benevolence I had better see a Telekinetic Throw next, not Healing Trance.


Come on Interupt Benevolence, Choke Trance, interupt Benevolence, stun Trance - bet they still get heals off ;-] healers are a joke in the fact they can sit and heal without trouble for the most part.. I usually get them to 30% or so and they get help and I get stunned and magically their hp is full once more ;/

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Come on Interupt Benevolence, Choke Trance, interupt Benevolence, stun Trance - bet they still get heals off ;-] healers are a joke in the fact they can sit and heal without trouble for the most part.. I usually get them to 30% or so and they get help and I get stunned and magically their hp is full once more ;/


Oh didn't I mention? This is the 4th time Disruption is off CD so Choke and Intimidating Shout are both down.



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Oh didn't I mention? This is the 4th time Disruption is off CD so Choke and Intimidating Shout are both down.




Was in a Warzone last night and was attacking a healer for a good 4-5 minutes. Couldn't kill him for squat he had full pvp gear on never got him below half health but he wasn't healing anyone else that was for sure. The other non pvp gear 50 I attacked went down like a sack.

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I think a decent surviveabillity buff+a stun e.g: Ravage also stuns the target for the whole duration and can be used while walking and that every spec has 2 force leaps will fix this class. Perhaps they could also keep an eye on force choke.
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1) Fix the melee lag, it's unbelievably annoying that people can run right past me as I spam buttons and they never actually go off cause of the game lag. I'm not even going to get started with the talents that give Ravage a root and people just keep running away from it because the root triggers after the ability starts to cast.


2) We need a pull for PvP... with every class having 1-2 knockback effects being able to rip people to us would be incredibly effective.


3) Some defense addition would be nice, understandable we shouldn't be tanks but getting dominated by any class unless we get the jump on them is pretty dumb. I like the idea of cloak being a passive buff for us.


4) Change the overwhelm talent in the carnage tree. Instead of giving a 50/100% chance to root the target it should give a 50/100% chance allow Ravage to be cast while moving and make it uninterruptable. One of the big reasons to play a melee is so that you do not have to deal with interrupts in a PvP style format. Having a channeled ability that you can't move for but only works within 1-2 meters is beyond dumb.


5) Fix Savage Kick please? It's supposed to trigger on slow and immobilized targets but this doesn't happen in PvP ever, so what every other class in the game can have a knockback that throws me half way across the map but I can't do it to the operative who just hit me for 10k in 2 seconds?

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