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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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Sad part is one of the biggest issue can be easily addressed, Resolve. Is it really so hard to make every ability in game with a secondary effect add some resolve and be effected by it? Instead of completely bypassing it like roots/snares? Or adding a simple 5 second immunity after hitting your breakout so you arent chain stunned to oblivion?


unfortunately, the problem is bigger than that.


if you add roots and/or snares to the resolve system, everyone would be on full resolve as soon as the previous bar wore off. You'd literally spend half of your pvp time under resolve. Good luck getting doors capped in VS, or stopping scores in huttball then.


the real issue in regards to resolve is that there's just too much CC in the game. it's fine to have roots, snares, stuns, incaps, knockbacks, etc in the game. The problem is (almost) every class having multiples of them.


As far as the OP goes, i'm one of the lucky ones, I guess. Our server, Jung Ma, still has a decent population (our reward for crazy login queues early on). And, while outnumbered, our Republic faction manages to put up a good fight on Ilum. We don't get consistently dominated, anyway.


But, the major flaws in this game are easy to see, and I can't fault anyone for canceling subs until/unless they're fixed.

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Don't pay too much attention to that 1.7 million number, it was very misleading.


To play SWTOR you have to subscribe or buy a time card - so the only people not included in that number were those who a) Bought and activated the game on release, added a subscription to play, then immediately removed it or b) haven't opened the game yet.


To give you an example: I unsubscribed, but because I bought 1 extra month, I was included in that 1.7m number.


Next quarter's earnings call will give a much more accurate picture of the real subscriber numbers.


Yeah, the 1.7 did seem a bit high. I'd be anxious to see if it is half that next quarter.

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Ragequitting* You mean. The people who are leaving are morons anyway, we don't need them. When SWTOR's problems are fixed, the game will be better off and those ragequitters might regret not being patient.


Ummm, yeah....I'm REALLY going to regret paying a monthly fee for a game that I don't play.


Because its impossible to resub, mirite?

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Aww the kids looking forward for GW2 i always giggle when the newbies spam that sentence? LIKE THE GRASS WILL BE GREENER ON THE OTHERSIDE, NO it wont, GW" will have their issues as well, ppl will start crying about how sucky the pve is, and imbalanced pvp threads will pop too.


IF U GOT SOMETHING TO BE SORRY ABOUT ILL TELL YA WHAT, UO NEVER MADE IT TO A 3D MMORPG, thats whats damn sad. CAUSE THAT GAME HAD THE PERFECT PVP, loads of grief and item steal, kill loot the noob. thats real pvp. Everything else is softball.

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Aww the kids looking forward for GW2 i always giggle when the newbies spam that sentence? LIKE THE GRASS WILL BE GREENER ON THE OTHERSIDE, NO it wont, GW" will have their issues as well, ppl will start crying about how sucky the pve is, and imbalanced pvp threads will pop too.


IF U GOT SOMETHING TO BE SORRY ABOUT ILL TELL YA WHAT, UO NEVER MADE IT TO A 3D MMORPG, thats whats damn sad. CAUSE THAT GAME HAD THE PERFECT PVP, loads of grief and item steal, kill loot the noob. thats real pvp. Everything else is softball.


Actually not everyone is interested in GW2. I'm not interested in the slightest. I'm however really interested in SWTOR and want to enjoy my time. It's a shame it's plagued with so many issues though like Engine woes, FPS issues, and population inbalances. I still have hope they can address these issues.


I don't however want to give up on it, but you can only hold out so long because you get frustrated.

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Well it finally happened. I'm the only one left logging in from my guild. A lot of them just left without saying anything. I've decided to join another guild on my server but to tell you the truth it may be a moot point. The population is so dismal that it may not even be worth it. Takes quite a bit to get a warfront pop on Republic side on certain times on the day. Yet if I were to switch and play Empire I get a pop pretty much < 3 minutes or instant.


On republic side the fleet has a rough 20-30 people at a given time. Sigh it's a shame too was really having fun with the game. I don't feel like wasting my time to reroll sorry. I guess I'll have to find alternatives. Unless someone has a better suggestion then just 'rerolling'.

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All whining PvPers need to just go back to playing Madden and MW3.


Any whining PvEers obviously havent dealt with an MMO launch before. WoW launch was absolutely horrendous.


My advice would be; try more than one class. Anyone leaving just raced through all the content and failed to appreciate what Bioware did during the single player experience.

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All whining PvPers need to just go back to playing Madden and MW3.


Any whining PvEers obviously havent dealt with an MMO launch before. WoW launch was absolutely horrendous.


My advice would be; try more than one class. Anyone leaving just raced through all the content and failed to appreciate what Bioware did during the single player experience.


Nice statistical data.

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All whining PvPers need to just go back to playing Madden and MW3.


Any whining PvEers obviously havent dealt with an MMO launch before. WoW launch was absolutely horrendous.


My advice would be; try more than one class. Anyone leaving just raced through all the content and failed to appreciate what Bioware did during the single player experience.


Probably a kid.

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The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.



Do yo honestly belive people are leaving because its not wow ?



I cancelled my sub becuse they tried to BE LIKE WOW,... because their game engine is full of bugs, because the pvp is terrible, because the game runs like **** on my system, even though evry other game thats out today runs fine in full eye candy mode...



There may be a few people that quit and go back to wow... I havent played wow for years and wont be going back to it ... I wanted this to be a NEW and better MMO like it was advertised to be . It is not. All you morons saying "go back to wow" "herp derp ur leaving cos its not wow" Get of your high horse and allow people to vent thier frustration at being denied what they where promised.



ALSO they tout world pvp .. but the WHOLE time while llving on a pvp server ALL THE quest zones are seperated ... what the **** is the point in that ...



Oh and the tool thinking GW2 pve will be bad... you obv havent read/seen anything that is going ot be in that game.. Im sure it will have its issues but it already looks *********** miles above this steaming turd of a game. And yeah pvp where skill not gear matters... /thread

Edited by Dougalishere
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Top Republic PvPers on my server already quit weeks ago after the Ilum fiasco.


Dead game walking, except for the few high pop servers, apparently.


Normally, I would ask for you to explain how anyone is considered top in this game. But I don't think anyone cares. I only personally know one person who is still playing.

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Top Republic PvPers on my server already quit weeks ago after the Ilum fiasco.


Dead game walking, except for the few high pop servers, apparently.


thing is..if ppl like me that are on low pop servers move to the high ones, we just increase the waiting times lagg etc..lose lose situation imo..im on a low pop and i aint got a clue what to do..love the game, but hate this

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All whining PvPers need to just go back to playing Madden and MW3.


Any whining PvEers obviously havent dealt with an MMO launch before. WoW launch was absolutely horrendous.


My advice would be; try more than one class. Anyone leaving just raced through all the content and failed to appreciate what Bioware did during the single player experience.


pvpers need togo back to MW3 ? are you aware of how stupid that statement is ...




and this is a MMO not a single player experience. I lvled slowly , i took my time I enjoyed the storylines... THIS IS NOT A SINGLE PLAYER GAME WHY SHOULD I APPERCIATE WHAT THEY DID WITH THE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCE... if that was the case they should of made this a single player rpg like the amazing KOTR

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thing is..if ppl like me that are on low pop servers move to the high ones, we just increase the waiting times lagg etc..lose lose situation imo..im on a low pop and i aint got a clue what to do..love the game, but hate this


Your on the same boat as me. I spend my time on the fleet thinking to myself. Why or why did I end up on the server with the least amount of people. Mind you people are saying some of the servers are fine. However, I have to question just how many really have as poor of a population as mine.

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The process development involved here isn't working.


* They have 6 years to release a game that got more than 4fps on the "average" machine in ilum.

* There are rampant exploits due to how the game is ARCHITECTED (client side timing and logic anyone?).

* Client reconnectivity and packet loss/retransmission handling is abysmal for a 2012 game.

* Lost connection? Sound is buggy and your queues are stuck.

* Game crashed while you were about to win a warzone? Oh you reconnect and are booted out of the game.


Just objectively compare this game and all its faults to its competition and there is no contest.


* It isn’t even playable on the flagship location: ilum…. the average player gets 4fps. 4 F P S. How can you possibly defend this game?

* RNG loot system. 2 equal players, spend 50 hours PVPing… one player is decked out battlemaster, the other has zero battlemaster pieces. Oh wow what a novel system.

* Unbalanced queued games. 4-12v4-12. Wow awe-inspiring.

* Patches that are obviously not tested as they introduce such blatant bugs there is no other explanation (zero valor ilum anyone?).

* A public test server on which nobody can test unless they want to level from 1-50 and gear up.

* Client side code such as timers for abilities (hey introduce some packet delay/loss and see what your spell cooldowns do).


The list goes on and on and on. The quality of product is like something that would have been pushed out in 1999, not 2012. The blatant rampant game-breaking bugs demonstrate only one thing: incompetence. The market will speak and this game will be a lesson used in the industry of “What not to do”.

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* Client reconnectivity and packet loss/retransmission handling is abysmal for a 2012 game.

* Lost connection? Sound is buggy and your queues are stuck.


Quibbling with these bits. I'm a Telecom engineer IRL and I can tell you that most of what you are having problems with is a case of the Windoze TCP/IP stack (packet aggregation, which you can fix) and your internet carrier - there are a lot of hops between your PC and their servers, not one of which they are responsible for.


In game IP lag is basically your Windoze IP stack going to sleep for a bit. One possible fix? As seen on this forum:


Leatrix Latency Fix helps with pvp ability lag. | 04/01/2012 , 11h21





What does it do?


Leatrix Latency Fix will reduce your online gaming latency significantly by increasing the frequency of TCP acknowledgements sent to the game server. For the technically minded, this is a program which will modify TCPAckFrequency.


You will see reduced latency in many online games including Star Wars, World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, and more..........

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* It isn’t even playable on the flagship location: ilum…. the average player gets 4fps. 4 F P S. How can you possibly defend this game?


Actually that's the least of the problems with Ilum lol. Though i've heard of people playing through that area at 1-2 FPS. Suffice to say Ilum needs a lot of work.

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The original Battlemasters on our server. The ones who cared about PvP. They're all gone.


Heh that's what pretty much happened on our server. But instead of just 'leaving' they all rerolled Empire. Last I heard they are going to quit within the month anyways because of all the problems some of them are having with the client. I ask you this.. why did they even bother to reroll in the first place? Oh well to each their own.

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