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Everything posted by Bigstrudel

  1. All whining PvPers need to just go back to playing Madden and MW3. Any whining PvEers obviously havent dealt with an MMO launch before. WoW launch was absolutely horrendous. My advice would be; try more than one class. Anyone leaving just raced through all the content and failed to appreciate what Bioware did during the single player experience.
  2. If your health pool is already reasonably large; extra endurance is a complete waste of a stat. Mitigation is far more efficient. And to be honest adding some extra dps stats to your gear isnt a bad idea either because more damage and threat is always a good thing.
  3. This. Ive had great success with threat gains since gearing several pieces with Surge. Rocket Punch and Flame Sweep have a 40%+ chance of critting. Surge crit Rocket Punch spam is very high threat on single targets and once youre 50 and geared out decently youre Shield chance basically makes the CD on it 4.5 secs.
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