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In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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LOL Yay for sucking! I'd rather edit my own sucky logs in notepad than learn to play my class! Yay!


If this game caters to the bads such as yourself, it won't be anything but a stinky burp and then it will be gone. Just like all the rest.


Heh. I have difficulty taking seriously the perspective of anyone who doesn't realize that "bad" is an adjective and not a noun.


8 days left on your free month there, wannabe elitist. Then you're gone, and our game improves.


Oh, are you staying past the 30 free days? Then you're paying to gripe.


I mean, how pathetic is that?

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Its too bad the point of a log in high level content is to make sure your group is performing optimally and to make sure everyone is meeting the required dps for the boss.


Sorry but I dont take random peoples on the internets word that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing lol.

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Its too bad the point of a log in high level content is to make sure your group is performing optimally and to make sure everyone is meeting the required dps for the boss.


Sorry but I dont take random peoples on the internets word that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing lol.


For the two who are attempting to pick me apart for being elitist, this is what I'm talking about. I've never once posted a log in any chat, I don't care what a persons dps is if we are succeeding. But when you are failing at something, finding out the weak link in a large group and helping them to improve, or replacing them is not using a mod as a crutch.

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Its too bad the point of a log in high level content is to make sure your group is performing optimally and to make sure everyone is meeting the required dps for the boss.

Content in this game is so trivial that you shouldn't need any kind of parser.


Sorry but I dont take random peoples on the internets word that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing lol.

Learn to make friends, then you won't need to question them or their ability.

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This isn't an answer. Is this Parser from the Almighty EQ one of the above or are your insult reserved only for those who come from other games that use Parsers?


I don't recall insulting anyone in this thread. i never used the term care bear. but anyone demanding help a month in the game doesn't fit my idea of someone hard core.

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I support in saying. I would put on a song.."NA NA NA ..HEY HEY GOODBYE" you KNEW this game did not have a combat log BEFORE buying it. It's been almost a month and no combat log. Now they might add a PERSONAL combat log of YOURSELF. You want a way to ABUSE the system to know Every One's.


Quit then if you don't get your recount. One less person to complain about not being able to use a mod as a cruch and complain. I think Pokemon and Panad's may fit your style.


It's crazy to consider that mods and improvements can come into a game after it has been launched isn't it?

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For the two who are attempting to pick me apart for being elitist, this is what I'm talking about. I've never once posted a log in any chat, I don't care what a persons dps is if we are succeeding. But when you are failing at something, finding out the weak link in a large group and helping them to improve, or replacing them is not using a mod as a crutch.


This is spot on, although I honestly don't think it's "needed" in SW:TOR. When we needed it in EQ it was because we raided with 50+ people.


It's not needed when you are raiding with 8 or 16. It's helpful, but it is not a necessity.

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OR you will have guild leaders requiring logs to be submitted at the end of each raid so they can be reviewed by leader and officers.


Where there is a will, there is a way (at least in guilds).


If I was in a guild that did that I /gquit on the spot. It's a game that's meant to be fun but some people take it way too seriously.


You don't need a log to tell you that you don't have enough dps in the raid. You either kill the boss or you don't, simple..

Edited by Kandorr
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Content in this game is so trivial that you shouldn't need any kind of parser.



Learn to make friends, then you won't need to question them or their ability.


If content is that trivial then there won't be a point in playing, if they are going to sacrifice the tuning of high end encounters because there is no way for players to better themselves then the game will quickly become stale.


Why would I not question my friends and their ability? Everyone makes mistakes, I question my own damage/healing on each and every character I'm on.

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For the two who are attempting to pick me apart for being elitist, this is what I'm talking about. I've never once posted a log in any chat, I don't care what a persons dps is if we are succeeding. But when you are failing at something, finding out the weak link in a large group and helping them to improve, or replacing them is not using a mod as a crutch.


Guess you are going to have to get to know people and like them for who they are rather then their DPS. If you are going QUIT over not having this weakess then do it...it is a weakness if you are BLINDED by not having it...I'm doing flash point's and finishing it without this weakess. I can figure out what's going on without a weakness mod.

DEAL with this game not having recount..


What more can I say?

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The best guilds will ask that people use their logs for personal performance benchmarking and self improvement, and go no further than that. Between members, they can compare numbers if they wish, but beyond that its a personal tool.


By the way... I love this solution. I like the idea of not having to deal with logging, but I also miss the self analysis.

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Well my answer is; I raided for 9 yrs on EQ1 as a tank and my highest ranking was #16 server wide.


I can put my hand on any bible you care to produce and swear I never used a dps meter or threat meter or enrage thing whatever.


Far as I'm concerned, if you need all these tools to beat the content, then you're care bear raiders.


That's my opinion, now I'm going to bed :)


Raided for 6 as a Healer in WOW as a Healer. Capped Character in Rift. Level 30 in Vanguard(long time since I played that lol). I even have an "Evie" in Vindictus".(did I win the p*ssing contest?


All of them including a complete and utter failure like Vanguard(Forced grouping for the most trivial of things help to kill it Guess that whole "things need to be more social" argument you guys love to make, isn't all it's cracked up to be) has a PARSER/ DAMAGE METER IN WHICH, YOU CAN SEE EVERYONE'S PERFORMANCE.


Also note how my frame of Reference is much bigger than 1 game or having Max leveled in 1 game.


2 of the games that I listed have greater subs than the game you come from and they all have what you are fighting against what you are fighting against. The numbers, are the numbers ,are the numbers ad infinitium.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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Guess you are going to have to get to know people and like them for who they are rather then their DPS. If you are going QUIT over not having this weakess then do it...it is a weakness if you are BLINDED by not having it...I'm doing flash point's and finishing it without this weakess. I can figure out what's going on without a weakness mod.

DEAL with this game not having recount..


What more can I say?


you must be a superior human without all this weakness, too bad its only the internet


btw didnt they say it is coming?

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Heh. I have difficulty taking seriously the perspective of anyone who doesn't realize that "bad" is an adjective and not a noun.


8 days left on your free month there, wannabe elitist. Then you're gone, and our game improves.


Oh, are you staying past the 30 free days? Then you're paying to gripe.


I mean, how pathetic is that?


Yeah, good job, you totally proved him wrong with a logic based arguement that focuses on his major point and didn't resort to personal attacks.


I used to want them but your compelling arguement changed my mind.

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Personally, I think that guild tryouts are the best way to judge a person's performance. If someone has good situational awareness, is kitted out properly, puts out good damage, heals effectively and moves around to maxumum advantage then a tryout will show this. Tryouts may show why someone uses an area off effect skill versus a direct damage skill. When different skills are used is sometimes more important than how often.


DPS meters only show one of those things.




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This is all about options. It's like the issue with high-res textures, really; leave the choice to the individual players. People who don't want to be judged by their performance can form guilds with like-minded people. People who want to min-max can form their own guilds. Even if there was a parser in place, nobody can force the people in the first group to play with the other group. They can do whatever they want.


Judging by the posts in these threads, it's obvious that there's a pretty even split between people who want parsing and people who don't want it, so either group should have no trouble finding people to play the way they want to. Those who don't want to be parsed have the option of playing the way they want. Those who do, have the option of doing so.


Aren't options great?

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....snip ...

2 of the games that I listed have greater subs than what you are fighting against. The numbers, are the numbers ,are the numbers ad infinitium.



The rise in over-all MMO gaming numbers would like a chat with your less then well thought out point...

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Guess you are going to have to get to know people and like them for who they are rather then their DPS. If you are going QUIT over not having this weakess then do it...it is a weakness if you are BLINDED by not having it...I'm doing flash point's and finishing it without this weakess. I can figure out what's going on without a weakness mod.

DEAL with this game not having recount..


What more can I say?


I only play with people I know and like. I never pug. I really, really don't care about the dps of anyone posting in this thread.


If they go this way, and make it a pain in the *** for groups to access a combat log, it will send a clear message that this is a single-player oriented game.


And be very boring at 50, from my perspective. Like most other single-player games when you're done with them. Happily there are many other games to play.

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