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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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it's funny how the so called pro "NEED" the combat log to win the game otherwise they get someone slacking and they accuse him to make them lose...


while people that don't care win the game exactly the same perhaps 30 minuts later without the need to finger point who slowed them down...


you can win this game without the need of cherry pick the player if u can't you are probably not so "pro" as you think you are you are to worry about your damage and understand too little that is not the damage alone that win the game, it's the situational understanding exactly what a damage meter will never be able to tell you


if you need a DM to win u are bad

if u need a DM to find a reason to play you are worst

if in a cooperative game you play to win personally a dps contest you are "THE WORST" and understand nothing about teamplay

Edited by Pekish
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you can win this game without the need of cherry pick the player if u cant' you are probably not so "pro" as you think you are.


This is very true -- the game is so easy that you really dont need the best to complete it. If people are failing at SWTOR, they really shouldnt be gaming at all.

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This is very true -- the game is so easy that you really dont need the best to complete it. If people are failing at SWTOR, they really shouldnt be gaming at all.


As much as I agree, I still think that a combat log is a good thing to have to find out what I'm doing in terms of dps and whether there is any way I can improve. I couldn't care less what joe bloggs is doing beside me.

Edited by Tarka
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I hope they give us combat logs as well. Its needed so you can see what is the most efficient rotations/specs etc. In other games, with dps meters, it was easy to tell who wasnt doing something right and try to correct the problem to maximize dps for the group.
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Some of us actually make legitimate use of DPS meters without being jerks. Let us do it.


You can and will be able to. BW and a large chunk of the community doesn't agree with you that it's "legitimate" to be using them during the raids or "legitimate" for you to have access to other peoples' data without their permission, but only after when everyone has shared their data file voluntarily.


Perhaps in the future they will add functionality for people to choose whether their data is shared in real time or not, but I wouldn't bank on it. BW appears to have made the design decision taht they want you focused on playing the game, not reading a dps meter during the game. That's "legitimate" if for no other reason than only a very very small portion of the community if going to find the compromise they're offering to be insufficient based on their own personal preferences....because for all practical purposes, people are completing the content without the silly crutch right this moment.

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As much as I agree, I still think that a combat log is a good thing to have to find out what I'm doing in terms of dps and whether there is any way I can improve. I couldn't care less what joe bloggs is doing beside me.


What is so hard for people to understand about this: you will have precisely what you said you just wanted. So what are you complaining about?

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I will have to reword it carefully from scratch :) I have faith in the intelligence of this community for it not to lose any impact.



I was listening to a few guildies talking about this exact topic!


They said that no one should be concerned about the combat log because the elite good players have already moved on. I was also told that the only people left are casual's such as couples and older people who simply love star wars and the style of this game.


So I thought to myself.. wow! if that is so, it is kinda weird to be so fiercely debating a subject oriented around a community that doesn't exist in this game anymore. Because they insinuated that the true theory crafters / minmaxers had already moved on :o


I asked a mate about how that could be true when a thread like this exists and he said it might be because there are casuals who are afraid to let others see there lack of skill arguing against casuals who might think they are better then they really are, taking the opportunity to fill the void left by the community that has already left.


I asked them why they continued to hang around and they said they killing time waiting for something called Teeraa, which explained why they log on and just stand around or waste time on forums. I was like what isn't that a tv show with dinosaurs. They didn't reply.


Was interesting to hear there thoughts.

Edited by Harower
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you can win this game without the need of cherry pick the player if u can't you are probably not so "pro" as you think you are you are to worry about your damage and understand too little that is not the damage alone that win the game, it's the situational understanding exactly what a damage meter will never be able to tell you


Again, I think people are having differnt ideas of what a "combat log" or "damage meter" entails. You, and I suspect others in this thread, have the impression of a dps meter as a single measure that just shows how much damage per second each person in the raid is doing.


That IS bad, and not what people are asking for. What people want is the kind of detail that lets you know when, where, how and why damage is coming from or why someone died. The kind of "situational awareness" stuff that you may not be able to see because you are focused on the boss or the boss mechanics or simply because it's not physically within your line of sight. Or stuff that you DID see, but need a record of.


For example, if you are on the droid in KP and someone doing the puzzle dies, how do you know if it was because he didn't get healed after a rocket or because he walked into multiple proximity mines. If you are down near the boss, you can't see back there, but a combat log will capture it and you can figure out what happened.

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What is so hard for people to understand about this: you will have precisely what you said you just wanted. So what are you complaining about?


And where did I state that we weren't getting it? Hmmm?

And where exactly am I complaining Hmmm?


I'm just pointing out my opinion on why I think combat logs are a good thing.


In future, it may be wise to not be so quick to jump on posts.

Edited by Tarka
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