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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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even if and thats a big if they were used people seem to forget they were illegal! so if used them to get your server first they cheated.


Exactly. They were not allowed. So anyone who used one pretty much used hacked and cheated. Cheating is wrong mmkay. They were not used by a majoiruty. They were used by people who cheated. It was illegal. Again. Recount hasn't been in this game and won't be. I love the fact you guys get SOO UPSET over that. :cool:


Please continue on with the pointless "You didn't play in EQ" This is SWTOR and is does not have recount. Accept it.

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Haven't you heard the news guys?

It's just a waste of time to try to argue logically with anti-meter people. It's just not possible because they don't understand the immense benefits it had for raiding as a team. Their definition of raiding is getting carried through outdated content by mean pugs that still booted them for underperforming.


we understand them fine. we don't want training wheels because we feel its more fun without them.

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maybe a few patches down the road theyll have a fully operational combat log. no open combat log sounds like a good way for terrible players to hide how terrible they are.


The only bad Players are the ones who need others combat logs to play. Learn some social skills.

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This should satisfy pretty much everyone -- both the people who want logs to help them better themselves, and the people who don't want the culture of elitism and exclusion that meters foster.


I feel like I should quote this for a point;




It's laughable to think that 'recount' was the reason everyone was an elitist in WoW. No, it simply gave people a reason to shove it down someones throat; Elitism is going to be in the game WITH, OR WITHOUT, RECOUNT.


Don't be naive.

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The only bad Players are the ones who need others combat logs to play. Learn some social skills.


Which skills are you referring to?


"Hi, we are struggling with this boss. Are you doing enough damage?"


x7 or x15 depending on your raid group.



Yeah... That will work.

Edited by Soulkan
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Wow.... I am shell-shocked at just how in the dark they are...


A personal combat log... Thats the answer? We are at a Sith Emperor wearing no clothes level at this point when it comes to the UI and its lack of basic MMO features.


The hand holding needs to stop for this MMO to be accepted by the global gaming community as a competitive MMO that offers complex and intriguing combat mechanics.

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A shame. A real combat log would allow me to quickly identify bad dps'ers so I don't have to group with them. It's fair enough that some people are either bad or not interested in doing good dps - but I very much would like the choice not to group with them. As it is now - I just avoid grouping with anyone but my wife. I had enough of playing with bads in wow - I simply won't stomach it in another MMO.


And no I don't want to raid - so don't tell me to join a heroic raiding guild if I want to avoid bads.




Get some social skills and learn to play the game. Other people are not npcs there for your biding. If you can't figure out who is good or bad without a dps log you are the bad player.

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Get some social skills and learn to play the game. Other people are not npcs there for your biding. If you can't figure out who is good or bad without a dps log you are the bad player.


Right, I should watch how someone else plays the game during a hardmode while playing the game myself.


Why didn't I think of that?

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Wow.... I am shell-shocked at just how in the dark they are...


A personal combat log... Thats the answer? We are at a Sith Emperor wearing no clothes level at this point when it comes to the UI and its lack of basic MMO features.


The hand holding needs to stop for this MMO to be accepted by the global gaming community as a competitive MMO that offers complex and intriguing combat mechanics.


Ever considered that isn't the demographic they are going after?


No....of course you haven't.

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Haven't you heard the news guys?

It's just a waste of time to try to argue logically with anti-meter people. It's just not possible because they don't understand the immense benefits it had for raiding as a team. Their definition of raiding is getting carried through outdated content by mean pugs that still booted them for underperforming.


Oh, I think they understand the benefits just fine. They're just all wadded up in the whole "If I'm doing poorly, I don't want to be called out for it...it's my business that I'm acting poorly, and mine alone" mentality, and as a result are burying their heads in the sand at best or trolling at worst. People absolutely don't like to be told that they're wrong.


Part of where that dislike of being corrected comes into play is in the situation wherein they like to pretend that there is no mathematically provable maximum output for DPS. I believe Bioware will work to keep things as balanced as possible, and outside of bleeding-edge ops guilds and complete min-maxers, whether you choose to spec Gunnery vs. Assault shouldn't matter in the overarching scheme of things. That doesn't mean that one isn't going to have a numbers advantage no matter how slight. It's practically impossible to create two sufficiently different systems that they have a different play feel, and still have their numbers equal.


Playing the way you want to play is fine, grand, and ofttimes a lot of fun. Expecting that others should have to be significantly inconvenienced by your choice of a 13/13/15 build is unrealistic however, and selfish. Should they yell at you about it? No. Should you cry like a stuck pig if they offer constructive advice on how to achieve more of your class's potential? No. Also, selfish is absolutely the correct word. They are not being selfish by expecting that you conform to the intended game mechanics. You are being selfish by flaunting the game mechanics brazenly and expecting others to put up with it simply because you believe yourself to be a beautiful and unique snowflake above reproach.

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Get some social skills and learn to play the game. Other people are not npcs there for your biding. If you can't figure out who is good or bad without a dps log you are the bad player.




So let me get this straight.


You're saying he doesn't need a parser? Just figure it out without it and then shun the player/s?


How is that going to fix the issue you seem to have?


How exactly would you go about finding out who is the weak link if there was one?

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"Guess Who Sucks" is a great raid model.


Learn to play is a better one. If you can't figure out what is going on you are not good enough to beat the content. The bad players are the ones that can't modify and adjust strategies without a parser. It is easy mode.


Pretending like better players can't do it or are guessing does not make it true. Play the game not the dps log. Sometimes I think bad players want dps logs because they choose overpowered classes so they appear to know what they are doing when in reality it is just them playing an op spec poorly that gets them by. With the parsing they can say look I am higher than that good player who is playing a more difficult class.


Bads need parsers to do content.

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So let me get this straight.


You're saying he doesn't need a parser? Just figure it out without it and then shun the player/s?


How is that going to fix the issue you seem to have?


How exactly would you go about finding out who is the weak link if there was one?


They will continue to dodge the question Soulkan because they have no logical answer.

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Yeah cause it's all about who sucks....I personally think you ave watched one to many episodes of Mean Girls. :rolleyes:


Explain to me how your arguing against something that will make the game more accessible(call them whatever you want but Bioware wants to be able to call them customers) and inclusive helps a game that's aim is to be Massive? Wouldn't not having the option to parse or not to parse your Raid Group run counter to this goal?


Don't you have a choice not to be in a Guild that Parses?


If you are the victim of a Parser can't you join a guild that doesn't care about optimal performance and run with them? Why Pug if you care so much about the social part? Join a Guild make friends. Run with them.<---did this in WOW


You act as if everything is MUST when you have the option of avoiding.


Acting as if you can't do the things above exposes you as a Leech. End of story. There's no way you can deny wanting to be carried if you disagree. You have 2 options. Again stop acting as if everything is a MUST. You have choices.

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Learn to play is a better one. If you can't figure out what is going on you are not good enough to beat the content. The bad players are the ones that can't modify and adjust strategies without a parser. It is easy mode.


Pretending like better players can't do it or are guessing does not make it true. Play the game not the dps log. Sometimes I think bad players want dps logs because they choose overpowered classes so they appear to know what they are doing when in reality it is just them playing an op spec poorly that gets them by. With the parsing they can say look I am higher than that good player who is playing a more difficult class.


Bads need parsers to do content.


You are either trolling or are so ignorant it's amazing.


People want dps meters so they can identify weak-links. Some people want it because it helps them get better. Some people want the e-peen. Whatever the case, there are reasons for having a recount. The reason's for not having a recount seem to be "I don't want to be yelled at for sucking." And "It breeds elitism!" Both, are completely silly.


Or, wait. I could follow it by your logic and watch every single dps in the raid to see if they are doing an optimal rotation! Then I can correct each individual one and stop hitting the enrage timer!



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Learn to play is a better one. If you can't figure out what is going on you are not good enough to beat the content. The bad players are the ones that can't modify and adjust strategies without a parser. It is easy mode.


Pretending like better players can't do it or are guessing does not make it true. Play the game not the dps log. Sometimes I think bad players want dps logs because they choose overpowered classes so they appear to know what they are doing when in reality it is just them playing an op spec poorly that gets them by. With the parsing they can say look I am higher than that good player who is playing a more difficult class.


Bads need parsers to do content.


Because there is no such thing as class balance in an MMO? You have parsers for a reason. You think the devs will blindly let a class be 10-20% ahead of another? They will obviously attempt to keep them similar. Whether or not you want them too Dps rankings will appear from logs. Theorycrafters will take personal logs and compare them among other classes. A public dps meter does not keep people from figuring out which class will do more dps than another. Please think before you post.

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They will continue to dodge the question Soulkan because they have no logical answer.


are honestly expecting a grand solution that would cover everything sure. trial and error. if some of us are harsh i apologize. for myself im simply floored people are asking for help a month after release.

Edited by guided_by_voices
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It's a start.


no, its a finish!


Kinda OP point


You all want logs to JUDGE other players, not utilize them for what you claim, helping yourselfs!



Me, I have different way of judging a group/player!


Its called "Quit Group".


Just yesterday we waiting for a group member to reconnect and BH (who amazingly cant heal all despiute being merc AC) is laying aoe ground fire before some mobs.


Sure enough he got to close, argod mobs, and ran away!


Died and left group


No drama

No meter nonsense

Bad Group, not interested in staying.

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