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Level 50 and?


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The same stuff you'd do in every other new MMO that gets released.


This is the main beef I have with this game. I like the game and all but it's too much like WOW and not much innovation. These things are fun but most people coming to play this game are people like me who are bored to death of WOW and want somethings new and different. So far I honestly feel that's its WOW with a different skin. I won't quit the game because nothing else out there but I want to see more innovative ideas coming.

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The same stuff you'd do in every other new MMO that gets released.


Why did this need so many pages? The answer is right here on page one.


I would emphasize Roll an Alt. Experiencing the different story-lines is great. They put so much effort into them, why not take advantage of that.



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1) Start a new char, and experience the different storyline. (That is why the rested EXP is easier to gain and has been implemented in the game... make use of it!)


2) Starting a new char means gaining more "Legacy Level"


3) Crew crafting skills.


4) Trading/ help the GTN economy of your server.


5) FP/ Ops/ World bosses/ Ilum/ PvP warzones


6) Daily Heroic.


7) Space combat if you're into it. (easy credit I'd say).


8) Hunt Datacrons and codex(s)

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The only failure i see here is you. I clearly stated I am not gaming 8-10 hours a day. Just because you are terrible and leveling takes you forever doesn't mean eveeryone else is like that. Oh and, rage moar.


"Having a life" is the fail gamer's excuse these days. I have a life, now you need to get better at gaming.



being efficient and good at the game, is apparently not having a life.

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The only failure i see here is you. I clearly stated I am not gaming 8-10 hours a day. Just because you are terrible and leveling takes you forever doesn't mean eveeryone else is like that. Oh and, rage moar.


"Having a life" is the fail gamer's excuse these days. I have a life, now you need to get better at gaming.


No, talking about "fail gamming" is fail life. Who cares? who cares if you level quickly? that doesnt make other people fail gamers....gaming isnt reality. you are placing reality standards on a game, and thats simply silly, which is why people attack your posts.

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  • I just hit 50 and there's a lot for me to do.
  • Normal Flashpoints
  • Datacron farming
  • Finish unfinished quests
  • Play GTN
  • Rank up my professions (ie get Rare cybertech mods and armoring)
  • Finish space quests (these are damn fun, got 1/2 my ship decked out in epics, but it's still hard, I love a good challenge)
  • Do operations on normal then heroic then nightmare
  • Get my valor rank up so I can get better gear and learn to pvp properly (50 is where pvp truly starts cause now I have all my skills)
  • Heroic Flashpoints
  • Ilum world pvp (Ilum looks fantastic)
  • Heroic daily quests
  • Daily quests
  • Do cross-planetary objectives to gain rare items (such as purple lightsaber crystal)
  • Kill world bosses
  • Improve my gear
  • Increase affection of companions and do their side quests (still haven't finished Jorgan and the deadeyes)


That's just off the top of my head, I haven't discovered all the game has to offer to me yet. Then I also get to experience SEVEN other class stories. I feel overwhelmed :)!

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  • PvP
  • Raid
  • Craft
  • Help Guild members level
  • RP
  • Roll an ALT
  • Wait for new content


The same stuff you'd do in every other new MMO that gets released.


^ This right here is what you do.


and yes, it's pretty much what you do in every MMO. Especially one that has just been out 20 something days.

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I think if you did the actual math of how many hours you have played per level you gained, you would find it higher than 1 level per hour. Simply because you say it, doesnt make it true.


the fact is you are wrong. reality is proving you wrong. so stop trolling. everyone isnt 50 yet, most people arent 50. This game hand feeds you efficiency, they show all the mission givers, they show the path, they show the objective, bioware has taken inefficiency out of it.


Yeah im sure that groups can do it faster, but for the general gammer who isnt stupid, as you think they are, 1 level an hour just isnt going to happen.


There are posts of people who have made it to 50 in around 50 hours if I remember correctly. They are all wrong and their reality is a completely different reality than yours eh? Just face it, admit you were wrong and all is fine.

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Why did this need so many pages? The answer is right here on page one.


I would emphasize Roll an Alt. Experiencing the different story-lines is great. They put so much effort into them, why not take advantage of that.




class storyline is different and great. I wanted to have an IA operative to play, but i just couldn't stand doing all the exact same side quests so soon after just finishing them on the bounty hunter..

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  • I just hit 50 and there's a lot for me to do.
  • Normal Flashpoints
  • Datacron farming
  • Finish unfinished quests
  • Play GTN
  • Rank up my professions (ie get Rare cybertech mods and armoring)
  • Finish space quests (these are damn fun, got 1/2 my ship decked out in epics, but it's still hard, I love a good challenge)
  • Do operations on normal then heroic then nightmare
  • Get my valor rank up so I can get better gear and learn to pvp properly (50 is where pvp truly starts cause now I have all my skills)
  • Heroic Flashpoints
  • Ilum world pvp (Ilum looks fantastic)
  • Heroic daily quests
  • Daily quests
  • Do cross-planetary objectives to gain rare items (such as purple lightsaber crystal)
  • Kill world bosses
  • Improve my gear
  • Increase affection of companions and do their side quests (still haven't finished Jorgan and the deadeyes)


That's just off the top of my head, I haven't discovered all the game has to offer to me yet. Then I also get to experience SEVEN other class stories. I feel overwhelmed :)!


This one's a keeper. I'm printing this out so I can refer to it once I get to 50!



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No, talking about "fail gamming" is fail life. Who cares? who cares if you level quickly? that doesnt make other people fail gamers....gaming isnt reality. you are placing reality standards on a game, and thats simply silly, which is why people attack your posts.


I care if someone starts personal attacks. If someone calls me redicusouls and in need of help just becaus I am more efficient then I have the right to call him a failure. Fanboys with fail arguments just beg to be flamed for pulling the "get a life" card.


And yes, if someone claims they are not 50 because it can't be done while many have proven that it can be, it does make them terrible games in a way that they are not efficient.

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so a game that the developers thought would take over 200 hours, can be done in 50? wow, we must all be the dumbest people on the planet, such losers, im gonna go cry for a while since im such a loser.


ok, well, i lied, i reached level 50 in 2 hours. IF you didnt do it then u are fail, loser, go home and cry. haha im the best, i did it in 2 hours. i win.

Edited by TarikGur
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so a game that the developers thought would take over 200 hours, can be done in 50? wow, we must all be the dumbest people on the planet, such losers, im gonna go cry for a while since im such a loser.


ok, well, i lied, i reached level 50 in 2 hours. IF you didnt do it then u are fail, loser, go home and cry. haha im the best, i did it in 2 hours. i win.


When someone says it cant be done, it sure sounds like they were trying to do it. They did indeed in that case, fail.

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  • I just hit 50 and there's a lot for me to do.
  • Normal Flashpoints - at 50, they're a snorefest
  • Datacron farming - actually pretty interesting, but will only take a few hours, my guild did it together
  • Finish unfinished quests - please let me drop the f'n grey bonus quests in crappy planets. I don't want to go back to Nar Shaddaa
  • Play GTN - what are you going to do with the cr? the only thing i can buy, is armor repair. I haven't felt a need for cr or seen anything that requires large sums of money for.
  • Rank up my professions (ie get Rare cybertech mods and armoring) - took me 1 day at work via remote desktop, to cap 400 investigation, and 400 armstech
  • Finish space quests (these are damn fun, got 1/2 my ship decked out in epics, but it's still hard, I love a good challenge) - awesome if you like it, i hate the fly-by-rail style of gameplay
  • Do operations on normal then heroic then nightmare - all 5 bosses? 2 of which are bugged to the point where nightmare is the exact same as normal mode?
  • Get my valor rank up so I can get better gear and learn to pvp properly (50 is where pvp truly starts cause now I have all my skills) - I got nothing here, pvp is a metagame in itself
  • Heroic Flashpoints - the encounters are tuned to be gear checks at this point. you can't really "outskill" any fights. it's just a matter of farming instances by resetting them before killing the final boss
  • Ilum world pvp (Ilum looks fantastic) - LOLOLOL - you won't get it now, but you will when you see it
  • Heroic daily quests
  • Daily quests
  • Do cross-planetary objectives to gain rare items (such as purple lightsaber crystal)
  • Kill world bosses
  • Improve my gear
  • Increase affection of companions and do their side quests (still haven't finished Jorgan and the deadeyes)


That's just off the top of my head, I haven't discovered all the game has to offer to me yet. Then I also get to experience SEVEN other class stories. I feel overwhelmed :)!


listed off some responses above.


really, i just wanted to laugh about ilum pvp though..


i'm laughing again just thinking about it.. :D

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listed off some responses above.


really, i just wanted to laugh about ilum pvp though..


i'm laughing again just thinking about it.. :D


Good, then unsubscribe. Spamming LOLOLOL just makes you look like a child.


I am having a wonderful time :)


edit: You might want to make your post subjective next time and if you're going to criticise a post with your opinion, don't stop half way through, makes you look silly.

Edited by Necrolepsy
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Good, then unsubscribe. Spamming LOLOLOL just makes you look like a child.


I am having a wonderful time :)


already did.


i actually canceled a 6 month sub a few weeks back.


that was before I hit 50 and had these complaints.


however, the ilum thing really IS lol-worthy.


you won't know this because you don't know me personally, but i have a gripe against people who "LOL" when they aren't physically "LOL'ing".


in the case of ilum pvp, i really AM lol'ing.


spoiler - there's no pvp.

Edited by oredith
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already did.


i actually canceled a 6 month sub a few weeks back.


that was before I hit 50 and had these complaints.


Then why are you still here?


There's plenty of other MMOs to interest you if you don't like swtor, crying here just makes you look pityful.


If you suggest this to everyone who has legitimate complains you'll end up with empty servers and no one to play with. Nice thinking.


Except a LOT of these complaints are not legitimate. Nice thinking.

Edited by Necrolepsy
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That is in no way standard. If that was the case every player would be 50 a week ago. As it is now, most players are not 50. the proof is in the pudding.


Killing mobs and traveling between mission points takes more time than that per level.


I'm at level 32 with 65 hours played. It's not that out of whack, I'm pretty casual myself.

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