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Ability delay wins in a landslide in a 843 player survey


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I am making this on-topic remark to try to be helpful. I know you have a lot going on and are fixing many things. I wanted to let you know I run a big guild in another MMORPG, along with a friend who is another GM. We organized a poll on our website and asked people who played the game (most people are doubling - 70% of our guildies - and trying) what issues bothered them the most or were of most urgent concern.


I will remind you that a 1,003 person sample has a +/- 3% margin of error so with 843 people, it's about a +/- 5% margin of error.


By FAR, by FAR, by FAR, the biggest answer was ability delay, with general game performance as a close second. Further improving textures came in third.


I realize fixing game performance and textures are a major endeavor and will take a long time. However, interestingly, ability delay came in first. Literally 80% of people voted that ability delay was the biggest problem. I followed up and asked a few more questions.


I also found that most people just want to see ability delay fixed and, if this was resolved, would wait for the other issues. But I asked "How long would you be willing to wait for the following fixes in game: (1) Ability delay (2) Game performance issues and lag (3) Better textures and graphics (4) More content (5) Other general bugs"


The answer for ability delay was a month or less. The answers for ALL THE OTHERS came three months or longer as the dominant answer.


All I am trying to do is help. Anybody can say anything on anecdote, but I tried to get a sizable sample to show what the most urgent issue is, and it seems the most urgent issue, with a reasonable statistical sample, is ability delay.


I would strongly encourage you to make ability delay priority number one and do anything you have to to fix it completely in 2-4 weeks. I am not saying this as a complainer and I love the game and all you have done. I am saying it because I love this game SO MUCH and I don't want you to lose players.


P.S. I know you close/delete any thread that says anything other than "SWTOR is the resurrection of Christ himself and has no flaws whatsoever", even from people like me who love the game and have a six month subscription and have no criticisms and love the development team and appreciate their efforts.


P.P.S. Please don't close my thread or delete it

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No No. I have friends who play WoW but also play SWTOR and I asked them what they thought about their experiences IN SWTOR because I wanted to put some numbers on what people really care about because so many people are reporting so many issues for fixing in so many areas.


This is hard data on people's opinions on what should be fixed in SWTOR.


We have two combined guilds, alliance side PVE server. About 1,600 combined people in two guilds, 1,300 who tried the game, 830 or so responded to the survey.

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Can you post the actual question you asked and the format the answers were in?


Delighted to do so.


1. What is the most pressing issue for SWTOR developers to fix first, as it relates to your enjoyment of the game and your willingness to continue playing SWTOR when your free month of subscription time ends?


(1) Ability delay (2) Game performance issues and lag (3) Better textures and graphics (4) More content (5) Other general bugs (6) Something else [specify]


2. How long are you willing to wait for each of the following changes?


(1) Ability delay (2) Game performance issues and lag (3) Better textures and graphics (4) More content (5) Other general bugs (6) Something else [specify]


For each choose from (1) One or two weeks (2) A month (3) One to three months (4) Three to six months (5) Six months or longer (6) Forever because I love the game that much

Edited by AmirFett
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No No. I have friends who play WoW but also play SWTOR and I asked them what they thought about their experiences IN SWTOR because I wanted to put some numbers on what people really care about because so many people are reporting so many issues for fixing in so many areas.


This is hard data on people's opinions on what should be fixed in SWTOR.


We have two combined guilds, alliance side PVE server. About 1,600 combined people in two guilds, 1,300 who tried the game, 830 or so responded to the survey.



I agree with your poll results, tehre is noting about the game that will make me quit, except ability delay.


It is unbearable, especially for someone like me who wants to PVP

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OK, cool, wasn't looking to derail, just wanted to be clear.


I have to say I don't really feel it, but I understand that their are a large number for whom this is an issue, so I would support this for the good of the game.


(Don't want to loose players over something if it can indeed be fixed.)


No no, I really appreciate your comment. I should have just posted it upfront. I also agree, for me, as I would put it high, like 2 or 3, but for players who came from WoW, I think the ability delay drives them crazy.


Still, I do notice it and it makes me disappointed. I would probably put game stability first, graphics second and ability delays third, but I am trying to make it statistical in getting some meaningful message out of the thousands of walls of texts of people wanting EVERYTHING fixed yesterday :)


Ability delay won by SO much it wasn't even funny. The next biggest issue got roughly half as many votes. But again, this was also asked in the context of them quitting or what would make them quit rather than mere enjoyment, which I think makes it more relevant for us to discuss and for the developers.

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If I had participated I also would have voted Ability delay as #1 with a 1-2 week expectation for a fix. 3-4 is pushing it. 5-8 not acceptable in the slightest as half my guild will be gone. It is the number one topic besides Nerf Ops/Scoundrels that is brought up each day in Guild Chat.


We are an Anarchy-Online guild and it is even more insane for us because WoW was laggy **** compared to AO.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Delighted to do so.


1. What is the most pressing issue for SWTOR developers to fix first, as it relates to your enjoyment of the game and your willingness to continue playing SWTOR when your free month of subscription time ends?


(1) Ability delay (2) Game performance issues and lag (3) Better textures and graphics (4) More content (5) Other general bugs (6) Something else [specify]


2. How long are you willing to wait for each of the following changes?


(1) Ability delay (2) Game performance issues and lag (3) Better textures and graphics (4) More content (5) Other general bugs (6) Something else [specify]




your answers are flawed. there is only 1 real answers 1, the others are just there for filler and dont realy answer ...not ever one has min or below requers for the game so 2 is not a real answer. 3 follows same as 2. 4 is a want not a problem. 5 is to general 6 is your a filler

Edited by tindin
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Yeah Im not buying this one bit


Not that the ability delay a issue, it clearly is for some (I personally dont notice it at all other then spot lag thats standard in every MMORPG Ive ever played).


Its the mystical 843 number im not buying


Show me a poll result where upon logging in the SUBSCRIBERS OF TOR PRESENTLY respond and Ill except those findings!


A unofficial poll from a unknown player on a unknown websight vias unknown responders who may or may not currently play TOR and may or may not have ever played TOR just doesnt cut the mustard to me.

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So you polled people who are in two guilds. You don't think that skews your numbers?


(not saying ability delay isn't or shouldn't be top priority)


It totally does, probably in two ways: (1) the sample members probably have a lot in common (2) they are WoW-biased players


Totally admit that's true. However, any statistical sample is quite imperfect. Just trying to add some context. Take it with a grain of salt although (my major was finance and stats in undergrad and grad), you can trust a sample THAT big for almost anything, even if there is homogeneity in the base of people, unless it's some type of demographic survey.

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So you polled people who are in two guilds. You don't think that skews your numbers?


(not saying ability delay isn't or shouldn't be top priority)



The only thing skewed is that his poll was conducted on people who have played a previous MMORPG, His poll is perfectly scientific, as long as that is clarified. Since a poll on a sample of people who have and have not played previous MMORPG's may show different results.


The only qualifier he needs to note is everyone on the poll has played a previous MMORPG.

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The results might have been skewed. Was this poll done before or after the patch that fixed the ability to emote from vehicles?


It was done after. And to be clear, I did not emote it from a vehicle but rather posted it online :) It is good to know that, thanks to the patch, though, I could have emoted it while mounted if I wanted to, with a 0.5 second delay :p (Please developers have some humor and don't close the thread - I love SWTOR)

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It totally does, probably in two ways: (1) the sample members probably have a lot in common (2) they are WoW-biased players


Totally admit that's true. However, any statistical sample is quite imperfect. Just trying to add some context. Take it with a grain of salt although (my major was finance and stats in undergrad and grad), you can trust a sample THAT big for almost anything, even if there is homogeneity in the base of people, unless it's some type of demographic survey.


Your poll is 100% scientific and accurate, because you have been up front about what type of players were polled.

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I agree with your poll results, tehre is noting about the game that will make me quit, except ability delay.


It is unbearable, especially for someone like me who wants to PVP


Same. Been waiting for this game for months. LOVING the classes, the questing, the stories, etc.


But I still had to unsubb because I simply can't play a game that makes me feel like Im at 1k ping when im under 50.



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Actually, for any poll to be representative of the population, it needs to select those questioned randomly. So this poll really only represents what those two guilds wanted, and correlation can really be made to the SWTOR population in general.
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The only thing skewed is that his poll was conducted on people who have played a previous MMORPG, His poll is perfectly scientific, as long as that is clarified. Since a poll on a sample of people who have and have not played previous MMORPG's may show different results.


The only qualifier he needs to note is everyone on the poll has played a previous MMORPG.


So you wouldn't say polling two specific guilds, which members more likely than not, have the same or similar interests, doesn't skew results? The OP even admits this. :confused:


His poll is perfectly scientific, as long as that is clarified.


This is just laughable. It is most certainly not scientific.

Edited by Bdatik
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The only thing skewed is that his poll was conducted on people who have played a previous MMORPG, His poll is perfectly scientific, as long as that is clarified. Since a poll on a sample of people who have and have not played previous MMORPG's may show different results.


The only qualifier he needs to note is everyone on the poll has played a previous MMORPG.


Well yes, I mentioned everybody was from WoW. Noted, and that does bias the sample for sure.

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Yeah Im not buying this one bit


Not that the ability delay a issue, it clearly is for some (I personally dont notice it at all other then spot lag thats standard in every MMORPG Ive ever played).


Its the mystical 843 number im not buying


Show me a poll result where upon logging in the SUBSCRIBERS OF TOR PRESENTLY respond and Ill except those findings!


A unofficial poll from a unknown player on a unknown websight vias unknown responders who may or may not currently play TOR and may or may not have ever played TOR just doesnt cut the mustard to me.


I respect and appreciate your skepticism, as I know we are now in the age where having skepticism and doubt and conspiracy views about everything is popular. I will only say, yes, I understand, if I saw something like this I might think that too, I did actually do it, I do actually play ToR (feel free to write me on my current alt Lightyouup), I did it to try to help, and I did actually collect that many people.


The number happened to be 843 because that's how many responded. In fact, most numbers for poll responses are not even numbers like 100 or 500 or whatever.


Anyway, I respect your skepticism but I put a good amount of work over a week putting up the survey and harassing people (friends) in-game to answer and we all found it interesting so I thought I'd share. If you want to completely disregard it as suspicious or poorly worded or whatever, that's totally fine. It's free information and I did it to be nice and I won't lose any sleep over having taken my time to try to do something nice to help support a game I like.



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Actually, for any poll to be representative of the population, it needs to select those questioned randomly. So this poll really only represents what those two guilds wanted, and correlation can really be made to the SWTOR population in general.


Ha ha...technically you are right...but it's as good as I could get. There is always correlation and sample bias. But it's still something...I think :)

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So you wouldn't say polling two specific guilds, which members more likely than not, have the same or similar interests, doesn't skew results? The OP even admits this. :confused:


This is just laughable. It is most certainly not scientific.


It is definitely not scientific as that would require significantly more rigor than my gentle effort. It was a "dumb" (in the statistical use of the word) survey to try to get SOME insight into what people really cared about because, frankly, I had no idea and I just hear everybody complaining about everything. Honestly, I mostly did it for myself and my guild because I had some time and someone suggested I do it.


I hope you enjoy reading about it for fun. Take it with a grain of salt. All I'm saying though is there were many, many people who said ability first and had about a month of patience for it. I'm just putting it out there.

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Bioware already addressed the ability delay issue though....


"During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,"


Not sure what your intentions are since Bioware is already trying to fix it and, supposedly, are about to implement some fixes, but okay. Cool survey anyway.

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