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Why were the 50s rewarded for killing lowbies?


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How could a power I don't have be scaled? I'll type slow for you and keep it simple. LVl 50 have at least two full bars of shinny color icons that do stuff. Lvl 20 have many 5-6 skills that do stuff. How can you scale a skill that you have never trained for?


Are you that stupid you cant see the obvious?


No but bolster does.give you a fighting chance. Ive killed many 50s. Ive also been top 3 dps beating out 50s. A lvl 20 fighting a 50 is alot more manageable than in other games.

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So level 50's get their own bracket, but level 49's fighting level 10's is ok?


yea thats fine. Level 49's have no expertise gear (except one MH weapon). Bolster helps everything else.


and if your level 10, take a day and level up before you pvp...not that hard of a concept.

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yea thats fine. Level 49's have no expertise gear (except one MH weapon). Bolster helps everything else.


and if your level 10, take a day and level up before you pvp...not that hard of a concept.


Not to be picky... but you can actually stack 150 expertise by buying multiple weapons and removing the expertise enhancement.

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When the bracket comes, every 50 will be here QQing, so who cares. Just dont PVP if it bugs you. There are better ways to get XP.


I agree with you. I'm a PvE person. I 'm just wondering why when I walk up to a lvl 10 mob and kill it I get no XP. I'm wondering why there is a double standard.

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When the bracket comes, every 50 will be here QQing, so who cares. Just dont PVP if it bugs you. There are better ways to get XP.


And the lowbies will shift their QQ to the level 40s until they too have a braket....then QQ about the 30s until they have a braket....the 20s....etc.

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I agree with you. I'm a PvE person. I 'm just wondering why when I walk up to a lvl 10 mob and kill it I get no XP. I'm wondering why there is a double standard.


So you propose that all game mechanics should be identical in PVP and PVE? Because that would have... other consequences.

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Did you guys get owned by 50's on pvp gear? Ouch... I'm 50 with +500 expertise and i gotta say i'm loving to own those low lvl scrubs :D:D:D 2-3 shotting them takes some skills not all can do it. Its so hilarious, sometimes when i attack low lvl they just run into acid/flames cos they know they will die anyway :D Its l2p issue. I'm fanboi:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
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I'm pointing out in a very simplified and sarcastic way that the reward system as it is, does not make sense.


First of all, you are not directly rewarded for killing lvl 10 players. You are rewarded for winning/performing well in warzones. Second, 50-only pvp brackets will be here probably next week. /Thread?

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First of all, you are not directly rewarded for killing lvl 10 players. You are rewarded for winning/performing well in warzones. Second, 50-only pvp brackets will be here probably next week. /Thread?


Good point! So in this case, our bolstered HP is actually giving them MORE rewards for less work. Interesting.

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I notice you didn't address the other half of my post - are you just dead-set on throwing a fit about this even though you know they're already fixing it?


No, I was just focused on how you justified my original complaint. What were you saying?

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it means you stand a chance. If this turns you off of PvP forever then you have major problems and will not survive in RL.


Expertise gear takes time and energy to obtain, there should be rewards for this (rolling over noobs) And its not like it adds 500% health anyway.


Apparently you have no clue what expertise even is. lol It does not increase health it increases dmg, healing and def.


Your point that it's meant to allow 50's to faceroll level 10's is moot since they are putting level 50's into their own bracket to prevent that from happening... All I was suggesting is that they do it now rather than waiting for the next big patch (it's already on the Test server).


I never stated it turned me off to PvP. I stated that the number of lower level players that are turning away from PvP will only grow the longer they wait to patch this change in. All that does is hurt Warzone queues and even world PvP once too many people give up on PvP.

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There's nothing wrong with 10-49 WZ PvP the bolster system actually works fine with that. The one main problem with WZ's atm is level 50's do to expertise gear.

...and there is no reason at all for someone who just dings 10 not to start PvPing at 10. The only issue you will have is the same issue everyone has and that is the 50's in their expertise gear..every other level from 10-49 you have a chance against.



If they had simply never put in that unnecessary stat then there would be no real issues with WZ PvP..at least in this context.


Frankly they should just patch the stat out of existence.

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No, I was just focused on how you justified my original complaint. What were you saying?


I was just trying to point out that your comparison is pretty terrible. I do agree that lvl 50s being in the same warzone as lvl 10s is a problem, and Bioware does too, because THEY'RE ALREADY FIXING IT. So why are you still complaining so much?

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