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Bw: What did you do to my grapple with 1.0.2d?


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Fail every second grapple now, both pvp and pve. What did you do?


I haven't noticed any issues in PVE (though honestly I don't make huge use of it in PVE).


In PVP well sometimes I have good days and sometimes bad.


I really really hate that our main gap closer is impacted by resolve...unlike say rocket punch...

Edited by Dharagada
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Grapple has always sucked. Always. It is not a very good ability. Maybe you're just having a bad sting of luck? Or maybe it is a normal string of luck and you're being initiated into the wide, wonderful world of "Grapple sucks."



I can't confirm if it is any different now because I'm downloading the PTR to test some other stuff.

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I have noticed a very significant change. You can really see it in Huttball. I used to pull ball runners down into the pits 80% of the time. Now it fails 90% of the time. Its so noticeable that the non-BHers in my PVP group are asking why I can't stop the runner anymore.


It seemed like it used to break in my favor in regards to LoS/Latency, now it breaks in their favor.


Also I can no longer grapple anyone that is stunned or CC'd. Not sure if that part is new or if it is more noticeable now.

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Grapple fails a lot or simply does not work. It does not pull the enemy(neither mob nor player) towards you about 50% of the time. I doubt when it fails it applies the threat it supposed to either.


Powertech abilities require a lot of fixing at this point I think.

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So I finally got my PTR client downloaded and figured I'd test this before going over there to test the mitigation thing.


Been a few games, and Grapple seems just as pathetic as it normally is. Nothing seems "worse." It just normally sucks, grats you had an awesome string of luck and haven't noticed till now, but looks like that is over and back to ******-grapple-land.

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I got on last night and played a bit, I don't really see much of a difference in a success / failure rate, I'd say I still fail at least 25% of the time


what I don't remember seeing before is grapple failing during the pull? Happened to me several times last night where I would be pulling someone towards me and they would break the pull and drop somewhere in the middle of where I was pulling them?


in the past (at least for me) its always been either all or nothing, I was lagging last night so that could have been it but it happened on several different occasions

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I honestly don't know if grapple is buggy in PVP or not it certainly seems to fail more often than not and I'm being very careful now to not use the ability when my target has a full resolve bar.


However it could be just perception to, we tend to note things more when they don't work and lets face most of us are trying to use grapple as big clutch move in Huttball to prevent a score so when it looks like it should work and it fails we notice it more than when it actually works.


Need to fraps a couple of games and see if I can figure out exactly why it seems to fail so much.

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Sucks in pvp recently. I used to count on it, now I just charge and try to kill the Huttball runner rather than pull him/her down into a pit. I just can't rely on it at all. Even when not trying to change levels it fails a lot on players with empty resolve bars. It just sucks in pvp.
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Can't use it on targets in cover at all. You get an error message and the cooldown doesn't fire off.


Yes, the OP doesn't mention any specifics though.


The few times I've pvp'd it always worked (picked snipers and healers on the side and one ball carrier, lucky with that one) and in pve iirc there where only a few gold mobs that it didn't seem to work with, maybe intentional. Regular mobs and silver always works for me.

Edited by iRouven
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Generally if grapple doesn't work on a pve mob it will say so, they usually have some kind of buff saying not impacted by knockbacks etc.


I've never really seen it fail in PVE as long as the mob doesn't have that buff.


In PVP in most warzones and in world PVP I usually don't have an issue with it as long as my opponent doesn't have a full resolve bar OR using an ability that blocks certain CC.


In Huttball however the failure rate can be silly, and the reason being cause there are more line of site issues, more varied levels and of course a lot more CC being used.


I do love the varied level of Huttball and the use of traps, but grapple really can be a pita to use in that warzone at times.


Course there is also something to be said about having our primary gap closure impacted by resolve (or any other CC blocking skill) far as I know the only other class that has a grip like ability is the Sith Assassin tanking tree but they also have stealth and the force run speed boost as well that can be used to close the gap.

Edited by Dharagada
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