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In the movies there was night on Tatooine


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For what purpose? Yes some other MMOs have it, but I've yet to see any point to it. WoW only had it because Warcraft 3 had a genuine game mechanic built around it.


The other thing about night in the desert is that it really is very very very dark. Not merely 'a bit dim'.


Look at how the fanboys defend every bad design choice. I get that it would be difficult to implement a decent weather system and day/night cycle but come on.


When I see people complain about the spaceport and how frustrating it is you see "it would ruin my immersion if they removed them" well not day/night cycle ruins my immersion.

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Look at how the fanboys defend every bad design choice. I get that it would be difficult to implement a decent weather system and day/night cycle but come on.


When I see people complain about the spaceport and how frustrating it is you see "it would ruin my immersion if they removed them" well not day/night cycle ruins my immersion.

Excuse me, but I'm not a fanboy and I'm not defending the decision. You're acting like it's a 'bad' design choice - it's just a design choice. I could equally rail about how falling damage doesn't kill most players in WoW the way it should break legs for any normal entity, and how that breaks my immersion (LOTRO actually does that if memory serves). Suspense of disbelief is required at some point in a game.


I personally don't care about this one. I am entitled to state that opinion as much as the OP is entitled to state his. If some MMO finally came up with a good game mechanic around day & night, then sure, I'm all in, but so far nobody has done anything useful with it. Same goes for weather. It doesn't add anything beneficial (or the opposite). It's like diving into a frozen sea in Skyrim in your underwear. That's immersion-breaking - for me. I want hypothermia to kick in if I do something that stupid.


I wouldn't weep with rage if they added it; it'd be nice. It just isn't a big deal for me. Kindly take your insults elsewhere.


Edit: Also my point was that properly done day & night would need more than just a change in lighting. It'd need portable light sources, night vision and other additions, because night is dark. Do it properly or not at all.

Edited by Grammarye
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I assume you have cancelled? You could easily have changed out SWTOR and put in "Vanilla WoW" "Rift" or any other MMORPG and it would fit or be close. You have obviously never played a new MMO, else you'd know there are lots of things that aren't implemented immediately on launch and take many, many months to fix if they do get fixed at all.


But because this game isn't a WoW clone with Star Wars skin and Skyrim graphics, people have cried "fail." And they will never be satisifed even if it WAS like this.


Short answer, no, it would not fit or be close.


In addition, whoever has brainwashed you to try to compare a 2011 product with a 2004 product has obviously done a good job. I don't suppose you would expect your brand new PC to be powered by a single core 2004 Intel Celeron or AMD Athlon?

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To paraphrase your statement, "because they can still take your money without it".


And they can take your money without :


No guild support


No UI addons, combat logs, target of target

Linear Planets "follow the paths"

No World exploration or PvP possible

Loading screens

Broken combat system

Broken game client with low res textures and no antialising, having to run as administrator spying on all the running processes on your machine (who knows why)

Cannot fly over any planets not because they never flew in Starwars but because the planets are small, cheap and not "flyable" not 3D


Apologies if I have forgotten anything.



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Frankly Tatooine is a terrible example as someone else mentioned night time in a desert is a terrible thing, and my sith wouldn't be caught out of his ship on that hell hole in the dark same with hoth. And whats the point of going to Nar Shadaa during the day anyways its not like you can see the sky from the ground level through the smog. That and the city doesn't really get moving till the early evening anyways.


these are the few things I have made note of in my mind to not break my immersion while I wait for this feature to be installed. I assume it will be at some point. Also the rough part is they will basically have to create a different day and night cycle on each of the planets.


Edit: punctuation and fact checking changes made. Sorry for the messy post I'm at work folks.

Edited by ManOSteal
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frankly tatooine is a terrible example as someone else mentioned night time in a desert is a terrible thing and my sith wouldn't be caught out of his ship on that hellhole in the dark same with hoth and whats the point of going to nar shadaa during the day anyways its not like you can see the sky from the ground level these are the few things i have made note of in my mind to not break my immersion while i wait for this feature to be installed.


How many sentences is this? I don't see any punctuation or capitalization on proper nouns!

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To paraphrase your statement, "because they can still take your money without it".


And they can take your money without :


No guild support


No UI addons, combat logs, target of target

Linear Planets "follow the paths"

No World exploration or PvP possible

Loading screens

Broken combat system

Broken game client with low res textures and no antialising, having to run as administrator spying on all the running processes on your machine (who knows why)

Cannot fly over any planets not because they never flew in Starwars but because the planets are small, cheap and not "flyable" not 3D


Apologies if I have forgotten anything.

BioWare doesn't take your money. You.choose to give it to them. You also choose to post on these forums. If you don't like the.game, you should stop doing both things.

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I believe the OP makes a good point. It's not something I will quit the game over, but I can see people leaving because the planets seem sterile.


Hell, DDO even had weather and night/day. It just adds to the game play... but I'm not sure the storyline movie cuts would jive with it. It wouldn't be cool if the movie is taking place during the day... but when you cut out it's night.


I guess it's up to each player to decide if the little details are make or break issues.

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I always found day/night cycles in MMOs kinda silly.

Vendors just standing at their usual spot at all hours of the night, business as usual.

In that regard I'd like more of a followthrough, at night they move their business into

their shops, or leave their services to some computer console, etc.

Otherwise it's just half-***ed having day/night cycles.

And since that would cause all kinds of problems gameplaywise,

I'm glad this game does NOT have day/night cycles.

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They already talked about this in an interview. There not going to have it because of the cut scenes.


That was debunked. It doesn't even make sense because the cut scenes are generated, and would appear correct according to the environment anyhow.

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No World exploration or PvP possible


Exploration would be nice. I'm so very very happy down in the cockles of my heart that world PvP is apparently difficult. I hate it. I roll PvE and constantly in other games there's some kewl dewd trying to "start some world PvP" by camping low level quest givers or the like.


Good Riddance.

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