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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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They do, and got some settings that doesn't present in ingame options, but you can't force high res textures through .ini changes. Or there is a magic word line for .ini that we aren't aware of.


Dir Assets got packages, that should contain all res textures. Gotta be a way to crack em open.


The game forces min quality if you do no meet its requirements... as in it has no consern what you set... I have pasted the freeking code... like 4 times.

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Did you change it to Read only? That seems to make a difference


Anyone with the texture issue is not going to be changing any INI settings that the game will follow... In the remote rendering dll the game is instructed to FORCE Min Quality... not set an ini to min quality.

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Your mixing facts to support your own false claims.


People that are upset with WoW's graphics are primarily upset at the character models and facial textures. Because, yes, those are 8 years old, and they look like crap. The original 8 races all look pretty bad because they are low poly-count models with low-rez, painted on face textures. The newer races fare much better, and all of the armor that's come out in the last 2+ years has a texture resolution (what this thread is about -- armor texture resolution) that pisses all over what BioWare is giving us at retail.


But yet you're STILL paying for all the old crappy looking textures in WoW TODAY by your definition. And yet you rage over on SW:TOR for something like this? Where is the nerd rage over on the WoW forums about their textures? Or their cut scene graphics that are not the same as "in game".


Seriously consider what you just said.

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Yep, but let's fix issues with "med = best" first, and then nitpick how bad even high is.


I completely agree with you, but just thought it's worth to think about, since if Bioware can't even deliver "ok" textures at the moment, how will the game evolve in a couple of years in terms of fidelity?

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The difference is that WoW launched in 2004 looking like a game from 2002.


TOR has launched in the final month of 2011 looking like a game from 2006.


Not all MMORPGs look awful when they first come out. Lord of the Rings Online and RIFT both looked gorgeous when they first came out.


The texture of the characters maybe bad right now but the environment does look good. Sure its no BF3 but better then wows environment. The will fix the textures.


The other MMOs you talked about, i played RIFT and after one week left it because it didn't have a great feel about it and it didn't impress me it felt sluggish and what not, i didnt get in to the story line at all, it didnt grab me.


I have to say the story line of SWTOR is impressive sure there are problems with the game right now but they are small things that I can over look right now. After playing wow for over 6 yrs i haven't logged back on to wow for over 1 week and really cbf doing weekly runs, not to say its a bad game its not it was great but now i do really enjoy swtor I love the story lines i wan to play it more.


Look at the big picture here, aside from the few problems they have even tho its very early days, you have to admit that game has a great feel to it and you see the people complaining about the problem say "When they fix it i'll be back" i see that as them loving the game but not happy with a problem and feel they need to make a big statement about it to show bioware they mean business. The game is good very good, well I feel it so i will continue you playing it. If people wish to leave because of whatever reason its a shame.


Rather then going off at the people working hard to fix everything give them support and feed back that will help them and then everyone will be happier.

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This is simply an issue that shouldn't even havto be discussed in this era of gaming....we should debating over class balance over anything or smaller issues its a shame and to me this a ground breaking flaw that will make or break this game...with upcoming games to look forward with graphics 3x as good this can only hurt....:[ Edited by Clexzor
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This has probably been suggested somewhere in all these thousands of posts, but why couldn't they make it so we saw ourselves, our companions and perhaps possibly our group with high res textures and everyone else with the low textures they currently call medium.


It probably doesn't matter one bit if that Smuggler I just slaughtered in PvP has muddy armor, I was too focused on killing her before she remembered where she put her knockback ability...


On the other hand when day in and day out I look at my own robe and wonder if I need glasses they're so blurry and mixed together that starts to grate on you, especially when better sharp and acceptable textures exist, but only for the cut scenes.


Obviously rendering me with a known armor isn't going to be a strain on my system or any other in the slightest. It's one character with textures that still aren't very hi-res. The world textures are far less annoying than the mucky mess they made of robe textures in particular.


Armor with some dimensionality to it that doesn't rely on textures to distinguish between what should be different layers of clothing looks almost the same as the high res textures. Robes and cloth on the other hand is embarrassing.

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Where is the nerd rage over on the WoW forums about their textures? Or their cut scene graphics that are not the same as "in game".


There is none because Blizzard never did advertise their game with gameplay footage with higher graphics than avalaible to customer, duh.

It's not about being upset that graphics are bad at SWTOR. This thread and countless before were made because actual graphics maximum are nto even close to what were shown during beta/in advertising.


You buy a car, it's all good, but one day paint starts dioxidising and falling apart. And then dealer and manufacturer both at once say "It's not an issue, that was intended".

Edited by AnotherJaggens
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So, I did some digging into the code that runs the game.

The file that gets launched when you click on the icon is called "launcher.exe"


Strangely enough is an encrypted archive zipcrypto to compress the individual files it contains.


If you open the file, which is actually an archive, with something like 7zip you can see the contents but can't open any actual files because it's password protected.


Since I want to look at the files, especially the xml and java code, what's the password?

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This is simply an issue that shouldn't even havto be discussed in this era of gaming....we should fighting over class balance over anything or smaller issues its a shame and to me this a ground breaking flaw that will make or break this game...with upcoming games to look forward with graphics 3x as good this can only hurt....:[


thats what concerns me back in beta , hell even before beta i knew this was going to be an issue for the a big part of the population . MMO players are extremely critical, tech savy and obsessive about things we like. I knew that shooting to low with some of there graphic features would result in shooting their own feet. i got *****ed at by the community in 2010 when i started bringing these concerns to the forums. and asking for things like DX 10 and 11. and when i stepped into beta i started asking for more sliders and graphic options and better shaders i got " dude its beta they have high res pacs blah blah blah it wont look like this at launch" I had hopes in beta build 2 or 3 when they enabled high res for a day then promptly took it out 6 and a half hours later. I knew then the graphic engine was in trouble. we either accept it or gut it out i doubt they can fix this with out completey retro fitting the engine with heros current feature set.

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My wife and I were shocked at how terrible this game looked, we played Aion for a couple years and the graphics are a BIG step backwards, i couldn't put my finger on why until i saw this thread.

(Also the visual design of the Areas in general is poor i.m.h.o.)


We have both un-subbed already for numerous reasons however if high res textures were enabled i might be swayed to take another look.

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So, I did some digging into the code that runs the game.

The file that gets launched when you click on the icon is called "launcher.exe"


Strangely enough is an encrypted archive zipcrypto to compress the individual files it contains.


If you open the file, which is actually an archive, with something like 7zip you can see the contents but can't open any actual files because it's password protected.


Since I want to look at the files, especially the xml and java code, what's the password?


Pretty much every single game runs from "launcher.exe" ....

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This is simply an issue that shouldn't even havto be discussed in this era of gaming....we should debating over class balance over anything or smaller issues its a shame and to me this a ground breaking flaw that will make or break this game...with upcoming games to look forward with graphics 3x as good this can only hurt....:[


I have to say this but look at MW3 i believe it was the top selling game of the year. The graphic on that are **** compared to BF3, the graphics on BF3 are insanely better yet MW3 sold more copies... how does that work out? Its not all about the graphics, people that play wow dont play it for the graphics. Game play is so dam important and i believe well for me anyway they SWTOR has great game play.


Once again the game is new, its having some problems they will fix it.

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I will also be let my sub slide this month.


The fact that bioware actually holds back higher textures just so they can get people with ****** computers to run the game on high settings makes it clear what their mindset is.


That and the fact that the engine itself is horribly optimized.




Don't advertise things you can't deliver on Bioware.

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But yet you're STILL paying for all the old crappy looking textures in WoW TODAY by your definition. And yet you rage over on SW:TOR for something like this? Where is the nerd rage over on the WoW forums about their textures? Or their cut scene graphics that are not the same as "in game".


Seriously consider what you just said.


Uh, because WoW is graphically superior to TOR, and runs better, so I'm not complaining about how WoW looks?


I'm saying Item A is demonstrably better than Item B, and complaining about Item B for being falsely advertised, and your rebuttal is to ask me why I'm not complaining about the superior product?



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I have to say this but look at MW3 i believe it was the top selling game of the year. The graphic on that are **** compared to BF3, the graphics on BF3 are insanely better yet MW3 sold more copies... how does that work out? Its not all about the graphics, people that play wow dont play it for the graphics. Game play is so dam important and i believe well for me anyway they SWTOR has great game play.


Once again the game is new, its having some problems they will fix it.


They cant fix something they claim is not broken lol

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