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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do I HAVE to heal at 50?


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I'm 46 now and the moment of hitting 50 is quickly approaching.


I love doing DPS as my Commando.


However, I keep seeing threads about "Hit 50, now Combat Medic!"


Are we not saught after when 50 as a ranged DPS class? I mean, I seem to blow through content now. In fact, I feel slightly imperior to other classes. I manage my ammo well and never go below 3-charge.


Do I have to go Medic if I want to enjoy end-game? Or will I be completely viable as a RDPS at 50?

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Yes. You have to heal. You picked a healing AC so you must heal. Those other trees are for looking and dreaming...not for actual use.


Now, go spec Combat Medic and heal my Assault Specialist.


Lol, this guy has it right! +1

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Nope. And I don't plan on it. I've healed in other MMO's and don't want to do it anymore.


I choose trooper because I could be ranged Dps and wear heavy armour. Plus getting to carry a big gun and blow **** up was a plus too. ;)


Just know groups may be a little harder to get and be honest when joining a group,let them know up front your Dps.


No one can dictate your play style, period.

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Actually, Commandos heal is rather weak and his dps is very strong. so everybode who says you should go heal doesnt understand how the game works right now.


Wrong. Commando is probably the best healer in pve.


You can stay dps and be completely viable, its just a lot more difficult to find an endgame healer because most people would rather rambo pew pew.

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Wrong. Commando is probably the best healer in pve.


Not the best, but in my opinion we make solid Tank healers. I find the plight of the Combat Medic is similar to BC Paladins. Great ST Healing (people can cry about Sages, but you have better "OH CRAP" options than a Sage does), but is lacking in other healing situations.


That said I have yet to have issues as a Commando healer.

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I'm 46 now and the moment of hitting 50 is quickly approaching.


I love doing DPS as my Commando.


However, I keep seeing threads about "Hit 50, now Combat Medic!"


Are we not saught after when 50 as a ranged DPS class? I mean, I seem to blow through content now. In fact, I feel slightly imperior to other classes. I manage my ammo well and never go below 3-charge.


Do I have to go Medic if I want to enjoy end-game? Or will I be completely viable as a RDPS at 50?


Do you like spending green beams out of your gun to help people stay alive, or do you just want to help blow **** up? That's what matters - what YOU want, not what others are telling you to do. You don't spend $15/month to have others dictate how you get to play the game - you play what you want to play and find enjoyable, not what's "most convenient" for others. The moment you play for someone else, you'll start hating the game and not wanting to log in on your Commando. Trust me, this happened to me when I still played Warcraft.


That said, there is a greater prevalence of DPS players, so you'll be in for greater competition for precious raid spots. If this doesn't bother you, bravo and keep blowing **** up. Only go Combat Medic if it's your decision to do so and you enjoy it - don't force it upon yourself.

Edited by Aerithel
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You guys act like you fight MLG players every warzone or something.


I've had games where I would just pick a spot and pump damage out non stop and hardly got focused at all. It's something about those light sabers that makes people target them first lol.



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I'm 46 now and the moment of hitting 50 is quickly approaching.


I love doing DPS as my Commando.


However, I keep seeing threads about "Hit 50, now Combat Medic!"


Are we not saught after when 50 as a ranged DPS class? I mean, I seem to blow through content now. In fact, I feel slightly imperior to other classes. I manage my ammo well and never go below 3-charge.


Do I have to go Medic if I want to enjoy end-game? Or will I be completely viable as a RDPS at 50?


I actually leveled to 50 as CM, then changed to Gunnery. We are, together with Gunslinger, the best RDPS available to Rep side.

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Commandos are kind of useless DPS because we don't get an interupt. We do a lot of damage but we lose a lot of utility without that interupt.


Your ability to do dps has no bearing on your ability to interupt and vice versa.


An interupt is a useful utility, nothing more.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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Hit someone with your stockstrike. You will interrupt their ability.


Wrong! You can interrupt mobs that are not immune to knock-backs, which are weak mobs in the first place that you should not worry interrupting in a first place. Just burn those Golds an Silvers. Once you meet a champion and this is where interrupts are useful for they hit real hard, but alas they are immune to knock-back those immune to the interrupt from Imp. Stock Strike.

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