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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want a Free Month how about You?


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This is an MMO, and those other specified games currently are not subscription based.


Ture, but I'm just looking at the economics of play a mmo to a standard big industry game.


I guess free to play can solve that problem of have a game to play for free.

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They do have a dev tracker on the official forums. They also have a list of announcements at the top of the main forums page (you know, the same page that has the link to the dev tracker page). You know what's amazing? They've actually listed, in the announcements, all of the things they have fixed with each patch in the form of patch notes.


As for the high-res textures see here (taken from the dev tracker by the way): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1499874#edit1499874


I am aware of the patch notes as i have been actively participating on this website. I did not know that the Dev Tracker was a search function for the forums. So i stand corrected if that's what it is used for seeming how it is connected to the official site.

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I would welcome another free month. However, the real issue is not more free time, unless SWTOR just goes the way of GW and be free. They should have a concrete plan to add all the features they say are in the works and publicize the plan + expected timeline to all players.


That would be crazy, wouldn't it? It's bad business. I think the game may not have been released at this time if BW were permitted to develop and publish it on its own. EA is trying too hard to take on the other giants in the industry: BF3 on MW3 and SWTOR on WoW. We all know how the first case worked out, don't we?

Edited by Satans_Chosen
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I've gotten free days/months in MMOs before, the problems those MMOs had were real problems, not SWTOR forum trolling problems. If the 15$ a month is too much for ya OP maybe check in in 4-6 months, whatever changes/polish you're expecting will likely have occured by then.



i should get a free month just trying to wade through these forums every day.


Edited by SWImara
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Not sure about you but the lack of information and only one concrete fix: Anti-Aliasing in my 20 days of my 30 day free trial has not been adequate representation of this product. Yes they might lose 14,000,000 dollars for giving the one million subscribers another 30 days but i think it would be worth it to show they mean business moving forward. Cause i don't know about you but they haven't proved that yet.


No I want a company that can grab the snuts and be honest.

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lets see, you feel it is your right to deserve a free month because of this or that and that is not entitlement?


anyways, no point in going down that road any further, will only lead to the inevitable.


This or that is a very generic statement, its what this or that is that i deserve another 30 days to judge for myself if they are going to be consistent with updates.

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That would be a loss of $2,248,500.00 based on a sub base of 150K @ 14.99 per sub.


That means that much less resources to fix issues people are having, so most likely your AA issue would not get fixed and you would be back here QQ'ing about yet another free month.


Lots of people have issues, so be patient. And if you don't want to pay, then unsub.

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what negatives, the bugs? either way it all simply boils down to you feeling that you are entitled to something you are not! If you think swtor is failing, the whole entitlement mentality has the world failing and that is more important than a freakin game.


The difference being, in this case people actually bought a product.


If you are a customer, and you purchase something, you are in fact entitled.


To think otherwise is just ridiculous.

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I would welcome another free month. However, the real issue is not more free time, unless SWTOR just goes the way of GW and be free. They should have a concrete plan to add all the features they say are in the works and publicize the plan + expected timeline to all players.


That would be crazy, wouldn't it? It's bad business. I think the game may not have been released at this time if BW were permitted to develop and publish it on its own. EA is trying too hard to take on the other giants in the industry: BF3 on MW3 and SWTOR on WoW. We all know how the first case worked out, don't we?


It is the issue if more free time allows us to get a schedule of fixes for the bugs on a regular basis. We are paying customers and should not have to ask or demand such things they should already be giving.

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Not sure about you but the lack of information and only one concrete fix: Anti-Aliasing in my 20 days of my 30 day free trial has not been adequate representation of this product. Yes they might lose 14,000,000 dollars for giving the one million subscribers another 30 days but i think it would be worth it to show they mean business moving forward. Cause i don't know about you but they haven't proved that yet.


I think EA would rather go out of business all together rather than give out freebies, hell I as suprised this wasnt the first 20 dollar mmo given EA is behind the project. You can. Bet that conversion happened at some point.

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I've gotten free days/months in MMOs before, the problems those MMOs had were real problems, not SWTOR forum trolling problems. If the 15$ a month is too much for ya OP maybe check in in 4-6 months, whatever changes/polish you're expecting will likely have occured by then.






Thank you for the information and advice, we have different opinions on what warrants such actions.

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Well, that would depend.


Did I agree to a contract that said, "I understand I'm not actually guaranteed anything, not server uptime, not any specific function, not nothin'"?


If I did, then, no. If I signed a contract that basically said, "I promise to give you money, and you promise nothing in return", well, serves me right, doesn't it? (HINT: I signed that contract. So did you.)


If I didn't... well, I still wouldn't demand a payout because a feature that wasn't prominently advertised and isn't a selling point wasn't available. I might as well be demanding free time because they don't have Wookies as a playable race. ("They never said there'd be Wookies!" Bingo.)

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