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Rest XP: It ruins the game!


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Wow, only read the first couple pages. You seem to be very dramatic about a game mechanic *that you totally control*.


Yes, you get a little rested XP when you hang out at fleet or on your ship. Other than that, you can log almost anywhere and wait the 10 seconds if you have "safety" concerns. Don't log out in rest areas if it bothers you.


Not the end of the world.


If this is what "ruins" games for you, I can't imagine what game you will be content with...


Should have read a few more pages, Rest XP accumulates everywhere, just at different rates.


OP, I understand where you are coming from, not a huge fan of bonuses for doing nothing. Would love a way to avoid it personally.

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Chalk up another vote for the "toggle xp off" option I am in support of, as it seems are a significant number of others. Keep 'em coming, it is a slim hope that somewhere out there Bioware might pick up on this amongst the myriad of other ideas and suggestions, but slim hope is better than none and the more (polite) noise we make in support of the option the better! :D



There are a few of us. I think it makes sense to people and everyone would be fine with any subtle idea that doesn't affect their game in any way.



Anyone who replies with a lot of hate to the suggestions on the forums in general is just coming from one area: There are lots of important things to fix with ability delay, FPS, new features, or WHATEVER they think is more important, so they don't want any developer brain power spent on anything but what they have prioritized in their top ten.



I never even heard of emoting on mounts (nor had even tried it) but it still came to the patch before other things. Look how angry some got.

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Should have read a few more pages, Rest XP accumulates everywhere, just at different rates.


OP, I understand where you are coming from, not a huge fan of bonuses for doing nothing. Would love a way to avoid it personally.



Right, if only it accumulated at rate 0% when you logged off in an unsafe area. Thanks for posting!

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Lol this guy obviously took his time posting this, and he is getting smashed to the ground.



Ok, you took time to make that lightsaber and post the same message here three times... So I'll acknowledge you Keellz! haha.


You've been in my thread for a bit... what do you think?


Agree/Disagree/Indifferent ?

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I would also prefer to remove the "rest XP" from all areas except Cantinas.


I would also lower the XP gain rate. I truly hate that if players like space missions/PvP/flashpoints, they are forced to play the basic content with 5 level advantage - the difficulty goes to ashes then.


I know that leveling alts is easier then, but I would prefer the rate of XP to be optional. The best thing that could be done to address this issue would be an NPC who would through dialogue give you option to choose the XP rate (100% being the standard rate that we have now - I personally would go to 66% or something like that). That way, all players could be satisfied.

Edited by Jedlosson
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Yes, that is also a possibility. If you don't train your abilities and you don't upgrade your gear the quests should be significantly harder.


Another option, instead of not using your companion at all, would be to toggle off everything but their most basic ability. That way you still have the feel of questing with your companion like everyone else but they do significantly less damage. You could also stop upgrading their gear.


I would often do ALL the zones in WoW so I would be over leveled for about half of them. They would still be fun though if I put on my statless dress and used my skinning knife. I haven't tried with TOR but I imagine the same would still hold true.


So, the solution to play the game without essentially being asleep at the wheel easy is for the player to restrict themselves from using any of the content progression (gear, skills, etc...) so that it can be harder? Really?


That is absurd.


Look, people aren't demanding the game be made into some hardcore exp penalty, corpse recovery, etc... type of game, they are simply asking that the game progress evenly according to its content. That is, a person should be able to do all the level appropriate quests, get the gear and skills from it and evenly progress to the next stage of content without the game being a joke.


The issue here is not play style, it is poor game progression design and it is a solution they should provide a remedy for rather than players having to jump through hoops to make their progression have any sort of sense to it.

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So, the solution to play the game without essentially being asleep at the wheel easy is for the player to restrict themselves from using any of the content progression (gear, skills, etc...) so that it can be harder? Really?


That is absurd.


Look, people aren't demanding the game be made into some hardcore exp penalty, corpse recovery, etc... type of game, they are simply asking that the game progress evenly according to its content. That is, a person should be able to do all the level appropriate quests, get the gear and skills from it and evenly progress to the next stage of content without the game being a joke.


The issue here is not play style, it is poor game progression design and it is a solution they should provide a remedy for rather than players having to jump through hoops to make their progression have any sort of sense to it.


You're going to the OP. Hope you don't mind. This is -exactly- why I'm here, just to see if there IS AN option, to stop my madness of end-arounding on the game in some way.

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I agree with the original poster, and people who are saying that you don't get rest XP when logged out in non-safe zones are wrong. You do gain rest XP outside of safe zones, just at a slower rate.


I have a "main" character and a few alts. My alt was logged off for two weeks and when I came back he had a ridiculous amount of rest XP, which completely screwed up his leveling rate. He is now well ahead of the content and it's ruined the fun.


Really, they should just give us a toggle to disable XP gains.

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I agree with the original poster, and people who are saying that you don't get rest XP when logged out in non-safe zones are wrong. You do gain rest XP outside of safe zones, just at a slower rate.


I have a "main" character and a few alts. My alt was logged off for two weeks and when I came back he had a ridiculous amount of rest XP, which completely screwed up his leveling rate. He is now well ahead of the content and it's ruined the fun.


Really, they should just give us a toggle to disable XP gains.



This is what you'll see on your main as a casual player.



It makes the idea of running alts for me not really feasible until I have one character hit 50. Again, for anyone who LIKES the rest xp, I intentionally came up with a system to still give it to you at the same rate, while finally giving a "lower xp option" to those who like it.

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I get what the OP is saying and tried to do tons of things to not level too fast myself. But honestly this game isn't hard Doing quest when they are orange or even isn't that much more difficult then doing those same quest wen they they are low greens or just turned grey minus the fact that greys miss way too much...


With that said If you dont pvp and dont go crazy on the space ship missions you can do every solo quest in the game before they turn grey. They could tone down the experience which would force people that dont like to quest to grind but why should they?

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I get what the OP is saying and tried to do tons of things to not level too fast myself. But honestly this game isn't hard Doing quest when they are orange or even isn't that much more difficult then doing those same quest wen they they are low greens or just turned grey minus the fact that greys miss way too much...


With that said If you dont pvp and dont go crazy on the space ship missions you can do every solo quest in the game before they turn grey. They could tone down the experience which would force people that dont like to quest to grind but why should they?



Thanks for your post. Yeah, I thought about that too. I wanted a solution that wouldn't force anyone to do anything different with their game.


MMO's are all about options, lots of them. This is just another neat option that more than just one person has suggested in one way or another. (Leveling speed / quest difficulty related)

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I have learned to level for appropriate content, and pick and choose what I wanted to do on a particular planet without doing all of it. This leaves fresh content and little repetition for subsequent characters.


This game has broken my completionist habits, which was not easy for me, however worthwhile once done.


I'm in the same boat. I'm used to doing ALL of the quests in an area, trying to gobble up as much content as possible on one playthrough. I've since decided that that is actually the "wrong" way to play the game, and I'm having more fun since realizing that.

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Ok...I'm nominating you for first prize for the most inane gripe about the game thus far.



Thank you for your input. I guess you disagree then?


It's not only me who has mentioned they have an issue with the level speed of the game. I did however, come up with the best solution to fix it, and not impact others.



It's weird, but it actually is the best suggestion I think.



Besides, why does logging off out of safe-zones give rest xp anyway? Almost seemed like a bug to me.

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Ok...I'm nominating you for first prize for the most inane gripe about the game thus far.


And this is exactly why games get dumber and dumber.


If people are too stupid to understand the issues presented when done so in a civil fashion, they deserve the crap they are fed.


I guess that is why console games are so successful. Just a mindless crowd of idiots to which you dictate their desires as if they were pets.


/pats you on the head

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