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Shouldn't 50 Brackets been released this patch?


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Am i alone in thinking someone in fairy..... errr devland WANTS this game to fail.


How else could they so badly implement some things.


You only have to study the forums of any game to get a basic gist of what a community wants from a game.


It really beggars belief


Forums dont matter... just sayin.

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Unfortunately your opinion will be disregarded. Never let logic, maturity and common sense get in the way of a good, whiny rant thread. :)


So true, so so true.


For everyone else:


Quit complaining. The system is working as intended. You're a low level getting steam rolled by someone that has more time to put in to the game. This is going to happen in any game you play. They tried to make it so that any level could PvP any level to reduce queue times, it didn't work, it will be changed. You guys are the reason franchises exist that release the same game every year just re-skinned(CoD, Madden etc.). Anyone that tries something new is flamed and harassed.

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Worked like in... swapped bases without doing any PvP?


No **edit**. Those of us who have been playing fair and helping others and enjoying the 1-49 ride are so far behind the cheaters and exploiters that it will make 50 feel just like 15 I fear.

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im completly misunderstanding the point of the post so forgive me if im wrong.


are you saying that 50braket should have been put in with this patch instead of 1.1.1 or that you thought this was that patch?


I thought it was this patch!

They seemed all gung-ho to put this patch through by delaying the maintenance.

Edited by JoxerNL
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It's answers like this that make the PvP forum an absolute cesspool.


One guy, even in PvP gear, taking out SEVEN PEOPLE is OK? Good to know.


The WoW crowd runs this asylum, that much is clear.


1 guy in full battlemaster can't take on 7 even if they were lvl10s. If he did, those lvl10's were prolly playing their first game. Full pvp gear is like 10% more dmg and 10% dmg reduction. That doesn't even make 1v2 very easy stat wise now does it? 10% != 700%.

Edited by SneiK
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1 guy in full battlemaster can't take on 7 even if they were lvl10s. If he did, those lvl10's were prolly playing their first game. Full pvp gear is like 10% more dmg and 10% dmg reduction. That doesn't even make 1v2 very easy stat wise now does it? 10% != 700%.



The battlemaster probably could, actually, since he would have all his biochem stuff (and if he were a real min-maxer he would have the cybertech stuff to)

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Not enough 50s right now for a 50s only bracket without ridiculously long queue times.


If I solo queue there's always only 1-2 50s on each side.


Finally someone with brain. This is a fact atm. If they would've made the warzones so that people could join accross all servers, then lvl50 bracket could work right now.

Edited by SneiK
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Patch 1.1 is still in the testing servers.


Also, what will people cry about when the 50's do get their own bracket and the geared 50's are still facerolling the newbies? Tiered 50's warzones based on what set of armor you have? People get upset from taking a few lumps in pvp as you level and are outraged at the idea? I don't get it I guess. I am level 41 on my main, by the way, and have no problem with the level 50 players. Having gear is not what makes them good at PvP and they will still roll those whining about it when they hit 50.

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The battlemaster probably could, actually, since he would have all his biochem stuff (and if he were a real min-maxer he would have the cybertech stuff to)


Are you a full battlemaster then? Because I'm pretty close. And I tell you. Me and my friends can make 7 lvl10 toons. And you are NEVER. EVER. Gona beat us. In a warzone. Gear or not.


EDIT: You can't beat us 1v3 either.

Edited by SneiK
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You guys are pretty ignorant. If they allowed 50 brackets right now, the only people that would be able to play is the Empire, and that would only be Huttball. Most Republic don't even have 8 50s queueing at once, and if they do, it's around peak hours.


If you don't like it, leave. But we all know you won't.

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Patch 1.1 is still in the testing servers.


Also, what will people cry about when the 50's do get their own bracket and the geared 50's are still facerolling the newbies? Tiered 50's warzones based on what set of armor you have? People get upset from taking a few lumps in pvp as you level and are outraged at the idea? I don't get it I guess. I am level 41 on my main, by the way, and have no problem with the level 50 players. Having gear is not what makes them good at PvP and they will still roll those whining about it when they hit 50.


Another guy with some solid points for a change. I always felt it was better to pvp lvl20 in lvl20 gear than lvl30 in lvl20 gear. I thought I was more competitive lvl40 in lvl40 gear than at lvl50 still on those lvl40 gear (Yes, I went from lvl40 gear straight to champion gear, and never had any problems pvp'in in that lvl40 gear much. Now, maybe there are more lvl50 with imba gear I dunno I can't say about the situation at the moment.). But this is exactly the point. After they implement the level50 bracket. Those that didn't pvp before lvl50 are gona be screwed. More than others. Since they are competing against gear you can't just craft or buy with 1000 credits.

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There wasn't a patch.... so there's no telling what they are going to implement tonight/tomorrow I don't understand how after 2 pages no one realized the patch was delayed....


There was a patch today dude.

Servers went down @ 9:30am CET for a patch.

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You guys are so focused on gear you miss all the other things 50 have compared to a lvl 10. Just take few seconds to actually think: you get all your talent points and all the extra skills. A lvl 10 (well, pretty much all the way to 20-30) gets only 1-2 skills that do damage and some filler skill, that he does when out of energy/what not. You have no procs no crazy things like +100% crit chance on skills. heck, ever tried playing sith warrior? you don't get your stun till mid 20 and even than its channeling. You don't have any knock backs at all and your main damage skill relies on your target to stay in one place for 3 seconds, while it channels.


You can simply destroy anyone 10 or more levels below you when you are getting that top tier talents with ridiculous procs and extra effects. Oh look, I got a skill that gives me 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds every 15 seconds, where is your life now?


This is exactly why all games do the bracket system and this is why no bolster buff will ever fix it.


And let me point out that I'm not saying a lvl 15 should be able to kill a lvl 40, that would of been ridiculous. All I want is some kind of even play field. I don't care if I'll have to wait 30 mins to queue, what's the point in instant queues if I get no enjoyment out of the games I play?

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I don't care if I'll have to wait 30 mins to queue, what's the point in instant queues if I get no enjoyment out of the games I play?



Thank you for your well written reply, or shall i say contribution to this thread.

You summed up my feelings to a T.


What's the point rightnow to even queu if you get destroyed in 2-3 hits anyways?

Your making 0 difference vs a 50, and actually are pulling your teams average chance of winning down.


Either lowbies should not be able to pvp (which is ridiculous) or the 50's need their own bracket.


Why lowbies pvp?

Because the moment you get to your fleet you get a quest to go and pvp!


Rightnow it's more like a quest to bring the lambs to the slaughter, lol.

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Personally, I am waiting for many the complainers to leave. Then the PvP forums will be a much more pleasant place to be. If you don't like the current system, feel free to post your complaints and your suggested solutions. I do not agree with a lot of the stuff I see on these forums, but there have been some good ideas and there will be more, even from the most unlikely of sources.


PvP in SWTOR is not optimal, but they are coming out with a patch soon, and I doubt that this patch is going to "fix" everything (or even fix much at all), but I see it as the first step, and the fact that they are addressing some of the problems gives me hope. I will still be here when the 4th and 5th patches come out, and I will just continue along untill it happens.

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Are 50's and only 50's getting there own bracket?

What about 49's,48's even 40's etc, PvP will ramain just as bad as it is now, im sorry but this game for PvP is one of the worst ive played, it really is Rubbish with a capitol R!


PvP just winds me up in this game, just played a game, Sith had more players and were all lvl50, we were dead soon as we jumped down.


Another game saw a 50 hiding and waiting for low levels, called Lone i think, and just kept gimping the same old few low levels. Soon found out thisis all this player called Lone does.


Basically all these 50's have got free top end gear in a way, reset Pvp from scratch and have more level brackerts, if there is a open zone pvp world then thats fine but at the moment this whole PvP system should be shut down removed and a new one in place, its crap plain and simple and im gutted and wont be bothering after my free time is up.


Do something or face FTP next year.


At least for now put a quick line of code in to stop 50's entering, there just after free gear and gimping.


Since they know its soon coming its got worse ingame pvp, they knwo there time is soon coming so they are are gimping and grabbing all these easy free points before its over.


PvP in SWTOR? lol its utter rubbish.

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people will always complain.

next you will want premades to be matched with premades, then gear matching as well.

you want to win every single game, and if you don't, you cry on here.

50's bracket is not going to solve anything

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