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Anyone user Razer Nostromo


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Hi there!


Ive been using Nostromo for about 5 years now. Started when it was still Belkin Nostromo and the old model which was great for gaming. Then Belkin Nostromo n52te came out (now Razer Nostromo) and I bought it the second it went out.


I play all games on it and tbh I cant imagin playing any game without it anymore. It takes a week or two to get used to using Your left thumb quite a lot, but when You get used to it U will immediately find what an advantage it is compared to playin on keyboard. The Joystick is just a miracle.


I can ONLY support Your choice buyin this product. Its pure WIN.



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Hi there!


Ive been using Nostromo for about 5 years now. Started when it was still Belkin Nostromo and the old model which was great for gaming. Then Belkin Nostromo n52te came out (now Razer Nostromo) and I bought it the second it went out.


I play all games on it and tbh I cant imagin playing any game without it anymore. It takes a week or two to get used to using Your left thumb quite a lot, but when You get used to it U will immediately find what an advantage it is compared to playin on keyboard. The Joystick is just a miracle.


I can ONLY support Your choice buyin this product. Its pure WIN.




Thanks for the feedback. Appreciated.

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The N52 is one of the best controllers ever created, I've been using them for many years, they were originally by Belkin.

I have the original N50, 2 N52s and the N52 Tournament edition. I pretty much cant play without it nowadays. It allows you to pop off skills with the speed of thought once you get used to it.

I have a G13 also but the key layout (hand shaped) of the N52 has never been bested.


Highly recommended everyone own one. its an amazing device.



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I went from a nostromo-like game pad to the z board gaming keyboard. Never even thought of going back. 26 x3 buttons at my disposal, fully customizable and such. The buttons are closer together than your normal keyboard so it takes a bit more getting used to but it works so much better than essentially a slightly more optimized 'left side of your keyboard' gamepad.


That being said, a razer nostromo is still better than the default keyboard setup. So going with that will do you good no doubt.

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Hi there!


Ive been using Nostromo for about 5 years now. Started when it was still Belkin Nostromo and the old model which was great for gaming. Then Belkin Nostromo n52te came out (now Razer Nostromo) and I bought it the second it went out.


I play all games on it and tbh I cant imagin playing any game without it anymore. It takes a week or two to get used to using Your left thumb quite a lot, but when You get used to it U will immediately find what an advantage it is compared to playin on keyboard. The Joystick is just a miracle.


I can ONLY support Your choice buyin this product. Its pure WIN.




One more question. Do you use it exclusively? Or do you use it with your mouse?

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The N52 is one of the best controllers ever created, I've been using them for many years, they were originally by Belkin.

I have the original N50, 2 N52s and the N52 Tournament edition. I pretty much cant play without it nowadays. It allows you to pop off skills with the speed of thought once you get used to it.

I have a G13 also but the key layout (hand shaped) of the N52 has never been bested.


Highly recommended everyone own one. its an amazing device.





Thanks for the feedback. I look forward to receving mine. I'm hoping it can completely replace my heyboard so i just use my left hand for the nostromo and my right hand for the mouse to move around.

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One more question. Do you use it exclusively? Or do you use it with your mouse?


I had WoW MMO gaming mouse until now. For about two years I guess. I never wanted Razer Naga, I find way too much keys there to only thumb use. I dont mind using my thumb on Nostromo, but on mouse I can have only like 3-4 abilities bound on thumb to be able to move without constrains.


But the thing with Steelseries is that the chassis is so poor, that the mouse after 2 years of hand sweating looks hidious and I want new one.


BUT having so many customizable buttons on Nostromo and the same on mouse is just pure win. I JUST ordered MadCatz Cyborg R.A.T. 5 mouse and I think it will go with Nostromo amazingly.

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Thanks for the feedback. I look forward to receving mine. I'm hoping it can completely replace my heyboard so i just use my left hand for the nostromo and my right hand for the mouse to move around.


Oh definitely. I dont have to touch keyboard unless I want to type something in chat (which is actually quite often though :p ) so I kinda find myself running around doing nothing on keyboard if im not really fighting so I dont need to switch from nostromo to keyboard every two seconds.


But for fight where it DOES matter I dont touch keyboard once.

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Yea, you will not be disappointed with it.

I personally never use the thumb joystick for movement, I bind keys to it for skills.

I have one hand on the N52 and one on the mouse for movement.

I use the keyboard as little as possible and then its just random things you dont use all the time.

All the 'gotta have right this second skills' go on the N52.



Darth Malek

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Yea, you will not be disappointed with it.

I personally never use the thumb joystick for movement, I bind keys to it for skills.

I have one hand on the N52 and one on the mouse for movement.

I use the keyboard as little as possible and then its just random things you dont use all the time.

All the 'gotta have right this second skills' go on the N52.



Darth Malek


Same here. On the joystick I have 4 most used abilities binded..cause that causes You can have your other 4 fingers on movement keys allowing You to move without crossing your fingers but still attacking easily.

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It works just fine, pair it up with a Naga and life is sweet


This. Between Naga and Nostromo (if you bind them both well) you never have to touch the keyboard aside from typing in chat. If you use vent, and can free up a key on the nostromo, you never even have to do that.

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I love my Nostromo, but haven't been using it yet for SW:TOR.


I've also got the Naga mouse, which I have been using. Overall I'm happy with the Naga, but I know my game will pick up when I switch over to the Nostromo.

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I use the Nostromo and I love it.


A lot of people use the thumbstick to move, but I don't. I use it as hotkeys. Forward is 1, Backward is 3, Down is 2, and Up is 4. Then I can press shift and push all those directions. So the thumbstick becomes 8 hotkeys, then there's all the ones on the keypad itself (4 of which I use for moving in the standard wasd way).


I cannot recommend the Nostromo enough. It absolutely changed my enjoyment of gaming on my PC. I have also tried the Logitech G13, and in my opinion, the Nostromo is ergonomically superior.

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Eh, really no point honestly. My friend has one, and we are both on par with each other when it comes down to it. It's just whatever is more comfortable to you personally, I like just the keyboard + mouse and have never had issues. So it's just a waste of money for me to own one. Edited by MaGicBush
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I use the Nostromo and I love it.


A lot of people use the thumbstick to move, but I don't. I use it as hotkeys. Forward is 1, Backward is 3, Down is 2, and Up is 4. Then I can press shift and push all those directions. So the thumbstick becomes 8 hotkeys, then there's all the ones on the keypad itself (4 of which I use for moving in the standard wasd way).


I cannot recommend the Nostromo enough. It absolutely changed my enjoyment of gaming on my PC. I have also tried the Logitech G13, and in my opinion, the Nostromo is ergonomically superior.


Tried logitech G13 too and I find the Joystick there so bad. I just couldnt play on it Im sorry. And yea ergonomically is Nostromo just amazing.

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To add to this conversation..

I had been looking at the Cyborg R.A.T. 7. for quite some time..


now look what they have..



omg 13 buttons on my mouse... to program for destruction.. along with my N52te

I'm buying one.. anyone have it already?


edit: argh.. coming soon... denied... :(



Darth Malek

Edited by Cobreean
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To add to this conversation..

I had been looking at the Cyborg R.A.T. 7. for quite some time..


now look what they have..



omg 13 buttons on my mouse... to program for destruction.. along with my N52te

I'm buying one.. anyone have it already?


edit: argh.. coming soon... denied... :(



Darth Malek


Its too expensive for me, RAT 5 will do.

But anyway, the MMO7 RAT is already available on Czech market, which is always like the last one who gets it..so it should be def out.

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