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Denying Jedi Knight Sentinels are broken Issue #1


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Oh yeah, ''in the reality sense'' a lightsaber cut the same weither you use more ''power'' with your right hand than your left hand.. its not the ''force'' gained through the speed you've applied to the weapon that matter in the lightsaber case, it's the gosh darn LASER and you could hit slow as hell it should/would do the same damage. Failed logic is fail.


The devs said we should get 5% more damage than other classes as we are pure DPS... I dish out alot of dps I presume, top WZs damage often (watchman tree) and wreck mobs in PVE but I doubt we do that 5% more DPS.


Why is it that my ''POMMEL STRIKE'' hit harder than my LASER from my LIGHTSABER? Talking about ''the reality sense'' this is comepletly non sense. Don't give us that ********.


Sentinels need: 2 HARD CC or 1 to be on par with other classes.


As it is force stasis stun us as we stun the enemy not like the guardians that can spec it and be able to do something else while applying it. Awe is a Jedi Knight (guardian and sent) ability that act like a 6 second ''repentance'' like paladins in WoW but AOE... easily break as we put dots on target in 1v1 and in group pvp AOE are common...

If you ever did PVP, and know *** to do, because I know and the sheet of the WZs do tell it too, well you'll or should agree with me that ''WE'' sentinel and marauders get tossed around as much as the Huttball due to pushbacks and we get stunned for 10 to 12 second before our ''RESOLVE'' bar that make us immune to stun when full, is actually full. Let me tell you that a 12 second in pvp mean DEATH. Trick is if we dont have resolute we're dead unless we succeed to pop our defensive cooldown and if resolute is off cooldown we have to use it on the second stun... The main problem isnt the stun as they are it's the DURATION and they should either reduce the duration of those HARD CC that everyone except us got or make the ''resolve'' thing act less like WAR and more like WoW's diminishing return on stuns.




This game isnt melee friendly, you have to thrive to be at the top as a melee and even more as a sentinel.



okay first of all, this is PVE not PVP so no **** you get tossed around in pvp. wasn't talking about PVP at all, and if youre pommel strike does more then your lightsaber....try uprgrading it...or getting a new one lol


and for your second paragraph i have no idea what you're talking about lol. i get what you're saying but i dont see how it applies to what i was saying at all.

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okay first of all, this is PVE not PVP so no **** you get tossed around in pvp. wasn't talking about PVP at all, and if youre pommel strike does more then your lightsaber....try uprgrading it...or getting a new one lol


Pommel Strike is a Jedi Knight ability. It is an extremely high damage single target attack that can only be used on weak and mobs that are stunned.


Yes. It does more damage than our regular attacks.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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i'm completely against anything to do with WOW. but to provide "hard" evidence, and then say they have average experience, did all this on paper, did not add into the different types of stats/armors/mods/etc just makes the arguement invalid.


there is no core evidance, and i have yet to see this terrible offhand damage, i was under the impression from the last Every game that has dual wielding that the offhand had ****** damage... it's not news and it doesn't break the class.


what breaks the class are its shotty companions, multiple armor bugs plus all the other bugs, uninteresting looking armor, and lack of offensive force powers that make you feel anything less then a jedi.


BUT at the same time everyone needs to seriously QQ and wait it out because its been out a WHOLE MONTH... -.-

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I'm having a very hard time with my sentinel. The nature of an MMO means very long game times to really level another class up to 50 to compare properly, but sentinels as far as i can tell are piss poor at best compared to the other classes.


I am not 100% sure what it is at this point. But great dps they are not.

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I've been playing a few different classes. My sentinel is almost finished compared to the others. The first thing I notice with the others is how easy it is to do way more dps.



A my sage and soldier have no issues destroying people. My sentinel just isn't great for dps. I even went so far as going artiface and have epic mods plus crystals and so on, and I still get creamed. I just gave up and decided to go bio so ic an make all my own stims and see if that makes a difference. I shouldn't have to up my crit and power to out damage folks though.



if a sentinel gets in close, it should rock people.


The problem with most melee classes in this game seems to be the focus. First you hve to get close, then you have to build up your focus, then use an ability. By the time that happens at least in pvp you are already very hurt. The other classes don't have to do that. they have all the nice damage right from the get go and almost never run out of power. I have yet to run out of force with my sage in pvp or pve flashpoints.

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OP, I agree with you....majority of the people posting hate on this don't even play the sent class....im a lvl 50 sent and i feel the pain...I love the combat tree but its sooo broken..animation problems, off hand weapon sucks dick...if you want to do damage in pvp youre forced into focus tree...I agree 100%...we should do more dps because we die a hell of alot easier than an operative.
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thank you...

probably the worst out of every MMO i've played so far...Imo though... seriously? pandas?



are you ******* kidding me?


Aw, come on, you didn't like Kung-Fu Panda?


Posts like this bum me out, because my Knight just hit 10 and I spec'ced...Sentinel, damage. Go figure...

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thank you...


so everyone can stop thinking WoW is the creator of everything in MMO's now please...


probably the worst out of every MMO i've played so far...Imo though... seriously? pandas?



are you ******* kidding me?


Squid aliens in space ships in a fantasy setting > Pandas

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first of all go back a second. why are you comparing a jedi guardian and a sentinel against each other in the first place? the reason the guardian does "more damage is because its not...


you are going against a dps/tank class who wheres heavy armor and has better gear, stuns, taunts, interrupts, and abilities then you do...


second of all, stop comparing sentinels offhand to the "offhand" of a tank class.


"omg i can't do as much DPS with my offhand as that tank guy can with his"=? *** are you talking about? are there shield gens attacking you? no it just gives then stats that make them harder to kill obviously. you aren't doing less DPS you ding dong, they are just taking less damage from you because they OBVIOUSLY have the upper hand in almost every single way possible in this fight.



and news flash, guardians CAN out DPS a sentinel, its not really that hard dude.

terrible comparison with shotty evidence and theories to back them up, all this "on paper" crap is invalid.


i dont see why you're saying this class is broken... they made the class this way... YES on purpose. soo i don't see the arguement other then you hate the way the did this class.


How would come bat log make it any better. The game and player sheet provides your stats for you. Its called not being lazy and do it your self. with the education you would have learned through the past 12 years if you completed school. Fine I'll do the calculations with a calculator.........Oh guess what. IT STILL COMES OUT TO ROUGHLY 30%. Using the high offhand damage. And the lowest mainhand damage comes to around 33-36% I dont understand how you can sit their. Deny obvious percentages a d numbers that closely resemble the output that a sentinel does What class do you even play. Im starting to think you have never even played the class and dont even own the game. Or you only play this class with sucky people or good people around you or just merely posing and saying your accomplishing amazing statistics when another person is. Or simply havent played anyother class. Its more than just watching numbers float by. CLick your character sheet AND IT TELLS YOU THE RANGE YOUR Mainhand(Primary Damage) and Offhand(Secondary) does.


You dont need combat long. Just simple mathmatics that elementry kids can perform. Your losing validity in anything you say and its becoming hard to respect your opinion when your saying "No Combat long no validity" when a combat long is simply a mere ingame calculator.

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I hear they teach you how to spell "log" in elementary school as well. Sorry but it had to be said.


Very sick. I'll save my "how to spell" log for school and business e-mails. Till then. grammar spelling and all that good stuff is on the loaf for a forum

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The base damage of the off hand dual weilding is 30% of main hand

Put 3 points in Off Hand Mastery and its 66% of main hand.


The bigger problem which everyone seems to miss is

The melee accuracy of the Off hand is 50% base

The power Accuracy of the Off hand is 60% base


So your attack with your off hand unless you put points into accuracy is only going to hit 50% of the time. Unless its a power then it hits 60% of the time.


This is more of a problem then the damage percentage.

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Its increasesed by 36%. So what ever the damage the offhand is doing it does 36% more. Which would increase it by that much. far from 66% Top that i have seen was aroun 40 and that was with lopsided gear.


If your Main hand did 500 damage. And your offhand did 66% of that. Your offhand would be busting out aroundv 330 and that is bearly seen unless it crits which isnt a consistent factor

Edited by Csdabest
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Its increasesed by 36%. So what ever the damage the offhand is doing it does 36% more. Which would increase it by that much. far from 66% Top that i have seen was aroun 40 and that was with lopsided gear.


If your Main hand did 500 damage. And your offhand did 66% of that. Your offhand would be busting out aroundv 330 and that is bearly seen unless it crits which isnt a consistent factor


No, it doesn't work that way. It doesn't add damage based on your mainhand damage. If your offhand was doing 100 damage, it will do 220 damage with the talent. It's 36% of base damage.

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No, it doesn't work that way. It doesn't add damage based on your mainhand damage. If your offhand was doing 100 damage, it will do 220 damage with the talent. It's 36% of base damage.


Whats your Equip and Pri and Sec damage range. Most people i ask and talk to. Their Primary doesnt even Touch 50% much less than 66%

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OP knows what he is talking about it.

I am telling the same thing here at forums, but there is just too many players here that dont realize that we can ONLY PLAY AS DPS, so our dps should be higher than other classes.


If you are a good player, but keep seeing other classes do the same damage as you do, but also guard and heal by A LOT, while you can't do that, than there is something wrong with the class.


And that is what i keep seeing. But ofc, we'll be flamed to death.

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No he doesn't, and neither do you honestly.


You don't choose a class to gain an advantage, you play a class to suit your playstyle and to excel based upon your own ability. Even Blizzard divorced this stupid notion of making pure dps classes do more dps, a looooong time ago.

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Lvl 40 Focus Sentinel. Very very happy with my dmg output - compared to my sniper on empire (lvl 41), can't say there is a visible gap in both crits / burst department as well as sustained. I can take 1 elite at my level to 1/2 hp in opener without any trinket / consumables, by simply leaping, zealous strike, force exhaustion and cauterize into force sweep + blade storm. I have 30% crit on force abilities, and 190% crit multiplier, my gear is lagging a bit behind (have to update mods on hoth for most equipment). Since most of my dmg comes from force abilities, I am not getting dodged / deflected / parried, so my dmg is pretty steady unlike watchman and combat who rely more on melee hits to do their dmg (from my understanding watchman uses melee abilities to apply it's dots which then deal elemental / internal / kinetic w/e dmg).
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No he doesn't, and neither do you honestly.


You don't choose a class to gain an advantage, you play a class to suit your playstyle and to excel based upon your own ability. Even Blizzard divorced this stupid notion of making pure dps classes do more dps, a looooong time ago.


And who said anything about advantage?

what we have is disadvantage. The other classes can do everything we can, which is damage, while they can also push, cc, heal, guard, name it?


And you say Blizzard like they were they know everything, well, first news to you. this is SWTOR! and the sentinel in THIS game CANT do anything besides damage, so explain to me how this class can be of any use, if all the other classes can do the same damage while also doing other stuffs?

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And who said anything about advantage?

what we have is disadvantage. The other classes can do everything we can, which is damage, while they can also push, cc, heal, guard, name it?


And you say Blizzard like they were they know everything, well, first news to you. this is SWTOR! and the sentinel in THIS game CANT do anything besides damage, so explain to me how this class can be of any use, if all the other classes can do the same damage while also doing other stuffs?


Transcendence. (Infinite usage as Focus spec, 30% added to speed as Watchman)




6s CD Force Kick (Watchman)

45s CD Pacify (Watchman)

Group heals (Watchman)



Saber Ward.

Force Camouflage (Talented into break snares or 100% damage reduction)

Guarded by the force.


There's more to the game than just Tank/Heals/Damage.

We have the ability to survive a long time timing our CDs, and since all WZ are based on objectives rather than simple slaying, buying that much time with abilities is more than enough for your teammates to come and help. We have the ability to single out healers and destroy them. We can increase the momentum of your whole team using raid wide buffs.

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