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Powertech vs Assassin


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Hi guys,


I am interested in rolling a melee class that can tank in end game PvE and be a proper DPS in PvP. I've heard many good things about both of these classes and recently spent 6 hours PvPing alongside a level 50 PT. He topped the damage meters most rounds and had no problem racking up 10+ medals nearly every match. I believe he was Pyro spec'd for most of it.


I enjoy playing pretty hardcore and want to be a *very* viable class in PvP. I've been playing a Sniper for a while now and while I've learned to be pretty amazing, it's hard to not feel like I'm playing with a sub-par class. Cover just doesn't work in PvP, even without all the bugs.


Do you have any advice for me? What's playing a Powertech like for you? Are you glad you chose it? What classes/situations do you struggle with in the Warzones and why?

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I would be more glad I chose PT if Jet Charge wasn't in the tanking tree.


Kidding aside, it is a solid class and I enjoyed the story. My toolset is adequate and I tend to do very in PvP, even when solo. Pyro has a lot of burst, Adv Proto is adequate, and there are a few interesting talent setups for PvP tanking as well.


I run with an Assassin tank in PvP a fair bit and we both pull in more than our fair share of medals. I think having stealth would make being a full DPS spec either easier or a bit more interesting. Assassins also have an awesome toolset for Huttball, which if your server is anything like mine is most of the PvP you'll be involved in.


They're both probably good choices, but I do admit that I look a lot cooler than he does. Heavy armor, explosions, and a charge with a flame trail trumps the hell out of his skirt and double saber imo. For cryin' out loud give these poor guys some pants!

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I would be more glad I chose PT if Jet Charge wasn't in the tanking tree.


Kidding aside, it is a solid class and I enjoyed the story. My toolset is adequate and I tend to do very in PvP, even when solo. Pyro has a lot of burst, Adv Proto is adequate, and there are a few interesting talent setups for PvP tanking as well.


I run with an Assassin tank in PvP a fair bit and we both pull in more than our fair share of medals. I think having stealth would make being a full DPS spec either easier or a bit more interesting. Assassins also have an awesome toolset for Huttball, which if your server is anything like mine is most of the PvP you'll be involved in.


They're both probably good choices, but I do admit that I look a lot cooler than he does. Heavy armor, explosions, and a charge with a flame trail trumps the hell out of his skirt and double saber imo. For cryin' out loud give these poor guys some pants!


Hey there Sam.


I agree completely about the look. In terms of armour I don't think any class in the game can compete with Bounty Hunters. Especially Imperial Agents... who are pretty lacking.


I would like to ask about your core abilities though. I'm not really that sure on just *what* a Powertech does. What I mean by that is this: An Assassin spends the majority of his time smacking you with his lightsaber while occasionally shooting lightning at you. His a melee class with a little bit of ranged.


What does a PT do for the bulk of his attacks? Shoot Pistols into melee range? Flamethrower all the time? Rockets into melee? These don't seem to make sense.


I don't see many PTs on my server and when they do pop up I'm usually too busy to notice what their doing. Lightsabers are really obvious. Not so with what a Powertech is doing.


Lacking Stealth and the speed that an Assassin gets seems like a pretty big blow against fun. But I check out all the Class forums regularly and honestly there is 100% less QQ here than anywhere else. It always seems like you PTs are having the time of your lives.


I guess I'm just wondering why???

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Hey there Sam.


I agree completely about the look. In terms of armour I don't think any class in the game can compete with Bounty Hunters. Especially Imperial Agents... who are pretty lacking.


I would like to ask about your core abilities though. I'm not really that sure on just *what* a Powertech does. What I mean by that is this: An Assassin spends the majority of his time smacking you with his lightsaber while occasionally shooting lightning at you. His a melee class with a little bit of ranged.


What does a PT do for the bulk of his attacks? Shoot Pistols into melee range? Flamethrower all the time? Rockets into melee? These don't seem to make sense.


I don't see many PTs on my server and when they do pop up I'm usually too busy to notice what their doing. Lightsabers are really obvious. Not so with what a Powertech is doing.


Lacking Stealth and the speed that an Assassin gets seems like a pretty big blow against fun. But I check out all the Class forums regularly and honestly there is 100% less QQ here than anywhere else. It always seems like you PTs are having the time of your lives.


I guess I'm just wondering why???


If you're interested in being a unique little snowflake there are definitely more Assassins than Powertechs on all servers from what I've been reading.


Our free attack is a Pistol shot. It doesn't look too bad at point blank range.


The other attacks are generally Flamethrower based or other gizmos on the left hand gauntlet (Retractable Blade, Explosive Dart, Rail Shot laser thingy). And the occasional good old fashioned jetpack assisted punch to the face.


You likely wont be using your missile blast very often once you pick up your advanced class so the only missile attack PTs generally use is Incendiary Missile if they are invested in the Pyrotech tree. It can be used at melee or up to 30m, but doesn't look so ridiculous because it is less boom and more setting things on fire.


I would like more honest to god melee attacks (punches etc), but the flame thrower effects don't look bad and they give you a slightly more versatile range than the rest of the Melee classes (10m).

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I'm actually leveling an assassin and a powertech side by side because I couldn't choose. I feel assassin is a little closer to my playstyle although I REALLY enjoy that there aren't millions of powertechs around me all the time. As an assassin .. I see double bladed lightsabers everywhere.


I think slightly more work needs to go into powertechs from a dev standpoint as their advanced prototype tree currently isn't worth looking into.

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Fashooba, you mention Assassins are more your play style... and since your the man levelling both at the same time I've got to ask. Is there more to it than that?


Do you feel like one is just much stronger/more well made/better animations/more fun than the other one? I know I know, Lightsabers are everywhere. But that's for a reason.


This is Star Wars and lightsabers are pretty cool. But then again Boba Fett is the original ******.


Hence the thread. It's hard to pick yeah?

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If you want to get 10-12 medals every game and constantly be at the top of the score chart, roll Assassin.


If you want to be actually useful (not just a medal whore) and have more versatility than any other class to the point that you are actually winning the warfronts for your team, roll Powertech and be a Carolina Parakeet.


Jet Charge, Grapple, and your AOE Stun are going to make you MVP, Guard is going to make everyone love you, and Incendiary Missile + Rail Shot/Rock Punch gives you decent dps.

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If you want to get 10-12 medals every game and constantly be at the top of the score chart, roll Assassin.


If you want to be actually useful (not just a medal whore) and have more versatility than any other class to the point that you are actually winning the warfronts for your team, roll Powertech and be a Carolina Parakeet.


Jet Charge, Grapple, and your AOE Stun are going to make you MVP, Guard is going to make everyone love you, and Incendiary Missile + Rail Shot/Rock Punch gives you decent dps.


That medal range is definitely doable as a Parakeet btw.

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Coming from a 50 PT in full champ/rakata gear, Pyrotech spec -


You're basically the slow moving death machine on the field. You can't charge, you don't get speed boosts, you're CCd easier than if you were AP (although AP does so much less damage than Pyro it's widely regarded as currently useless by most lvl 50s), and many of your powerful abilities require being at 10m or melee range to do.


However, when you do get within range of somebody, they drop. Fast. Even tanks, because most of your damage is elemental and your Rail Shot, which crits for about 3.5k unbuffed in my gear, ignores 90% armor as Pyrotech spec. It does not take long for the enemy team to paint as you as the guy to just stay the hell away from and CC as much as possible.


When you group with a healer or a tank who guards you, the destruction you can cause is glorious. I and many other PTs out there have gotten 500k+ damage in WZs, Pyrotech is a pure wrecking ball spec in PvP. Grapple is an I-win button vs anybody who knocks you back or Sages that try to force-speed away. By the way, having a Sage admit defeat and Force Speeding 30 feet away only to be yanked right back and punched in the face is one of the most satisfying feelings ever.

Edited by Mhak
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PT isn't really Melee...


Yeah; it kinda is. Yes, the class has a wonderful variety of ranged attacks; sadly BW decided that every tree needed to have Rocket Punch and or Flame Burst as a linch-pin of the rotation / tree. So yes; you can dps at ranged, but don't fool yourself into thinking that you will be nearly as effective.

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I leveled almost every class sans scoundrel to 20 to get a feel for what I wanted to play. Vanguard/PT is easily my favorite AC. I was able to do 220k in a voidstar as pyro spec at lvl 27 today. I really think having range and almost all the attacks available to the class/spec ignore armor puts them over the top.

My Shadow/assassin looks like its the ultimate late bloomer class with all the powerful damage adds tied into the higher spec talents. The range to melee ratio is basically reversed between the two classes and all the armor is tied into the tank stance leaving them very squishy in pvp damage specs. I'm not the power leveling type so the prospect of hitting 8000 armor Vanguards and Powertechs with weak double strike spam for 40 levels in warzones wasn't an appealing idea to me.

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Yeah; it kinda is. Yes, the class has a wonderful variety of ranged attacks; sadly BW decided that every tree needed to have Rocket Punch and or Flame Burst as a linch-pin of the rotation / tree. So yes; you can dps at ranged, but don't fool yourself into thinking that you will be nearly as effective.


I'm sorry, but 10m is not melee range. The only 2 things I use that require melee range are RP and RB. Use the 10m to it's advantage, and kite those melee people as best you can.

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Powertechs are unstoppable killing machines. The most frustrating classes to face in pvp are geared pts and juggs. If you are deciding between assassin and pt, then it's easy: pt is your class.


Take a look at all the qq posts. The people who aren't complaining are pts, sorcs and IA op.

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Grapple into the acid pit.


Literally nothing beats this, even funnier if you can follow it up with a stun dart.


I've never had so much fun in PvP as I have with my BH and I'm only level 25 so far.


I grappled a ball handler into the fire hazard just as they were leaving the ramp to get to the endzone at one point. It was hilarious.

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Its not that funny in full champ. It ticks for about 650hp for me.

My PT can live throu 3s graple root in flame pit if i blow cds and still have enough hp to score with a bit of luck and carbonize. I can also walk throu flame pit using medkit+kolto+shield still having about 50% hp left.

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IN full champ gear and everyone avoids me in WZ since all I do is troll people.


ie: attacking anyone who attacks me and hunting them the rest of the game :o which makes some people totally avoid me like when they see me they run away to the other side :D that's just how scary Geared PT is.

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To be fair, Assassins can do this too when tank spec.


It's also a lot funnier, and more effective. Pull->Spike. Animation-wise you pull them to you and then shove them face-first into the fire or pool of acid. Even if they trinket, there's an animation where they get up, which gets them killed.

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