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Devs, is it pure coincidence all PVP advantages are for the Empire?


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I am just wondering this out loud.

Be it Mortar Volley, Dirty Kick, Project, Freezing Force, Blade Storm, Flashbang, Sabotage Charge or Alderaan Turrets facing Republic from the start.


I can't help but notice ALL and I mean ALL of these design decisions favour Empire?

Can someone honestly name me even one advantage Republic have?


Can you clarify whether there is some bias involved or if this is all one huge coincidence?

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I have been in two to three warzones where Empire has done the exact same thing and found some way of jumping over the wall before it starts. That has nothing to do with the current issues that are mentioned, which obviously are a huge advantage towards the empire. I really wish I could just say, well it is Bioware's first attempt at an MMO, sorry guys. However there are just too many that beg the question, did they really do this on purpose?


I know many are saying things such as the troll's "cry more", or others saying "how childish are you to accuse Bioware of something such as that." But really...what excuse could they possibly have? Even then any excuse for these development choices are frankly in-excusable given Biowares history of game design/development.


Anyway, in no way should these one sided benefits should have made it into the live game, and then still no sign of patching to come to fix them. I hope that Bioware pays very very close attention to these threads and looks into the issues at hand, and fixes them. I for one, and from what I have noticed so many others, are already thinking of pulling our subscription until the game is more polished and balanced.

Edited by RallyXtreme
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I am just wondering this out loud.

Be it Mortar Volley, Dirty Kick, Project, Freezing Force, Blade Storm, Flashbang, Sabotage Charge or Alderaan Turrets facing Republic from the start.


I can't help but notice ALL and I mean ALL of these design decisions favour Empire?

Can someone honestly name me even one advantage Republic have?


Can you clarify whether there is some bias involved or if this is all one huge coincidence?


Shadows have a few significant instant damages that I've never seen an assassin use. Admittedly it's entirely possible that I've only seen REALLY bad Assassins and the two regular PvPers on my server who are stealth specced, but my point stands.


I'm also sick of seeing people complain about project... when Project does more damage. And Alderaan turrets can face EITHER side from the start - probably an error in coding that causes them to fail to reset; they still take just as long to start firing, the only imp bonus in that respect is a spontaneous extra 5 damage to the republic ship; which has NO impact on the match unless people manage to only take one turret each for the entire match.

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It should be enough for you that you stand for the minority and despite the fact that the dark side is stronger you still choose to do good. That's all about being a jedi. Never watched the movies?


On a side note. I find it kinda interesting that in this game it develops the same as in the original story, that the darkside is much more appealing.

Edited by Gouzukai
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From my experience, the biggest advantage to the Empire is the republic players. When i see people fight miles away from objectives, focusing tanks, ignoring healers, chasing a 15% hp target while an enemy is completing an objective, it really baffles me.


Now I know im no PvP rockstar like some of the republic players ive seen but it seems like more and more those rockstar republicans are in fewer and fewer of my matches.


Was in an Alderaan yesterday, two sages standing right by middle cap point and an agent snuck in behind them and capped the tower. They never even turned around.

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which has NO impact on the match unless people manage to only take one turret each for the entire match.



Are you honestly trying to say, that even though you grabbed 2 out of the 3 points, first or at the same time, that having the first blow has NO effect on the game? You are very mistaken. It is very possible for games to come down to the wire where the 5 points WILL make or break the victory. I have been in many close warzones like this, and it DOES matter. Even then, that is not the point, the point is is that there should be no advantage to EITHER team. But there is for some reason.


Speaking of which side seems more appealing... if any of you read the kotaku blog, or don't know of it, allow me to direct you to this link. This is one of the writers who spent the last month just trying out every class, and on this last week of his 4 weeks of play, admits that he feels that Bioware spent more time developing the Empire side of the game then the Republic. Now this could very well be personal preference of course, however added in with all of the other obvious development choices which point out a bias towards a faction just continues to cast a dark cloud of Bioware's head.



Edited by RallyXtreme
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You know how the classes on both sides have the same abilities and talent trees and all ?


Well for the Jedi consular and Sith inquisitor the top healing tree has an area of effect heal for both. Republic's version starts of with a 1500 insta heal followed by a HoT the Empire version only has the HoT.


Pretty big difference i would say.

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There's no "balance" issues at all in warzones, be it the direction the turrets are facing or what.


The turrets don't start firing until a certain time has passed anyway, regardless of whether the turret was facing towards the empire ship, it wouldn't start firing until a certain amount of time had passed.


The same happens when the turrets facing the republic ship, it kicks off about 2-3 seconds later, which is the time it'd also take for it to turn to face the empire ship.


All in all, the warzones aren't imbalanced, the players in them are.


I've noticed the empire seems heavily favoured towards a PvP populace, where the Republic is played by casuals who don't really understand anything about the games mechanics.

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... After having played republic to level 50, tropper none the less, then switching to bounty hunter, because I found out some friends played on another server.


The few things of faction imbalance that you so prettily mention, does not exist. Both sides has classes whose animations are quicker than the other, try comparing pulse cannon from the trooper to the flamethrower of the BH, the cannon animation and timing is far superior and easier to handle, and thats just one example.


Just because some things have been blown completely out of proportion, does not mean intentional faction imbalance, so stop with the paranoia... I mean really? Alot of concern I can understand, but this one is just down right silly.


They are looking into the animation issue, the rest of it?... Leave the silly conspiracy nonsense where it belongs, on wierd websites where people look way to hard for connections.

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PVP favors the empire. Same I do not see any advantages for the pubs. Empire gets the first fixes or priority over the pubs because of sheer number of pubs vs pires. Also in Ilium sith camp the bases waiting for people to leave. Adding valor to this is only going to create more problems. Instead of base camping for greifing reasons or simply out numbering the republic they will now camp for valor. Its hard enough for everyone in my guild to complete their daily's over there. This will only make it harder. If the numbers were more even this would not be an issue. But that is not the case. Most servers ratio 3 empire to 1 republic. This is just not reasonable at all. They say they have the best pvp teams working on content. How about working on what you released in the first place before adding more to it. Yes even I'm excited to see new things but still fixes on current material for both sides need to happen first. Its great to know that the cannons automatically facing the republic side are low on their priority list in comparison of releasing new content. Its really not that hard to change the starting position of the cannons since the animations already exist. If its not one thing its another. Think I should quit the republic side and go to the empire because its obvious whos favored in this game. Also and last thing that I will note. In every game that the republic starts to win and the empire abandons they get an automatic win. In Alderon (sp?) we have more tickets and 3 cap. They leave and win the warzone when abandoning it. In voidstar we clear all the door exempt of the datacore, they leave and they win again. This really hardly seems fair at all. Edited by Grewvin
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